Catalog details

Ionospheric vertical incidence parameters are listed as the URSI two-digit code (foF2 is 00, M(3000)F2 is 03, etc., see parameter descriptions below).

Daily values are listed as 'd' in the appropriate column for the month: JFMAMJJASOND.

For example, Burmuda has foF2 (00) for October 1989 and November and December 1990 as well as M(3000)F2 (03) for the same period.

STATION NAME     CODE  TIME  LAT LONG  YEAR  ---------  CATALOG  ------------
BERMUDA          BJJ32   0  32.2 295.6 1989 00         d  03         d  04         d  07         d  10         d  16         d  20         d  24         d  30         d  34         d  42         d  51         d  80         d  81         d  
BERMUDA          BJJ32   0  32.2 295.6 1990 00          dd03          dd04          dd07          dd10          dd16          dd20          dd24          dd30          dd34          dd42          dd51          dd80          dd81          dd


F Layer Parameters

Parameter   #   Dimension             Description           

foF2      00   .1   MHz   F2 layer o-mode (ordinary) 
                          critical frequency.
fxF2      01   .1   MHz   F2 layer x-mode (extraordinary) 
                          critical frequency.
fzF2      02   .1   MHz   F2 layer z-mode critical
M3000F2   03   .01        F2 layer M factor (the ratio of
                          the maximum usable frequency
                          divided by the critical
h'F2      04        km    F2 layer o-mode minimum virtual
hpF2      05        km    An estimate of the true height 
                          of the F2 layer (measurement of
                          the ordinary mode virtual height
                          at a frequency of 83.4% of the
h'Ox      06        km    F layer minimum virtual height 
                          of the x-mode trace at a
                          frequency equal to the foF2.
MUF3000F2 07   .1   MHz   F2 layer maximum usable
                          frequency for a 3000km path.
hc        08        km    The height of the maximum  
                          obtained by fitting a
                          theoretical h'F curve for the 
                          parabola of best fit to the
                          observed ordinary mode trace 
                          near foF2 and correcting for
                          under-lying ionization.
qc        09        km    F layer scale height.
foF1      10   .01  MHz   F1 layer o-mode critical
fxF1      11   .01  MHz   F1 layer x-mode critical
M3000F1   13   .01  MHz   F1 layer M factor (see code 03).
h'F1      14        km    F1 layer o-mode minimum virtual
h'F       16        km    F layer o-mode minimum virtual
MUF3000F1 17   .1   MHz   F1 layer maximum usable
                            frequency (see code 07).

E Layer Parameters

Parameter   #   Dimension             Description          

foE       20   .01  MHz   E layer o-mode critical
foE2      22   .01  MHz   E2 layer o-mode critical
                          frequency (when it occurs it is
                          between the normal E and F1
h'E       24        km    E layer o-mode minimum virtual 
h'E2      26        km    E2 layer o-mode minimum virtual
Es Layer Parameters

Parameter   #   Dimension             Description          

foEs      30   .1   MHz   Es layer highest o-mode
                          frequency at which a mainly 
                          continuous Es trace is observed.
fxE       31   .1   MHz   Es layer highest x-mode
                          frequency at which a mainly 
                          continuous Es trace is observed.
fbEs      32   .1   MHz   The blanketing frequency of
                          layer used to derive foEs.
ftEs      33   .1   MHz   Top frequency of the Es trace  
                          (any mode).
h'Es      34        km    The minimum virtual height of
                          the layer used to derive foEs.
Type Es   36              A characterization of the shape  
                          of the Es trace.

Other Parameters                                           

Parameter   #   Dimension             Description          

foF1.5    40   .01  MHz   The o-mode critical frequency of
                          the F1.5 intermediate
                          stratification (between F1 and F2)
fmin      42   .1   MHz   The lowest frequency at which an
                          o-mode echo is observed on the  
M3000F1.5 43   .01  MHz   F1.5 layer M factor (see code 03).
h'F1.5    44        km    F1.5 layer o-mode minimum
                          virtual height.
fm2       47   .1   MHz   The fmin for the second order
                          o-mode trace.
hm        48        km    The height of the maximum
                          electron density of the F2 layer
                          calculated by the Titheridge
fm3       49   .1   MHz   The fmin for the third order
                          o-mode trace.

Spread E/Oblique Parameters

Parameter   #   Dimension             Description          

foI       50   .1   MHz   The highest o-mode frequency of
                          spread F.
fxI       51   .1   MHz   The highest frequency of spread 
                          F traces (any mode).
fmI       52   .1   MHz   The lowest o-mode frequency at
                          which spread traces are observed
                          for the F layer.
M3000I    53   .01  MHz   M Factor deduced from upper    
                          frequency edge of spread traces
                          and  fxI (see code 03).
h'I       54        km    Minimum slant range of the
                          spread F trace.
dfs       57   .1   MHz   Frequency range of the spread. 
N(h) Parameters

Parameter   #   Dimension             Description         

fh'F2     60   .1   MHz   The frequency at which h'F2 is 
fh'F      61   .1   MHz   The frequency at which h'F is  
h'mF1     63        km    The maximum virtual height in
                          the o-mode F1 cusp.
h1        64        km    True height at f1 Titheridge
h2        65        km    True height at f2 Titheridge
h3        66        km    True height at f3 Titheridge
h4        67        km    True height at f4 Titheridge
h5        68        km    True height at f5 Titheridge
H         69        km    Effective scale height at hmF2 
                          Titheridge method.             

REFERENCE:  Definition of Characteristic extracted from
UAG23 (URSI Handbook of Ionogram Interpretation and
Reduction, November, 1972)