NOAA logo, National Centers for Environmental Information, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NSF logo, National Science Foundation, Division of Ocean Sciences

Core data from the Ocean Drilling Program legs 101-129

leg 113 hole 689A leg 113 hole 689B leg 113 hole 689C leg 113 hole 689D leg 113 hole 690A leg 113 hole 690B leg 113 hole 690C leg 113 hole 691A leg 113 hole 692A leg 113 hole 692B leg 113 hole 693A leg 113 hole 693B leg 113 hole 694A leg 113 hole 694B leg 113 hole 694C leg 113 hole 695A leg 113 hole 696A leg 113 hole 696B leg 113 hole 697A leg 113 hole 697B leg 113 hole 691B leg 113 hole 691C leg 114 hole 698A leg 114 hole 699A leg 114 hole 700A leg 114 hole 700B leg 114 hole 701A leg 114 hole 701B leg 114 hole 701C leg 114 hole 702A leg 114 hole 702B leg 114 hole 703A leg 114 hole 704A leg 114 hole 704B leg 119 hole 736A leg 119 hole 736B leg 119 hole 736C leg 119 hole 737A leg 119 hole 737B leg 119 hole 738A leg 119 hole 738B leg 119 hole 738C leg 119 hole 739A leg 119 hole 739B leg 119 hole 739C leg 119 hole 740A leg 119 hole 740B leg 119 hole 741A leg 119 hole 742A leg 119 hole 743A leg 119 hole 744A leg 119 hole 744B leg 119 hole 744C leg 119 hole 745A leg 119 hole 745B leg 119 hole 746A leg 120 hole 747A leg 120 hole 747B leg 120 hole 747C leg 120 hole 748A leg 120 hole 748B leg 120 hole 748C leg 120 hole 749A leg 120 hole 749B leg 120 hole 749C leg 120 hole 750A leg 120 hole 750B leg 120 hole 751A ODP sites in the Antarctic.

(Holes are sorted by latitude, longitude in the list below.)

740A119-68.76357 76.68188
740B119-68.76357 76.68188
741A119-68.38655 76.38251
742A119-67.55340 75.40902
739A119-67.28520 75.08183
739C119-67.28520 75.08183
739B119-67.28520 75.08183
743A119-66.91641 74.69051
738A119-62.70937 82.78776
738B119-62.70937 82.78776
738C119-62.70937 82.78776
744C119-61.57859 80.59501
744B119-61.57859 80.59501
744A119-61.57859 80.59501
745A119-59.59482 85.85415
745B119-59.59482 85.85415
746A119-59.56871 85.86816
737B119-50.22778 73.03244
737A119-50.22778 73.03244
736C119-49.40282 71.66147
736B119-49.40282 71.66147
736A119-49.40282 71.66147

introduction | data types | geographic areas | legs/sites/holes | sites/holes

Cite as: Ocean Drilling Program (1992): Archive of Historic Core Data from the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Legs 101-129 (Pre-JANUS). National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA. doi:10.7289/V50V89RB

*The current web version of the ODP CD-ROM has been modified to provide access to related resources, and to update links and organizational information.

These Web pages are from the Core Data from the Ocean Drilling Program Legs 101-129 CD-ROM produced in 1992 and modified in 2002 by the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service, National Geophysical Data Center (now part of the National Centers for Environmental Information), and collocated World Data Center for Marine Geology and Geophysics, Boulder (now part of the World Data Service for Geophysics). Data were compiled in cooperation with the U.S. Science Support Program, of the Joint Oceanographic Institutions, Inc. (now the Consortium for Ocean Leadership), and the U.S. National Science Foundation.

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Department of Commerce > NOAA > NESDIS > NCEI > doi:10.7289/V50V89RB