X R A Y S O L A R F L A R E R E P O R T F O R M A T ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Column Fmt Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 2 I2 Data code; always 31. 3- 5 I3 Station code, 777 for GOES 6- 7 I2 Year 8- 9 I2 Month 10-11 I2 Day 12-13 A2 Asterisks mark record with unconfirmed change. 14-17 I4 Start time. NOTE: If event is correlated to an optical flare in data prior to 1997, the event times are for the optical event. For data after 1996, these event times WILL BE FOR THE XRAY EVENT ONLY. 18 1X 19-22 I4 End time. 23 1X 24-27 I4 Max time. 28 1X 29 A1 N or S for north or south latitude of correlated optical flare, if known. 30-31 I2 Latitude of correlated optical flare, if known. 32 A1 E or W for east or west central meridian distance of correlated optical flare, if known. 33-34 I2 Central meridian distance of correlated optical flare, if known. 35 A1 Optical importance based on flare area = S,1,2 or 3. 36 A1 Optical brightness: F=faint, N=normal, B=bright. 37-59 33X 60 A1 X-ray class: C,M,X code the maximum power of 10 the 1-8 Angstrom flux attains.* 61-63 F3.1 X-ray intensity: a number from 1.0 to 9.9 that multiplies the X-ray class. 64-67 I4 Calcium plage region in which flare occurred. 68-71 A4 Station name abbreviation - GOES. 72 1X 73-80 A8 Remarks: Beginning with January 1997 data, the integrated flux from event start to end will appear here if available (units = J/m*2). 81-85 I5 NOAA/USAF sunspot region number. 86 A1 Blank; may be used to add a letter to a region. 87-88 I2 Central meridian passage year. 89-90 I2 Central meridian passage month. 91-94 F4.1 Central meridian passage day. 95-100 A6 Blank ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * X-ray classes are classified according to the order of magnitude of the peak burst intensity (I) measured at the Earth by satellites in the 0.1 to 0.8 nm band as follows: Class W/m*2 Ergs/cm*2/s B I < 10E-6 I < 10E-3 C 10E-6 <= I < 10E-5 10E-3 <= I < 10E-2 M 10E-5 <= I < 10E-4 10E-2 <= I < 10E-1 X I >=10E-4 I >=10E-1