Report for F00872

Report for F00872

Locality: Offshore of Florida
Sublocality: Approaches to Tampa Bay
State(s) or Region(s): Florida

Start Date: 2022-10-02
End Date: 2022-10-04

These data are not to be used for navigation.
For navigation please refer to NOS Nautical Charts.

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Survey Products

Descriptive Report and Metadata Documents

NOAA/NOS Descriptive Report
Products listed in the project descriptive report (DR) may not reflect final products available through NCEI.
F00872_DR.pdf 1.04MB The document may be read using a free Adobe Reader.
F00872_DR.xml 15.5KB Descriptive Report in XML format.
May be opened using a web browser or text viewer.
NOAA/NOS ISO metadata record
F00872 View / Download F00872.xml Usually presented as an XML document, which captures the basic characteristics of HSMDB metadata verified from H10000 (1982) to the present as well as F00200 (1965) to the present.


Survey products may use different units, datums or projections than the associated survey. Please consult product-specific metadata for additional details.
Bathymetric Attributed Grid (BAG) Data
The BAG format is a gridded, multi-dimensional bathymetric data file (see Open Navigation Surface).
Readable with various applications such as the free CARIS Easy View, ESRI ArcGIS or open source GDAL. The BAGXYZ files are ascii representations of the BAG data in XYZ format, but do not include uncertainty.
F00872_MB_4m_MLLW_1of1.bag 2.60MB
Ellipsoid Referenced BAG Files
Ellipsoid referenced Bag files have a vertical datum that may differ materially from the charted datum. Please refer to the file level metadata to ensure proper display.
F00872_MB_4m_Ellipsoid_1of1.bag 2.54MB


F00872_GeoImage.pdf 2.00MB NOAA/NOS Layered GeoSpatial Image PDF File.
Created by NOS to include chart and survey layers in a georeferenced pdf format.
NOAA/NOS sidescan sonar mosaic in TIFF format
F00872_SSSAB_1m_850kHz_1of1.tif 104.07MB NOAA/NOS TIFF sidescan sonar mosaic survey image.
The mosaic may be viewed with a standard image viewer.
NOAA/NOS multibeam acoustic backscatter mosaic in TIFF format
The multibeam acoustic backscatter mosaic is readable with various applications such as the free CARIS Easy View, or ESRI ArcGIS geospatial visualization software.
F00872_MBAB_4m_RVChinook_300kHz_1of1.tif 1.12MB NOAA/NOS TIFF multibeam acoustic backscatter mosaic survey image.

Project Documents

Data Acquisition and Processing Report in PDF format
S-J322-KR-22_DAPR.pdf 19.96MB This document may be read using a free Adobe Reader.

Survey Metadata

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