TABLE1.REV -- POLAR HOLES 1970-JULY 1995 TABLE2.REV -- EQUATORIAL HOLES 1970-JULY 1995 TABLE3.REV -- LONG DURATION POLAR HOLES 1970-JULY 1995 TABLE4.REV -- LONG DURATION EQUATORIAL HOLES 1970-JULY 1995 TABLE5 -- ALL HOLES AUGUST 1995 TO PRESENT Revised 26 October 1995 -- new text for data starting August 1995 (TABLE5) SOLAR CORONAL HOLE DATA Antonio Sanchez-Ibarra Centro de Investigacion en Fisica/EOS Universidad de Sonora Hermosillo Sonora, Mexico and Marcela Barraza-Paredes Centro de Investigacion en Astronomia Solar, CIAS Hermosillo Sonora, Mexico Since August 1, 1995, Coronal Holes are measured on a daily basis from images taken from the Soft X-ray Telescope on board the YOHKOH Japanese spacecraft instead of the previous method of reducing the data solely from Kitt Peak Vacuum Telescope He 1083 nm images. Daily YOHKOH Soft X-ray Telescope combined images with a grid overlay are used to determine heliocentric coordinates of coronal holes. A daily synoptic chart is used to help in the identification of both equatorial (isolated) and polar (polar extension) holes. Images are calibrated using as a reference the level of brightness from holes at the poles to identify the lower densities of the corona. Preliminary identification and measurements of positions and extensions of the holes are done daily with the uncertainty level remarked. These data are on-line after 1900 UT daily at our World Wide Web Internet site ( An extended revision is done every month before publishing the data. Identification of the coronal hole's main polarity is made using magnetograms from the National Solar Observatory Kitt Peak Vacuum Telescope. These coronal hole data are still under revision. We are trying to determine how the extended emission of active regions affects the perspective of coronal holes far from the central meridian. Also, comparisons are now made with the identification of coronal holes on Kitt Peak He I 1083 nm images. Continuing with the Catalogue of Coronal Holes 1970-1991 (Report UAG-102), and with the purpose of following the original identification number, an extended section of data based on the analysis of Helium I 1083 nm synoptic charts from the National Solar Observatory's Kitt Peak Vacuum Telescope was added to the original Catalogue. These data cover the years 1991-1995 (Carrington rotations 1850 to 1898) and the identification method, classification, and measuring procedures used are the same as the original Catalogue. These revised archive data are available on-line via ftp anonymous (ftp, cd STP, cd SOLAR_DATA, cd CORONA), or via the Word Wide Web ( SOLAR CORONAL HOLE DATA LEGEND CH: Coronal Hole identification number and type: E=equatorial, P=polar. SHAPE: Polar coronal hole shapes are divided into several classifications: B=booted, C=conic, D=dumbell, E=elongated I=irregular, P=pointed, R=ramified, S=square Equatorial coronal holes are classified as: C=circular, E=elongated, D=elliptic I=irregular, R=ramified UNCERTAINTY: Certainty in measurements: 1=high, 1=medium, 3=poor. REMARKS: C=connected, D=disconnected PI=provisional identification, R=related to (hole identification number)