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International Bathymetric Chart of the Western Indian Ocean

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Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
Resolution EC-XXI.9
International Bathymetric Chart of the Western Indian Ocean (IBCWIO)

The IOC Executive Council,

recalling that the IOC Regional Committee for the Co-operative Investigation in the North and Central Western Indian Ocean recommended, by Decision IOCINCWIO-I.4, that IOC undertake the preparation of an International Bathymetric Chart of the Western Indian Ocean,

Also recalling with appreciation the generous offer of assistance of the Federal Republic of Germany in the preparation of the above-mentioned Bathymetric Chart,

Establishes an Editorial Board for the International Bathymetric Chart of the Western Indian Ocean (IBCWIO), with the Terms of Reference annexed to this Resolution;

Appoints Dr. Werner Bettac of the Federal Republic of Germany as the Chief Editor of the IBCWIO;

Instructs the Secretary to:

(i) invite Member States of the region and other interested Member States to submit the names and curricula vitae of experts to be considered for membership of the Editorial Board;
(ii) appoint the membership of the Editorial Board in consultation with the Chief Editor and the Chairman of the Consultative Group on Ocean Mapping;
(iii) convene the first meeting of the Editorial Board at an early opportunity;

Invites the International Hydrographic Organization to nominate an observer to follow closely the work of the Editorial Board for IBCWIO and to co-ordinate IHO's collaboration with the Board in matters related to the assembly of available bathymetric data and the compilation of material for inclusion in the international series of nautical and bathymetric charts in the area.

Annex to Resolution EC-XXI.9

Terms of Reference for the Editorial Board for the International Bathymetric Chart of the Western Indian Ocean

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