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Description of CD-ROM Disk File
Gridded Gravity Anomaly Values
of the
Gravity Anomaly Map of North America


The grid values contained in this file were used to produce the Gravity Anomaly Map of North America (The Committee for the Gravity Anomaly Map of North America, 1987, scale 1:5,000,000.) Considerable caution should be exercised when using the 6 km gridded data in regions of sparse data coverage, for example, deep oceanic areas. The spatial distribution of the original data from which the grid was generated is shown on sheet 5 of the published North American Gravity Map. The only exception to be noted is that there are no gridded data values for the landmass of Mexico.

CD-ROM Disk File Format

The data are stored on the CD-ROM disk in an integer format of milligals times ten. The file contains 2,137,850 (1430 x 1495) values. Please NOTE that 2 extra bytes of the “blank” ASCII character (20 Hex) are written at the upper most end of each column. Areas of no data have been assigned values of -9999.

The file of the gridded data consists of two basic parts: (1) a sequence of identification or header bytes followed by (2) a columnar series of 1430 data values (in F5.1 Fortran Format) ending with two blank bytes. A column is defined as a series of data positions that extend in a south to north direction along a common west coordinate. The columns increase in an easterly direction.

The data in this grid are in a Spherical Transverse Mercator projection, the kilometer coordinates of which can be recovered from the indices of a grid point. If IROW and JCOL are the row and column position of a grid point then the abscissa, XKM and ordinate, YKM may be computed in kilometers of the projection as

                 XKM = X0 + ( JCOL - 1 ) * DELTX
                 YKM = Y0 + ( IROW - 1 ) * DELTY 
where X0, Y0, DELTX, and DELTY have the definitions given in the next paragraph describing the header record.

A more complete description of this projection and procedures for transforming these coordinates into latitude and longitude may be found in the users guide for this CD-ROM.

Header Record

The header information sequence is 7152 bytes long. It may be read with the following Fortran “READ”:

              READ(10,100) ID,NCOL,NROW,XO,DELX,YO,DELY 100
              FORMAT (A64, 2I5, 2(F6.0, F2.0), 7062X)
These fields are defined as follows:
  1. ID - 64 alphanumeric characters of identification. The identification is: 6 KM GRIDDED GRAVITY DATA OF NORTH AMERICA, recorded in A64 format.
  2. NCOL - The number of columns of the grid. This value is 1495 and is recorded in I5 format.
  3. NROW - The number of rows of the grid. This value is 1430 and is recorded in I5 format.
  4. XO - The x coordinate of the first column. The value is -4480 and is the distance in kilometers west of the central meridian longitude 100 deg. W. It is recorded in F6.0 format.
  5. DELX - The distance in kilometers between the columns of the grid. This value is recorded in F2.0 format.
  6. YO - The y coordinate of the first row. The value is 700. and is the distance in kilometers north of the equator. It is recorded in F6.0 format.
  7. DELY - The distance in kilometers between the rows of the grid. The value is recorded in F2.0 format.
  8. 7062 blank characters to fill out the record.

Data Records

There are 1495 logical data records following the header record.

The following diagram shows the relationship of the grid elements.

1430 X X X X X
: X X X X X
2 X X X X X
1 .. 1495

Note: A = First column stored on tape.
Z = Last column stored on tape.

The FILE can be read in FORTRAN with the following statements:
100     FORMAT (A64, 2I5, 2(F6.0, F2.0), 7062X
DO 10 I=1,NCOL
READ (10,200) (Z(J),J=1,NROW)
200 FORMAT (1430F5.1,2X)

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