Multibeam Report for AT15-24

Ship Name: Atlantis
Chief Scientist: Stone, Marla
Source Organization: Rolling Deck to Repository
Start Date: 2007-09-30
End Date: 2007-10-06

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Multibeam Bathymetry

Cruise Details

Project: Acoustic Tomography/Propagation in Eastern Boundar
Instrument: SeaBeam 2112

Data Quality

Number of Files: 5
Number of Records: 7298
BATHYMETRY DATA Quantity Percentage
Number of Beams 1101998 100%
Number of Good Beams 849442 77.08%
Number of Zero Beams 226480 20.55%
Number of Flagged Beams 26076 2.37%

Navigation Totals

Total Time: 19.5053 hours
Total Track Length: 341.0231 km
Average Speed: 17.484 km/hr (9.4406 knots)

Cruise Bounds

Northern Extent: 43.101963
Southern Extent: 32.106354
Western Extent: -126.910194
Eastern Extent: -124.96421


Minimum Sonar Depth 0 Maximum Sonar Depth 0
Minimum Altitude 35.3 Maximum Altitude 4436.8999
Minimum Depth 35.3 Maximum Depth 5074.5

File Information

Full Resolution Bathymetry as collected (raw): 4

Files File Size Description 14.87MB SeaBeam 2100 series vender format 47.32MB SeaBeam 2100 series vender format 21.97MB SeaBeam 2100 series vender format 13.76MB SeaBeam 2100 series vender format

Metadata Files: 1

Files File Size Description
AT15-24_Multibeam.xml NCEI created ISO metadata