NOAA logo, National Centers for Environmental Information, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NSF logo, National Science Foundation, Division of Ocean Sciences

Core Data from the Deep Sea Drilling Project

Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1440  Age: PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :    0.00    Age: UPPER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   1   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):    1.44    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.44
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     40        25        14       1.49/ 72            123
Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNOFOSSIL MARLY OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :    1.50    Age: UPPER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   1   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):    3.00    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     59         0        41       1.53/ 70            130
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNOFOSSIL MARLY OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :    3.00    Age: UPPER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   1   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):    4.50    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     58         1        41       1.53/ 70            130
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNOFOSSIL MARLY OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :    4.50    Age: UPPER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   1   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):    6.00    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     85         0        15       1.56/ 68            129
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNOFOSSIL MARLY OOZE                                
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 730  Age: PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :    6.00    Age: UPPER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   1   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):    6.73    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.73
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNOFOSSIL MARLY OOZE                                
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 230  Age: PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :    6.83    Age: UPPER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   1   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):    7.06    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.23
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     45         0        55           /                  
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNOFOSSIL MARLY OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1240  Age: PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :    7.00    Age: UPPER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   2   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):    8.24    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.24
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     70         0        30       1.56/ 68            104
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : MARLY FORAM NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1240/1500  Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :    8.24    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   2   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):    8.50    Age: 
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.26
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.58/ 67             23
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 840  Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :    8.50    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   2   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):    9.34    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.84
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.59/ 66             71
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :  840/1500  Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :    9.34    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   2   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   10.00    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.66
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0       100       1.51/ 71             58
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY FORAM NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 960  Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   10.00    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   2   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   10.96    Age: 
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.96
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.59/ 66             81
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY FORAM NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :  960/1500  Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   10.96    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   2   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   11.50    Age: 
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.54
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.64/ 63             47
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 560  Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   11.50    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   2   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   12.06    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.56
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.63/ 64             46
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :  560/1070  Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   12.06    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   2   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   12.57    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.51
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.66/ 62             44
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY FORAM NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1070/1500  Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   12.57    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   2   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   13.00    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.43
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.61/ 65             38
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY FORAM NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   13.00    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   2   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   14.50    Age: 
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.62/ 64            128
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY FORAM NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1110  Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   14.50    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   2   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   15.61    Age: 
Sect:  6    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.11
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.52/ 70             93
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY FORAM NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1110/1500  Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   15.61    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   2   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   16.00    Age: 
Sect:  6    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.39
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.62/ 65             34
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 190  Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   16.00    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   2   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   16.19    Age: 
Sect:  7    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.19
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                      
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :  100/ 280  Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   16.36    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   2   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   16.54    Age: 
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.18
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                      
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   16.60    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   3   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   18.10    Age: 
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     57         0        43       1.57/ 67            128
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 600  Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   18.10    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   3   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   18.70    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.60
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.60/ 66             50
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                      
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :  600/ 930  Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   18.70    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   3   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   19.03    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.33
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.63/ 64             29
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :  930/1340  Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   19.03    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   3   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   19.44    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.41
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.63/ 64             36
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY FORAM NANNO OOZE                                      
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1340/1500  Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   19.44    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   3   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   19.60    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.16
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.65/ 63             14
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 750  Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   19.60    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   3   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   20.35    Age: 
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.75
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.61/ 65             62
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY FORAM NANNO OOZE                                      
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :  750/1500  Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   20.35    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   3   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   21.10    Age: 
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.75
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     80         0        20       1.65/ 63             66
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : NANNO OOZE                                                  
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1160  Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   21.10    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   3   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   22.26    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.16
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.62/ 65             99
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY FORAM NANNO OOZE                                      
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1160/1500  Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   22.26    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   3   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   22.60    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.34
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.65/ 63             30
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNO OOZE                                                  
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 530  Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   22.60    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   3   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   23.13    Age: 
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.53
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.65/ 62             44
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNO OOZE                                                  
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :  530/1380  Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   23.13    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   3   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   23.98    Age: 
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.85
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.62/ 65             74
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY FORAM NANNO OOZE                                      
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1380/1500  Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   23.98    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   3   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   24.10    Age: 
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.12
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.63/ 64             11
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 150  Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   24.10    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   3   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   24.25    Age: 
Sect:  6    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.15
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.65/ 63             10
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :  150/ 740  Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   24.25    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   3   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   24.84    Age: 
Sect:  6    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.59
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.61/ 65             51
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY FORAM NANNO OOZE                                      
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :  740/1100  Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   24.84    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   3   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   25.20    Age: 
Sect:  6    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.36
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.64/ 63             32
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNO FOSSIL OOZE                                           
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1100/1500  Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   25.20    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   3   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   25.60    Age: 
Sect:  6    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.40
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.61/ 65             35
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY FORAM NANNO OOZE                                      
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 190  Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   25.60    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   3   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   25.79    Age: 
Sect:  7    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.19
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY FORAM NANNO OOZE                                      
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 220  Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   25.89    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   3   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   26.11    Age: 
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.22
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNO OOZE                                                  
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   26.20    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   4   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   27.70    Age: 
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.61/ 65            127
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO MARLY OOZE                                      
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   27.70    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   4   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   29.20    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     78         2        21       1.59/ 66            129
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO MARLY OOZE                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   29.20    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   4   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   30.70    Age: 
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     88         0        12       1.58/ 67            128
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO MARLY OOZE                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   30.70    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   4   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   32.20    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     79         0        21       1.66/ 62            130
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO MARLY OOZE                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   32.20    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   4   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   33.70    Age: 
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.65/ 63            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO MARLY OOZE                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   33.70    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   4   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   35.20    Age: 
Sect:  6    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.68/ 61            128
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO MARLY OOZE                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 380  Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   35.20    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   4   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   35.58    Age: 
Sect:  7    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.38
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO MARLY OOZE                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 290  Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   35.68    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   4   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   35.97    Age: 
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.29
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO MARLY OOZE                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   35.80    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   5   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   37.30    Age: 
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     82         2        17       1.64/ 63            129
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO MARLY OOZE                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: CENOZOIC
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   37.30    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   5   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   38.80    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     72         0        28       1.66/ 62            129
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO MARLY OOZE                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: CENOZOIC
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   38.80    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   5   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   40.30    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO MARLY OOZE                                      
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: CENOZOIC
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   40.30    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   5   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   41.80    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     56         1        43       1.67/ 62            128
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO MARLY OOZE                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: CENOZOIC
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   41.80    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   5   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   43.30    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     80         0        20       1.70/ 60            128
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : FORAMINIFERA RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                          
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: CENOZOIC
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   43.30    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   5   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   44.80    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Sect:  6    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     64         3        34       1.68/ 61            129
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 200  Age: CENOZOIC
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   44.80    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   5   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   45.00    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Sect:  7    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.20
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 260  Age: CENOZOIC
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   45.11    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   5   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   45.37    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.26
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: CENOZOIC
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   45.40    Age: LOWER PLEISTOCENE
Core:   6   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   46.90    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     84         0        16       1.70/ 59            125
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   46.90    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:   6   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   48.40    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     71         1        29       1.73/ 58            129
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   48.40    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:   6   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   49.90    Age: 
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     81         0        19       1.73/ 58            128
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   49.90    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:   6   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   51.40    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   51.40    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:   6   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   52.90    Age: 
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   52.90    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:   6   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   54.40    Age: 
Sect:  6    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     84         0        16           /                  
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 150  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   54.40    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:   6   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   54.55    Age: 
Sect:  7    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.15
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 160  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   54.65    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:   6   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   54.81    Age: 
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.16
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   55.00    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:   7   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   56.50    Age: 
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.64/ 63            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 410  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   56.50    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:   7   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   56.91    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.41
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.66/ 62             34
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :  410/1240  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   56.91    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:   7   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   57.74    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.83
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     89         0        12       1.59/ 67             72
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : FORAMINIFERA RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                          
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1240/1500  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   57.74    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:   7   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   58.00    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.26
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.68/ 61             23
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   58.00    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:   7   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   59.50    Age: 
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.69/ 60            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   59.50    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:   7   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   61.00    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.66/ 62            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   61.00    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:   7   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   62.50    Age: 
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     81         1        19           /                  
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   62.50    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:   7   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   64.00    Age: 
Sect:  6    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     84         1        16       1.68/ 61            128
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : FORAMINIFERA RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                          
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 260  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   64.10    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:   7   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   64.36    Age: 
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.26
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1460  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   64.60    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:   8   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   66.06    Age: 
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.46
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     81         0        19       1.65/ 63            119
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   66.10    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:   8   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   67.60    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.69/ 60            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   67.60    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:   8   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   69.10    Age: 
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.74/ 57            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   69.10    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:   8   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   70.60    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     96         0         4       1.72/ 59            130
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   70.60    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:   8   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   72.10    Age: 
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     93         0         7       1.72/ 59            129
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : FORAMINIFERA RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                          
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 570  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   72.10    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:   8   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   72.67    Age: 
Sect:  6    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.57
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 260  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   72.78    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:   8   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   73.04    Age: 
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.26
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1480  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   74.20    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:   9   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   75.68    Age: 
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.48
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     80         0        20       1.68/ 61            127
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   75.70    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:   9   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   77.20    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.69/ 60            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   77.20    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:   9   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   78.70    Age: 
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     79         0        21       1.68/ 61            130
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   78.70    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:   9   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   80.20    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     50        35        21       1.69/ 60            129
Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   80.20    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:   9   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   81.70    Age: 
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     50        35        21           /                  
Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 340  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   81.70    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:   9   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   82.04    Age: 
Sect:  6    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.34
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     50        35        21       1.69/ 60             27
Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 140  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   82.14    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:   9   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   82.28    Age: 
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.14
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     50        35        21           /                  
Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   83.80    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:  10   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   85.30    Age: 
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     50        35        21       1.63/ 64            128
Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   85.30    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:  10   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   86.80    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     50        35        21       1.71/ 59            129
Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   86.80    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:  10   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   88.30    Age: 
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0        81        19       1.68/ 61            129
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : DIATOM RICH RADIOLARIA OOZE                                 
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   88.30    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:  10   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   89.80    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     50        35        19       1.70/ 60            129
Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   89.80    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:  10   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   91.30    Age: 
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     50        35        19       1.71/ 59            129
Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   91.30    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:  10   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   92.80    Age: 
Sect:  6    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     50        35        19       1.71/ 59            123
Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 230  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   92.80    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:  10   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   93.03    Age: 
Sect:  7    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.23
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     50        35        19           /                  
Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 130  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   93.13    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:  10   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   93.26    Age: 
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.13
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     50        35        19           /                  
Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   93.40    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:  11   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   94.90    Age: 
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     85         0        15       1.70/ 60            130
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL FORAM OOZE                                      
Screen Lith    : FORAMINIFERA RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                          
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   94.90    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:  11   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   96.40    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     93         0         0       1.70/ 60            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL FORAM OOZE                                      
Screen Lith    : FORAMINIFERA RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                          
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   96.40    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:  11   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   97.90    Age: 
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.71/ 59            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL FORAM OOZE                                      
Screen Lith    : FORAMINIFERA RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                          
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   97.90    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:  11   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):   99.40    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL FORAM OOZE                                      
Screen Lith    : FORAMINIFERA RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                          
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :   99.40    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:  11   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  100.90    Age: 
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     72         0        28       1.72/ 58            129
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL FORAM OOZE                                      
Screen Lith    : FORAMINIFERA RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                          
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1360  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  100.90    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:  11   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  102.26    Age: 
Sect:  6    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.36
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.70/ 59            105
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL FORAM OOZE                                      
Screen Lith    : FORAMINIFERA RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                          
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 210  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  102.36    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:  11   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  102.57    Age: 
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.21
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL FORAM OOZE                                      
Screen Lith    : FORAMINIFERA RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                          
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  103.00    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:  12   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  104.50    Age: 
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.69/ 61            130
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL FORAM OOZE                                      
Screen Lith    : FORAMINIFERA RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                          
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  104.50    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:  12   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  106.00    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     95         0         0       1.71/ 59            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL FORAM OOZE                                      
Screen Lith    : FORAMINIFERA RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                          
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  106.00    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:  12   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  107.50    Age: 
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     90         0        10       1.73/ 58            129
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL FORAM OOZE                                      
Screen Lith    : FORAMINIFERA RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                          
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  107.50    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:  12   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  109.00    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.71/ 59            130
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL FORAM OOZE                                      
Screen Lith    : FORAMINIFERA RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                          
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  109.00    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:  12   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  110.50    Age: 
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.76/ 56            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL FORAM OOZE                                      
Screen Lith    : FORAMINIFERA RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                          
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1360  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  110.50    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:  12   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  111.86    Age: 
Sect:  6    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.36
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.75/ 57            106
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL FORAM OOZE                                      
Screen Lith    : FORAMINIFERA RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                          
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 200  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  111.96    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:  12   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  112.16    Age: 
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.20
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL FORAM OOZE                                      
Screen Lith    : FORAMINIFERA RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                          
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1460  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  112.60    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:  13   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  114.06    Age: 
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.46
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                      
Screen Lith    : FORAMINIFERA RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                          
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1420  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  114.10    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:  13   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  115.52    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.42
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     86         0        14       1.73/ 58            123
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                      
Screen Lith    : FORAMINIFERA RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                          
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  115.60    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:  13   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  117.10    Age: 
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     69         0        31       1.73/ 58            129
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                      
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  117.10    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:  13   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  118.60    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.74/ 57            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                      
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  118.60    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:  13   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  120.10    Age: 
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.75/ 56            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1160  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  120.10    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:  13   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  121.26    Age: 
Sect:  6    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.16
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.77/ 55             71
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 150  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  121.37    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:  13   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  121.52    Age: 
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.15
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  122.20    Age: UPPER PLIOCENE
Core:  14   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  123.70    Age: 
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.70/ 60            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: LOWER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  123.70    Age: LOWER PLIOCENE
Core:  14   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  125.20    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     96         0         4       1.79/ 55            130
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: LOWER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  125.20    Age: LOWER PLIOCENE
Core:  14   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  126.70    Age: 
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.78/ 55            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: LOWER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  126.70    Age: LOWER PLIOCENE
Core:  14   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  128.20    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: LOWER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  128.20    Age: LOWER PLIOCENE
Core:  14   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  129.70    Age: 
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.77/ 56            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 640  Age: LOWER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  129.70    Age: LOWER PLIOCENE
Core:  14   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  130.34    Age: 
Sect:  6    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.64
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 180  Age: LOWER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  130.44    Age: LOWER PLIOCENE
Core:  14   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  130.62    Age: 
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.18
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: LOWER PLIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  131.80    Age: LOWER PLIOCENE
Core:  15   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  133.30    Age: 
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     74         0        26           /                  
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: NEOGENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  133.30    Age: LOWER PLIOCENE
Core:  15   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  134.80    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: NEOGENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  134.80    Age: LOWER PLIOCENE
Core:  15   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  136.30    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: NEOGENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  136.30    Age: LOWER PLIOCENE
Core:  15   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  137.80    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: NEOGENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  137.80    Age: LOWER PLIOCENE
Core:  15   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  139.30    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1370  Age: NEOGENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  139.30    Age: LOWER PLIOCENE
Core:  15   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  140.67    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Sect:  6    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.37
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 220  Age: NEOGENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  140.83    Age: LOWER PLIOCENE
Core:  15   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  141.05    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.22
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1320  Age: NEOGENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  141.40    Age: LOWER PLIOCENE
Core:  16   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  142.72    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.32
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: NEOGENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  142.90    Age: LOWER PLIOCENE
Core:  16   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  144.40    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: NEOGENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  144.40    Age: LOWER PLIOCENE
Core:  16   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  145.90    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     96         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: NEOGENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  145.90    Age: LOWER PLIOCENE
Core:  16   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  147.40    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     75         0        25           /                  
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: NEOGENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  147.40    Age: LOWER PLIOCENE
Core:  16   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  148.90    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: NEOGENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  148.90    Age: LOWER PLIOCENE
Core:  16   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  150.40    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Sect:  6    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 350  Age: NEOGENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  150.40    Age: LOWER PLIOCENE
Core:  16   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  150.75    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Sect:  7    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.35
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :   90/ 260  Age: NEOGENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  150.85    Age: LOWER PLIOCENE
Core:  16   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  151.02    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.17
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: NEOGENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  151.00    Age: LOWER PLIOCENE
Core:  17   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  152.50    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: NEOGENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  152.50    Age: LOWER PLIOCENE
Core:  17   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  154.00    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: NEOGENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  154.00    Age: LOWER PLIOCENE
Core:  17   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  155.50    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 830  Age: NEOGENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  155.50    Age: LOWER PLIOCENE
Core:  17   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  156.33    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.83
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :   80/ 270  Age: NEOGENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  156.41    Age: LOWER PLIOCENE
Core:  17   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  156.60    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.19
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: NEOGENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  156.50    Age: LOWER PLIOCENE
Core:  18   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  158.00    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  158.00    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Core:  18   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  159.50    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  159.50    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Core:  18   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  161.00    Age: 
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  161.00    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Core:  18   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  162.50    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     95         0         5           /                  
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1380  Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  162.50    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Core:  18   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  163.88    Age: 
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.38
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.78/ 55            105
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 670  Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  164.00    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Core:  18   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  164.67    Age: 
Sect:  6    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.67
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 250  Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  164.77    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Core:  18   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  165.02    Age: 
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.25
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  166.10    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Core:  19   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  167.60    Age: 
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.79/ 55            130
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  167.60    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Core:  19   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  169.10    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.77/ 56            130
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  169.10    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Core:  19   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  170.60    Age: 
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.78/ 55            131
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  170.60    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Core:  19   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  172.10    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.78/ 55            128
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1440  Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  172.10    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Core:  19   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  173.54    Age: 
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.44
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.74/ 58            120
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 490  Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  173.60    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Core:  19   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  174.09    Age: 
Sect:  6    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.49
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 260  Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  174.19    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Core:  19   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  174.45    Age: 
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.26
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  175.70    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Core:  20   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  177.20    Age: 
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.60/ 65            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  177.20    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Core:  20   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  178.70    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.73/ 58            130
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  178.70    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Core:  20   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  180.20    Age: 
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     93         0         7       1.73/ 58            129
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  180.20    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Core:  20   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  181.70    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.74/ 57            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1400  Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  181.70    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Core:  20   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  183.10    Age: 
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.40
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.74/ 57            111
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  183.20    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Core:  20   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  184.70    Age: 
Sect:  6    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.73/ 58            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 110  Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  184.70    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Core:  20   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  184.81    Age: 
Sect:  7    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.11
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 260  Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  184.92    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Core:  20   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  185.18    Age: 
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.26
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  185.30    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Core:  21   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  186.80    Age: 
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     84         0        16       1.76/ 56            128
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  186.80    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Core:  21   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  188.30    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.79/ 54            128
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  188.30    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Core:  21   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  189.80    Age: 
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.78/ 55            130
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  189.80    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Core:  21   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  191.30    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.83/ 52            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1090  Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  191.30    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Core:  21   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  192.39    Age: 
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.09
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.77/ 56             60
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 130  Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  192.50    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Core:  21   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  192.63    Age: 
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.13
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 130  Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  194.90    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Core:  22   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  195.03    Age: 
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.13
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.56/ 68              7
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  196.40    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Core:  22   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  197.90    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.75/ 57            130
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE/CHALK                                      
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  197.90    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Core:  22   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  199.40    Age: 
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.76/ 56            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE/CHALK                                      
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  199.40    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Core:  22   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  200.90    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.75/ 57            130
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE/CHALK                                      
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  200.90    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Core:  22   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  202.40    Age: 
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.76/ 56            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE/CHALK                                      
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 440  Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  202.40    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Core:  22   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  202.84    Age: 
Sect:  6    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.44
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     92         0         8           /                  
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE/CHALK                                      
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 270  Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  202.94    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Core:  22   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  203.21    Age: 
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.27
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO OOZE/CHALK                                      
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1430  Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  204.50    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Core:  23   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  205.93    Age: 
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.43
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.72/ 58            123
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  206.00    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Core:  23   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  207.50    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.74/ 57            128
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  207.50    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Core:  23   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  209.00    Age: 
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     64         0        36       1.73/ 58            129
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  209.00    Age: UPPER MIOCENE
Core:  23   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  210.50    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.73/ 58            131
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  210.50    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  23   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  212.00    Age: 
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.72/ 59            124
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  212.00    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  23   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  213.50    Age: 
Sect:  6    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.72/ 59            128
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 520  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  213.50    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  23   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  214.02    Age: 
Sect:  7    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.52
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 280  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  214.12    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  23   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  214.40    Age: 
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.28
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1450  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  214.10    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  24   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  215.55    Age: 
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.45
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     93         0         7       1.68/ 61            124
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  215.60    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  24   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  217.10    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.72/ 59            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  217.10    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  24   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  218.60    Age: 
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.71/ 59            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  218.60    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  24   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  220.10    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.69/ 60            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1380  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  220.10    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  24   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  221.48    Age: 
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.38
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  221.60    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  24   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  223.10    Age: 
Sect:  6    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.69/ 60            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE                                            
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 320  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  223.10    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  24   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  223.42    Age: 
Sect:  7    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.32
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 260  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  223.52    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  24   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  223.78    Age: 
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.26
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  223.70    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  25   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  225.20    Age: 
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.69/ 61            128
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  225.20    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  25   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  226.70    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.72/ 59            128
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  226.70    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  25   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  228.20    Age: 
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.70/ 60            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  228.20    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  25   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  229.70    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.71/ 59            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1400  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  229.70    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  25   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  231.10    Age: 
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.40
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.69/ 60            115
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  231.20    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  25   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  232.70    Age: 
Sect:  6    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.70/ 60            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 420  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  232.70    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  25   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  233.12    Age: 
Sect:  7    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.42
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 280  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  233.23    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  25   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  233.51    Age: 
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.28
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1460  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  233.30    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  26   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  234.76    Age: 
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.46
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.63/ 64            124
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  234.80    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  26   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  236.30    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.66/ 62            130
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS OOZE.                                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  236.30    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  26   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  237.80    Age: 
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     80         0        20       1.69/ 60            129
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                               
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  237.80    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  26   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  239.30    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.70/ 60            128
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CHALK.                                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  239.30    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  26   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  240.80    Age: 
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.68/ 61            125
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CHALK.                                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 300  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  240.80    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  26   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  241.10    Age: 
Sect:  6    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.30
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CHALK.                                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 250  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  241.20    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  26   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  241.45    Age: 
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.25
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CHALK.                                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  242.90    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  27   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  244.40    Age: 
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     90         0        10           /                  
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  244.40    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  27   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  245.90    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     93         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  245.90    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  27   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  247.40    Age: 
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  247.40    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  27   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  248.90    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1440  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  248.90    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  27   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  250.34    Age: 
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.44
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  250.40    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  27   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  251.90    Age: 
Sect:  6    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 350  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  251.90    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  27   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  252.25    Age: 
Sect:  7    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.35
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 270  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  252.36    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  27   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  252.63    Age: 
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.27
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  252.50    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  28   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  254.00    Age: 
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.63/ 64            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  254.00    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  28   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  255.50    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.65/ 63            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  255.50    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  28   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  257.00    Age: 
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.66/ 62            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  257.00    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  28   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  258.50    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     75         1        24       1.71/ 59            129
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  258.50    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  28   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  260.00    Age: 
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.72/ 59            119
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1060  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  260.00    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  28   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  261.06    Age: 
Sect:  6    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.06
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.72/ 59             54
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 260  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  261.16    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  28   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  261.42    Age: 
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.26
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  262.10    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  29   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  263.60    Age: 
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     95         0         0       1.71/ 59            128
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  263.60    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  29   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  265.10    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.76/ 56            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  265.10    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  29   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  266.60    Age: 
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.70/ 60            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  266.60    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  29   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  268.10    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.69/ 60            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1390  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  268.10    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  29   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  269.49    Age: 
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.39
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.70/ 60            110
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1340  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  269.60    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  29   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  270.94    Age: 
Sect:  6    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.34
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.71/ 59            102
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 260  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  271.04    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  29   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  271.30    Age: 
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.26
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  271.70    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  30   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  273.20    Age: 
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.66/ 62            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  273.20    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  30   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  274.70    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     76         0        24       1.70/ 59            129
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1450  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  274.70    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  30   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  276.15    Age: 
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.45
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.69/ 60            125
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  276.20    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  30   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  277.70    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.68/ 61            125
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1370  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  277.70    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  30   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  279.07    Age: 
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.37
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.67/ 62            107
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 250  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  279.17    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  30   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  279.42    Age: 
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.25
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  281.30    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  31   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  282.80    Age: 
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     92         0         8           /                  
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  282.80    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  31   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  284.30    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.69/ 61            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  284.30    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  31   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  285.80    Age: 
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.69/ 61            128
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  285.80    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  31   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  287.30    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.73/ 58            128
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1420  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  287.30    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  31   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  288.72    Age: 
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.42
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.71/ 59            117
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1410  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  288.80    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  31   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  290.21    Age: 
Sect:  6    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.41
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.75/ 57            116
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 250  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  290.31    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  31   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  290.56    Age: 
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.25
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  290.90    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  32   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  292.40    Age: 
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     90         0        10       1.68/ 61            129
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  292.40    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  32   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  293.90    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.72/ 59            130
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  293.90    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  32   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  295.40    Age: 
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.69/ 60            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  295.40    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  32   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  296.90    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     91         1         9       1.71/ 59            130
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1370  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  296.90    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  32   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  298.27    Age: 
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.37
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.74/ 57            108
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : CHALK.                                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 430  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  298.40    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  32   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  298.83    Age: 
Sect:  6    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.43
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : CHALK.                                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 270  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  298.93    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  32   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  299.20    Age: 
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.27
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : CHALK.                                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1490  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  300.50    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  33   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  301.99    Age: 
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.49
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     74         0        26       1.72/ 58            127
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  302.00    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  33   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  303.50    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.72/ 59            128
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : CHALK.                                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 380  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  303.50    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  33   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  303.88    Age: 
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.38
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : CHALK.                                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 270  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  303.98    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  33   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  304.25    Age: 
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.27
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : CHALK.                                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  310.10    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  34   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  311.60    Age: 
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     86         0        14       1.55/ 69            127
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                               
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  311.60    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  34   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  313.10    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.49/ 73            128
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                               
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  313.10    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  34   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  314.60    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.54/ 69            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                               
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  314.60    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  34   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  316.10    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.57/ 67            128
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                               
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1440  Age: MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  316.10    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  34   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  317.54    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.44
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.54/ 70            119
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                               
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1270  Age: MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  317.60    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  34   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  318.87    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Sect:  6    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.27
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.53/ 70             89
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                               
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 130  Age: MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  318.98    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  34   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  319.11    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.13
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                               
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  319.70    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  35   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  321.20    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.60/ 65            126
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                               
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  321.20    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  35   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  322.70    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                               
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  322.70    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  35   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  324.20    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     69         0        31       1.70/ 60            129
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                               
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  324.20    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  35   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  325.70    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.74/ 57            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                               
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  325.70    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  35   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  327.20    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.75/ 57            124
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                               
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1240  Age: MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  327.20    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  35   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  328.44    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Sect:  6    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.24
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.80/ 54             85
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                               
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 260  Age: MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  328.54    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  35   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  328.80    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.26
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                               
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  329.30    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  36   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  330.80    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.62/ 65            125
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                               
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  330.80    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  36   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  332.30    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     69         0        31       1.66/ 62            129
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                               
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  332.30    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  36   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  333.80    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     88         0        12       1.74/ 57            128
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : FORAMINIFERA RICH NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                         
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  333.80    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  36   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  335.30    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.75/ 57            127
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CHALK.                                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  335.30    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  36   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  336.80    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.76/ 56            119
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CHALK.                                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 500  Age: MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  336.80    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  36   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  337.30    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Sect:  6    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CHALK.                                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 330  Age: MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  337.40    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  36   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  337.73    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.33
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CHALK.                                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  338.90    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  37   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  340.40    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.63/ 64            127
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CHALK.                                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  340.40    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  37   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  341.90    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     79         0        21       1.58/ 67            129
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  341.90    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  37   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  343.40    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.63/ 64            128
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  343.40    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  37   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  344.90    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.78/ 55            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1400  Age: MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  344.90    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  37   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  346.30    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.40
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.79/ 54            114
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  346.40    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  37   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  347.90    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Sect:  6    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.83/ 52            127
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 280  Age: MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  348.00    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  37   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  348.28    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.28
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  348.50    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  38   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  350.00    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     83         0        17       1.69/ 60            130
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  350.00    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  38   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  351.50    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.68/ 61            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : CHALK.                                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  351.50    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  38   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  353.00    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.66/ 62            128
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : CHALK.                                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  353.00    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  38   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  354.50    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : CHALK.                                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  354.50    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  38   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  356.00    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.77/ 55            123
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : CHALK.                                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1220  Age: MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  356.00    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  38   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  357.22    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Sect:  6    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.22
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.77/ 56             81
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : CHALK.                                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 330  Age: MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  357.33    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  38   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  357.66    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.33
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : CHALK.                                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  358.10    Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE
Core:  39   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  359.60    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.76/ 56            126
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : CHALK.                                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  359.60    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  39   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  361.10    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.83/ 52            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : CHALK.                                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  361.10    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  39   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  362.60    Age: 
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     91         0         0       1.85/ 51            124
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : CHALK.                                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1400  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  362.60    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  39   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  364.00    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.40
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     93         0         7       1.90/ 48            111
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  367.70    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  40   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  369.20    Age: 
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.61/ 65            128
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 820  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  369.20    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  40   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  370.02    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.82
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.71/ 59             69
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :  820/1500  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  370.02    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  40   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  370.70    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.68
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.81/ 53             60
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : CHALKY CONGLOMERATE                                         
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  370.70    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  40   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  372.20    Age: 
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     71         0        29       1.79/ 54            128
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : CHALKY CONGLOMERATE                                         
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 630  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  372.20    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  40   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  372.83    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.63
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.81/ 53             53
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : CHALKY CONGLOMERATE                                         
Screen Lith    : CHALK.                                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :  630/1400  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  372.83    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  40   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  373.60    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.77
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.80/ 53             67
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CHALK.                                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1400/1500  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  373.60    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  40   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  373.70    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.10
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.73/ 58              9
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : CHALKY CONGLOMERATE                                         
Screen Lith    : CHALK.                                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/  40  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  373.70    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  40   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  373.74    Age: 
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.04
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : CHALKY CONGLOMERATE                                         
Screen Lith    : CHALK.                                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :   40/1350  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  373.74    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  40   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  375.05    Age: 
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.31
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.80/ 54            106
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CHALK.                                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1350/1400  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  375.05    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  40   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  375.10    Age: 
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.05
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.82/ 52              4
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : CHALKY CONGLOMERATE                                         
Screen Lith    : CHALK.                                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/  90  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  375.20    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  40   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  375.29    Age: 
Sect:  6    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.09
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : CHALKY CONGLOMERATE                                         
Screen Lith    : CHALK.                                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :   90/ 760  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  375.29    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  40   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  375.96    Age: 
Sect:  6    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.67
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CHALK.                                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 260  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  376.06    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  40   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  376.32    Age: 
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.26
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CHALK.                                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  377.30    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  41   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  378.80    Age: 
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.83/ 52            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CHALK.                                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  378.80    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  41   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  380.30    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.83/ 52            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CHALK.                                                      
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  380.30    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  41   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  381.80    Age: 
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     81         0        19       1.77/ 55            128
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                               
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  381.80    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  41   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  383.30    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.86/ 50            131
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1390  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  383.30    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  41   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  384.69    Age: 
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.39
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     47         0        53       1.91/ 47            110
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                         
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  384.80    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  41   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  386.30    Age: 
Sect:  6    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.77/ 55            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                         
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 610  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  386.30    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  41   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  386.91    Age: 
Sect:  7    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.61
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                         
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 340  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  387.01    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  41   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  387.35    Age: 
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.34
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                         
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  386.90    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  42   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  388.40    Age: 
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     53         0        47       1.61/ 65            128
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                         
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  388.40    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  42   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  389.90    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.66/ 62            128
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  389.90    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  42   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  391.40    Age: 
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.54/ 69            128
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  391.40    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  42   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  392.90    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1040  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  392.90    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  42   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  393.94    Age: 
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.04
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.91/ 47             48
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 290  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  394.04    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  42   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  394.33    Age: 
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.29
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  396.50    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  43   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  398.00    Age: 
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.64/ 63            129
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  398.00    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  43   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  399.50    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.50/ 71            128
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  399.50    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  43   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  401.00    Age: 
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     82         0         0       1.55/ 69            127
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  401.00    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  43   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  402.50    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.77/ 56            123
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1220  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  402.50    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  43   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  403.72    Age: 
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.22
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0       1.78/ 55             79
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 260  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  403.82    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  43   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  404.08    Age: 
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.26
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  406.10    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  44   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  407.60    Age: 
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  407.60    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  44   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  409.10    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  409.10    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  44   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  410.60    Age: 
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 690  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  410.60    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  44   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  411.29    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.69
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 320  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  411.42    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  44   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  411.74    Age: 
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.32
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  415.70    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  45   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  417.20    Age: 
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  417.20    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  45   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  418.70    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  418.70    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  45   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  420.20    Age: 
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  420.20    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  45   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  421.70    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     78         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  421.70    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  45   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  423.20    Age: 
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  423.20    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  45   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  424.70    Age: 
Sect:  6    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 150  Age: TERTIARY
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  424.70    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  45   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  424.85    Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Sect:  7    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.15
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 280  Age: TERTIARY
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  424.96    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  45   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  425.24    Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.28
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: TERTIARY
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  425.30    Age: LOWER MIOCENE
Core:  46   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  426.80    Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     84         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  426.80    Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Core:  46   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  428.30    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  428.30    Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Core:  46   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  429.80    Age: 
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 990  Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  429.80    Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Core:  46   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  430.79    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.99
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 260  Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  430.89    Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Core:  46   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  431.15    Age: 
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.26
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  444.50    Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Core:  48   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  446.00    Age: 
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     83         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  446.00    Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Core:  48   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  447.50    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  447.50    Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Core:  48   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  449.00    Age: 
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  449.00    Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Core:  48   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  450.50    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  450.50    Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Core:  48   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  452.00    Age: 
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  452.00    Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Core:  48   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  453.50    Age: 
Sect:  6    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 330  Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  453.50    Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Core:  48   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  453.83    Age: 
Sect:  7    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.33
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 290  Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  453.94    Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Core:  48   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  454.23    Age: 
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.29
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1480  Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  454.10    Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Core:  49   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  455.58    Age: 
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.48
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 550  Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  455.60    Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Core:  49   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  456.15    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.55
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :  550/ 650  Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  456.15    Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Core:  49   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  456.25    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.10
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNOFOSSIL CONGLOMERATE                              
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :  650/1340  Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  456.25    Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Core:  49   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  456.94    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.69
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNOFOSSIL CONGLOMERATE                              
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1340/1500  Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  456.94    Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Core:  49   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  457.10    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.16
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     65         0        35           /                  
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CLAY MINERAL RICH NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                         
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  457.10    Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Core:  49   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  458.60    Age: 
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     75         0        25           /                  
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1060  Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  458.60    Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Core:  49   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  459.66    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.06
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     65         0        36           /                  
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : QUARTZ RICH NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                               
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 260  Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  459.76    Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Core:  49   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  460.02    Age: 
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.26
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                     
Screen Lith    : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT.                                        
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  461.70    Age: UPPER OLIGOCENE
Core:  50   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  463.20    Age: 
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     54         0        46           /                  
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : GLASS RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                          
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER EOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  463.20    Age: UPPER EOCENE
Core:  50   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  464.70    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     18         0        83           /                  
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : GLASS RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH MUD                            
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER EOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  464.70    Age: UPPER EOCENE
Core:  50   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  466.20    Age: 
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     50        35        83           /                  
Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding.
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 320  Age: UPPER EOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  466.20    Age: UPPER EOCENE
Core:  50   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  466.52    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.32
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     50        35        83           /                  
Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding.
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 230  Age: UPPER EOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  467.40    Age: UPPER EOCENE
Core:  51   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  467.63    Age: 
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.23
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     50        35        83           /                  
Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding.
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER EOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  473.30    Age: UPPER EOCENE
Core:  52   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  474.80    Age: 
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     50        35        83           /                  
Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding.
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER EOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  474.80    Age: UPPER EOCENE
Core:  52   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  476.30    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     50        35        83           /                  
Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding.
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 550  Age: UPPER EOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  476.30    Age: UPPER EOCENE
Core:  52   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  476.85    Age: 
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.55
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     50        35        83           /                  
Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding.
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER EOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  477.80    Age: UPPER EOCENE
Core:  52   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  479.30    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     50        35        83           /                  
Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding.
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER EOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  482.90    Age: UPPER EOCENE
Core:  53   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  484.40    Age: 
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     54         0        46           /                  
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 790  Age: UPPER EOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  484.40    Age: UPPER EOCENE
Core:  53   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  485.19    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.79
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : MARLY CHALK.                                                
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: UPPER EOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  492.50    Age: UPPER EOCENE
Core:  54   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  494.00    Age: 
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     48         0        52           /                  
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : FELDSPAR RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                       
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE EOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  494.00    Age: MIDDLE EOCENE
Core:  54   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  495.50    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
      0         0         0           /                  
Processing Hist: 
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : FELDSPAR RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                       
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1430  Age: MIDDLE EOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  495.50    Age: MIDDLE EOCENE
Core:  54   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  496.93    Age: 
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.43
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     49         0        51           /                  
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : FELDSPAR RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                       
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE EOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  497.00    Age: MIDDLE EOCENE
Core:  54   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  498.50    Age: 
Sect:  4    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     31         0        69           /                  
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 550  Age: MIDDLE EOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  498.50    Age: MIDDLE EOCENE
Core:  54   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  499.05    Age: 
Sect:  5    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.55
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     39         0        61           /                  
Processing Hist: Classification was successful.
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/  70  Age: MIDDLE EOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  502.20    Age: MIDDLE EOCENE
Core:  55   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  502.27    Age: 
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.07
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     50        35        61           /                  
Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding.
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 200  Age: MIDDLE EOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  507.80    Age: MIDDLE EOCENE
Core:  56   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  508.00    Age: 
Sect: CC    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.20
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     50        35        61           /                  
Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding.
Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE EOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  511.70    Age: MIDDLE EOCENE
Core:  57   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  513.20    Age: 
Sect:  1    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     50        35        61           /                  
Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding.
Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS MUDSTONE                                         
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/1500  Age: MIDDLE EOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  513.20    Age: MIDDLE EOCENE
Core:  57   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  514.70    Age: 
Sect:  2    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    1.50
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     50        35        61           /                  
Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding.
Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS MUDSTONE                                         
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           
Leg : 94    Top/Bottom Interval(mm) :    0/ 740  Age: MIDDLE EOCENE
Hole: 608   Depth Top of Layer(m)   :  514.70    Age: MIDDLE EOCENE
Core:  57   Depth Bottom of Layer(m):  515.44    Age: 
Sect:  3    Thickness of Layer(m)   :    0.74
       Average Percent          G.R.A.P.E. Avg   # G.R.A.P.E.
Calcareous Siliceous Detrital  Density/Porosity   meas Avg'd
========== ========= ========  ================  ============
     50        35        61           /                  
Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding.
Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS MUDSTONE                                         
Screen Lith    : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK                                           


Cite as: Deep Sea Drilling Project (1989): Archive of Core and Site/Hole Data and Photographs from the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP). National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA. doi:10.7289/V54M92G2 [access date]

These Web pages are from the Core Data from the Deep Sea Drilling Project Legs 1-96 CD-ROM produced in 1989 and modified in 2000 by the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service, National Geophysical Data Center (now part of the National Centers for Environmental Information), and collocated World Data Center for Marine Geology and Geophysics, Boulder (now part of the World Data Service for Geophysics). Data were compiled in cooperation with the U.S. Science Support Program, of the Joint Oceanographic Institutions, Inc. (now the Consortium for Ocean Leadership), and the U.S. National Science Foundation.

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Department of Commerce > NOAA > NESDIS > NCEI > doi:10.7289/V54M92G2