Multibeam Report for PtJoe_CypressPoint

Ship Name: MacGinitie
Chief Scientist: Iampietro, Pat
California State University, Monterey Bay
Source Organization: CSU Monterey Bay Seafloor Mapping Lab (CSUMB/SFML)
Start Date: 2000-06-21
End Date: 2000-06-22

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Multibeam Bathymetry

Cruise Details

Project: California State Mapping Project
Instrument: Reson 8101

Data Quality

Number of Files: 45
Number of Records: 128241
BATHYMETRY DATA Quantity Percentage
Number of Beams 18082575 100%
Number of Good Beams 10481012 57.96%
Number of Zero Beams 789 0.0%
Number of Flagged Beams 7600774 42.03%

Navigation Totals

Total Time: 3.062 hours
Total Track Length: 41.0779 km
Average Speed: 13.415 km/hr (7.2435 knots)

Cruise Bounds

Northern Extent: 36.61901
Southern Extent: 36.57989
Western Extent: -121.98417
Eastern Extent: -121.95667


Minimum Sonar Depth 0 Maximum Sonar Depth 1.3483
Minimum Altitude 0 Maximum Altitude 35.525
Minimum Depth 2.526 Maximum Depth 39.115

File Information

Full Resolution Bathymetry as collected (raw): 27

Files File Size Description
PJ172-1424.XTF.mb84.gz 90.14MB XTF format Reson SeaBat 81XX
PJ172-1445.XTF.mb84.gz 66.19MB XTF format Reson SeaBat 81XX
PJ172-1501.XTF.mb84.gz 94.48MB XTF format Reson SeaBat 81XX
PJ172-1523.XTF.mb84.gz 28.18MB XTF format Reson SeaBat 81XX
PJ172-1530.XTF.mb84.gz 77.17MB XTF format Reson SeaBat 81XX
PJ172-1556.XTF.mb84.gz 57.91MB XTF format Reson SeaBat 81XX
PJ172-1624.XTF.mb84.gz 59.93MB XTF format Reson SeaBat 81XX
PJ172-1644.XTF.mb84.gz 39.04MB XTF format Reson SeaBat 81XX
PJ172-1658.XTF.mb84.gz 33.78MB XTF format Reson SeaBat 81XX
PJ172-1710.XTF.mb84.gz 31.00MB XTF format Reson SeaBat 81XX
PJ172-1725.XTF.mb84.gz 32.31MB XTF format Reson SeaBat 81XX
PJ172-1736.XTF.mb84.gz 26.49MB XTF format Reson SeaBat 81XX
PJ172-1745.XTF.mb84.gz 1.49MB XTF format Reson SeaBat 81XX
PJ172-1747.XTF.mb84.gz 31.29MB XTF format Reson SeaBat 81XX
PJ172-1758.XTF.mb84.gz 27.50MB XTF format Reson SeaBat 81XX
PJ172-1807.XTF.mb84.gz 8.37MB XTF format Reson SeaBat 81XX
PJ172-1810.XTF.mb84.gz 39.08MB XTF format Reson SeaBat 81XX
PJ172-1824.XTF.mb84.gz 17.13MB XTF format Reson SeaBat 81XX
PJ172-1830.XTF.mb84.gz 24.23MB XTF format Reson SeaBat 81XX
PJ172-1836.XTF.mb84.gz 24.93MB XTF format Reson SeaBat 81XX
PJ172-1843.XTF.mb84.gz 30.11MB XTF format Reson SeaBat 81XX
PJ172-1850.XTF.mb84.gz 26.27MB XTF format Reson SeaBat 81XX
PJ172-1857.XTF.mb84.gz 27.82MB XTF format Reson SeaBat 81XX
PJ172-1905.XTF.mb84.gz 13.46MB XTF format Reson SeaBat 81XX
PJ172-1921.XTF.mb84.gz 55.60MB XTF format Reson SeaBat 81XX
PJ172-1939.XTF.mb84.gz 59.15MB XTF format Reson SeaBat 81XX
PJ172-1959.XTF.mb84.gz 53.07MB XTF format Reson SeaBat 81XX

Full Resolution Bathymetry (processed): 14

Files File Size Description
PJ172-1424.gsf.mb121.gz 32.83MB SAIC Generic Sensor Format (GSF)
PJ172-1445.gsf.mb121.gz 24.36MB SAIC Generic Sensor Format (GSF)
PJ172-1501.gsf.mb121.gz 34.92MB SAIC Generic Sensor Format (GSF)
PJ172-1523.gsf.mb121.gz 10.34MB SAIC Generic Sensor Format (GSF)
PJ172-1530.gsf.mb121.gz 26.24MB SAIC Generic Sensor Format (GSF)
PJ172-1556.gsf.mb121.gz 19.93MB SAIC Generic Sensor Format (GSF)
PJ172-1624.gsf.mb121.gz 19.48MB SAIC Generic Sensor Format (GSF)
PJ172-1644.gsf.mb121.gz 12.73MB SAIC Generic Sensor Format (GSF)
PJ172-1658.gsf.mb121.gz 10.99MB SAIC Generic Sensor Format (GSF)
PJ172-1710.gsf.mb121.gz 10.09MB SAIC Generic Sensor Format (GSF)
PJ172-1725.gsf.mb121.gz 10.98MB SAIC Generic Sensor Format (GSF)
PJ172-1736.gsf.mb121.gz 8.98MB SAIC Generic Sensor Format (GSF)
MontPen_BigSur_vesselconfig_caris.tar.gz 13.5KB Caris project data files
PtJoe_CypressPoint_caris.tar.gz 443.50MB Caris project data files

Metadata Files: 1

Files File Size Description
MontereyPen_BigSur_CSMP_Metadata.txt 10.6KB Informal metadata text

Ancillary Files: 3

Files File Size Description
MontPen_BigSur_version1_svp.tar.gz 2.83MB Sound Speed Profiles (SSP or SVP)
MontPen_BigSur__Tides_ancillary.tar.gz 151.4KB Ancillary Data Files
MontPen_BigSur_version2_svp.tar.gz 1.76MB Sound Speed Profiles (SSP or SVP)