Multibeam Report for PASC01WT

Ship Name: Thomas Washington
Chief Scientist: Ryan, W. and Fox, J.
Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory and University of Rhode Island
Source Organization: University of California, Scripps Institution of Oceanography (UC/SIO)
Start Date: 1983-01-05
End Date: 1983-02-01

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Multibeam Bathymetry

Cruise Details

Project: Pascua Expedition
Instrument: SeaBeam

Data Quality

Number of Files: 34
Number of Records: 387191
BATHYMETRY DATA Quantity Percentage
Number of Beams 7356629 100%
Number of Good Beams 5707982 77.59%
Number of Zero Beams 1648638 22.41%
Number of Flagged Beams 9 0.0%

Navigation Totals

Total Time: 652.1848 hours
Total Track Length: 7094.5776 km
Average Speed: 10.878 km/hr (5.8737 knots)

Cruise Bounds

Northern Extent: 31.994915
Southern Extent: 9.415622
Western Extent: -117.15979
Eastern Extent: -103.18891


Minimum Sonar Depth 0 Maximum Sonar Depth 0
Minimum Altitude 0 Maximum Altitude 16417
Minimum Depth 63 Maximum Depth 16929

File Information

Full Resolution Bathymetry as collected (raw): 33

Files File Size Description
PASC01WT.SBM.83feb01 0.81MB SIO merge Sea Beam
PASC01WT.SBM.83jan05 1.28MB SIO merge Sea Beam
PASC01WT.SBM.83jan06 1.05MB SIO merge Sea Beam
PASC01WT.SBM.83jan07 1.14MB SIO merge Sea Beam
PASC01WT.SBM.83jan08 1.37MB SIO merge Sea Beam
PASC01WT.SBM.83jan09 0.79MB SIO merge Sea Beam
PASC01WT.SBM.83jan09.1 473.0KB SIO merge Sea Beam
PASC01WT.SBM.83jan10 1.49MB SIO merge Sea Beam
PASC01WT.SBM.83jan11 1.37MB SIO merge Sea Beam
PASC01WT.SBM.83jan12 1.37MB SIO merge Sea Beam
PASC01WT.SBM.83jan13 1.37MB SIO merge Sea Beam
PASC01WT.SBM.83jan14 46.3KB SIO merge Sea Beam
PASC01WT.SBM.83jan14.1 1.34MB SIO merge Sea Beam
PASC01WT.SBM.83jan15 1.37MB SIO merge Sea Beam
PASC01WT.SBM.83jan16 1.37MB SIO merge Sea Beam
PASC01WT.SBM.83jan17 1.37MB SIO merge Sea Beam
PASC01WT.SBM.83jan18 398.8KB SIO merge Sea Beam
PASC01WT.SBM.83jan18.1 0.95MB SIO merge Sea Beam
PASC01WT.SBM.83jan19 1.36MB SIO merge Sea Beam
PASC01WT.SBM.83jan20 1.37MB SIO merge Sea Beam
PASC01WT.SBM.83jan21 1.33MB SIO merge Sea Beam
PASC01WT.SBM.83jan22 0.67MB SIO merge Sea Beam
PASC01WT.SBM.83jan22.1 0.61MB SIO merge Sea Beam
PASC01WT.SBM.83jan23 1.34MB SIO merge Sea Beam
PASC01WT.SBM.83jan24 1.43MB SIO merge Sea Beam
PASC01WT.SBM.83jan25 1.47MB SIO merge Sea Beam
PASC01WT.SBM.83jan26 0.92MB SIO merge Sea Beam
PASC01WT.SBM.83jan26.1 509.2KB SIO merge Sea Beam
PASC01WT.SBM.83jan27 1.48MB SIO merge Sea Beam
PASC01WT.SBM.83jan28 1.36MB SIO merge Sea Beam
PASC01WT.SBM.83jan29 1.37MB SIO merge Sea Beam
PASC01WT.SBM.83jan30 1.37MB SIO merge Sea Beam
PASC01WT.SBM.83jan31 1.37MB SIO merge Sea Beam

Metadata Files: 1

Files File Size Description
PASC01WT_Multibeam.xml NGDC created ISO metadata