Project: | Transit to Amirante Trench |
Instrument: | Kongsberg EM124 |
All Bathy/Relief | Coastal | DEM Portal | Fishing | Global | Lakes | Multibeam | NOS |
Ship Name: | Pressure Drop |
Chief Scientist: | Bongiovanni, Cassie Caladan Oceanic LLC |
Source Organization: | Caladan Oceanic LLC |
Start Date: | 2020-03-26 |
End Date: | 2020-03-26 |
Multibeam Bathymetry
Project: | Transit to Amirante Trench |
Instrument: | Kongsberg EM124 |
Number of Files: | 37 |
Number of Records: | 16402 |
BATHYMETRY DATA | Quantity | Percentage |
Number of Beams | 8397824 | 100% |
Number of Good Beams | 8106368 | 96.53% |
Number of Zero Beams | 0 | 0% |
Number of Flagged Beams | 291456 | 3.47% |
Total Time: | 12.7632 hours |
Total Track Length: | 220.9496 km |
Average Speed: | 17.311 km/hr (9.3472 knots) |
Northern Extent: | -4.460536 |
Southern Extent: | -5.122392 |
Western Extent: | 53.329647 |
Eastern Extent: | 55.151188 |
Minimum Sonar Depth | 0 | Maximum Sonar Depth | 0 |
Minimum Altitude | 3.92 | Maximum Altitude | 4080.1609 |
Minimum Depth | 468.361 | Maximum Depth | 4124.7539 |
File Information
Files | File Size | Description |
AmiranteTrench_mosaic_50m.tiff.gz | 15.44MB | GeoTIFF survey image |
TransitAmirante_CUBE_40m.bag.gz | 66.39MB | Bathymetric Attributed Grid |
TransitAmirante_CUBE_40m.bag.xml.gz | 16.2KB | Product Specific Metadata |
Transit_Amirante_CUBE_40m.tif.gz | 2.01MB | GeoTIFF survey image | | 13.86MB | xyz grid file provided by the originator |
transit95uncrt.tif.gz | 2.71MB | GeoTIFF survey image |
Files | File Size | Description |
DSSVPD_Amirante_DAPR.pdf | 3.38MB | PDF metadata file |
DSSVPD_Transit_Amirante_DR.pdf | 0.80MB | PDF metadata file |
PD20AT01.txt | 0.9KB | Informal metadata text |
Files | File Size | Description |
qpd_projects.tar.gz | 208.07MB | Ancillary Data Files |
soundspeed_processed.tar.gz | 0.6KB | Ancillary Data Files |