Multibeam Report for FSP20220706

Ship Name: Fugro Supporter
Chief Scientist:
Source Organization: Fugro
Start Date: 2022-07-06
End Date: 2022-07-07

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Multibeam Bathymetry

Cruise Details

Project: Seabed_2030
Instrument: Kongsberg EM122

Data Quality

Number of Files: 21
Number of Records: 13057
BATHYMETRY DATA Quantity Percentage
Number of Beams 5640192 100%
Number of Good Beams 5511073 97.71%
Number of Zero Beams 0 0%
Number of Flagged Beams 129119 2.29%

Navigation Totals

Total Time: 14.0872 hours
Total Track Length: 254.018 km
Average Speed: 18.032 km/hr (9.7365 knots)

Cruise Bounds

Northern Extent: 37.994778
Southern Extent: 37.994778
Western Extent: -73.798035
Eastern Extent: 37.994778


Minimum Sonar Depth 4.5291 Maximum Sonar Depth 6.8237
Minimum Altitude 832.0129 Maximum Altitude 2728.6318
Minimum Depth 771.483 Maximum Depth 2834.1257

File Information

Full Resolution Bathymetry as collected (raw): 16

Files File Size Description
0623_20220706_131756_FS_EM122.all.mb58.gz 67.39MB Kongsberg multibeam vendor format
0624_20220706_141758_FS_EM122.all.mb58.gz 68.03MB Kongsberg multibeam vendor format
0625_20220706_151754_FS_EM122.all.mb58.gz 69.53MB Kongsberg multibeam vendor format
0626_20220706_161755_FS_EM122.all.mb58.gz 68.60MB Kongsberg multibeam vendor format
0627_20220706_171755_FS_EM122.all.mb58.gz 67.92MB Kongsberg multibeam vendor format
0628_20220706_181755_FS_EM122.all.mb58.gz 67.91MB Kongsberg multibeam vendor format
0629_20220706_191801_FS_EM122.all.mb58.gz 68.06MB Kongsberg multibeam vendor format
0630_20220706_201758_FS_EM122.all.mb58.gz 68.48MB Kongsberg multibeam vendor format
0631_20220706_211803_FS_EM122.all.mb58.gz 68.71MB Kongsberg multibeam vendor format
0632_20220706_221801_FS_EM122.all.mb58.gz 42.27MB Kongsberg multibeam vendor format
0633_20220706_225438_FS_EM122.all.mb58.gz 87.56MB Kongsberg multibeam vendor format
0634_20220706_235435_FS_EM122.all.mb58.gz 94.24MB Kongsberg multibeam vendor format
0635_20220707_005432_FS_EM122.all.mb58.gz 97.64MB Kongsberg multibeam vendor format
0636_20220707_015435_FS_EM122.all.mb58.gz 101.05MB Kongsberg multibeam vendor format
0637_20220707_025433_FS_EM122.all.mb58.gz 36.94MB Kongsberg multibeam vendor format
0638_20220707_031458_FS_EM122.all.mb58.gz 18.35MB Kongsberg multibeam vendor format

Metadata Files: 5

Files File Size Description
FSP20220706-metadata.json 1.1KB Informal metadata text
bag-info.txt 263 Bytes Informal metadata text
bagit.txt 55 Bytes Informal metadata text
manifest-md5.txt 2.5KB Informal metadata text
tagmanifest-md5.txt 142 Bytes Informal metadata text