leg site hole core section top interval depth(cm) bottom interval depth(cm) top of core depth(m) sample midpoint depth(m) analyst volume chapters piece number analytical methods alteration rock type rock name SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 FeO(total) Fe2O3(total) FeO MgO CaO Na2O K2O TiO2 MnO P2O5 LOI H20+ H2O- CO2 SO3 S total magnesium number analytical info. data source comments 82 558 27 3 46.0 48.0 405.00 408.47 Puchelt,H. 82 Appendix VI 6 XRF WET SLIGHTLY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 49.32 14.56 4.74 5.32 10.16 10.84 2.48 0.38 1.20 0.16 0.13 1.20 0.21 -0.010 100.70 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. INITIAL REPORTS INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 27 3 69.0 72.0 405.00 408.71 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 7 XRF WET MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 49.90 14.40 3.73 5.86 9.45 10.48 2.16 0.29 1.22 0.15 0.13 1.35 0.04 99.15 0.675 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Values for iron partitioning (Fe+++/Fe++) AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 27 3 74.0 77.0 405.00 408.76 Bougault,H. 82 Appendix VI 8 XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 50.23 13.98 10.82 9.78 10.46 1.89 0.18 1.21 0.16 0.14 0.87 99.72 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Shipboard analysis. AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 27 3 92.0 95.0 405.00 408.94 Weaver,B. 82 Appendix VI 9 XRF SLIGHTLY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 49.58 14.43 10.41 9.38 10.35 2.27 0.39 1.22 0.15 0.13 2.11 100.42 0.67 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 27 3 112.0 114.0 405.00 409.13 Drake,N. 82 Appendix VI 11A XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 50.60 14.64 10.32 9.29 9.53 10.62 2.21 0.26 1.25 0.15 0.15 99.72 0.67 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 27 3 116.0 118.0 405.00 409.17 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 11B XRF WET MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 49.10 14.20 4.69 5.46 10.58 10.65 2.17 0.34 1.22 0.16 0.13 0.97 0.50 100.19 0.689 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Values for iron partitioning (Fe+++/Fe++) AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 28 1 38.0 41.0 414.50 414.90 Weaver,B. 82 Appendix VI 3 XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 49.86 15.01 10.10 8.01 11.85 2.15 0.31 1.08 0.15 0.11 1.60 100.23 0.64 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 28 1 46.0 47.0 414.50 414.97 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 4 ELECTRON MICROPROBE MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS BASALT GLASS 51.80 15.20 9.14 8.44 12.00 2.34 0.07 1.08 0.15 100.22 0.654 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTSAPHYRIC BASALT 82 558 28 1 55.0 58.0 414.50 415.07 Drake,N. 82 Appendix VI 5 XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 51.09 15.82 8.80 7.92 8.26 12.40 2.15 0.17 1.16 0.16 0.12 100.14 0.67 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 28 1 79.0 81.0 414.50 415.30 Weaver,B. 82 Appendix VI 8 XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 49.49 15.14 9.85 7.51 12.03 2.24 0.29 1.08 0.15 0.10 2.39 100.27 0.63 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 28 1 91.0 94.0 414.50 415.43 Bougault,H. 82 Appendix VI 9 XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 50.46 15.00 10.12 7.44 12.16 1.76 0.21 1.11 0.15 0.12 0.97 99.50 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Shipboard analysis. AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 28 2 6.0 8.0 414.50 416.07 Puchelt,H. 82 Appendix VI 1 XRF WET MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 49.57 15.42 4.62 5.20 7.31 12.86 2.39 0.34 1.16 0.15 0.10 0.96 0.54 -0.010 100.62 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. INITIAL REPORTS INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 28 2 52.0 55.0 414.50 416.54 Weaver,B. 82 Appendix VI 7 XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 49.60 15.14 10.42 7.91 12.16 2.15 0.25 1.09 0.16 0.11 1.49 100.48 0.63 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 28 2 80.0 83.0 414.50 416.82 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 10 XRF WET MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYSIC BASALT 50.00 15.00 4.80 5.36 7.87 11.69 2.01 0.35 1.12 0.17 0.09 0.45 0.08 98.97 0.622 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Values for iron partitioning (Fe+++/Fe++) AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 28 2 100.0 102.0 414.50 417.01 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 12 XRF WET MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 50.40 15.40 4.69 4.56 8.17 12.23 2.07 0.21 1.14 0.16 0.10 0.49 0.20 99.78 0.653 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Values for iron partitioning (Fe+++/Fe++) AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 28 2 121.0 125.0 414.50 417.23 Bougault,H. 82 Appendix VI 15 XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 50.67 15.05 9.42 8.17 12.16 1.70 0.11 1.12 0.16 0.13 0.65 99.34 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Shipboard analysis. AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 28 3 36.0 38.0 414.50 417.87 Weaver,B. 82 Appendix VI 4 XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 50.20 15.05 9.52 7.43 11.76 2.21 0.24 1.08 0.15 0.10 2.35 100.09 0.64 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 28 3 60.0 64.0 414.50 418.12 Bougault,H. 82 Appendix VI 7 XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC TO OL SPARSELY PHYRIC BASALT 50.07 14.87 10.43 7.27 12.05 1.82 0.21 1.10 0.15 0.10 1.09 99.16 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Shipboard analysis. AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 28 3 118.0 120.0 414.50 418.69 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 19 XRF WET MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 49.90 15.10 3.66 6.06 7.86 11.89 1.96 0.22 1.10 0.16 0.10 0.99 0.10 99.12 0.630 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Values for iron partitioning (Fe+++/Fe++) AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 29 1 63.0 65.0 423.50 424.14 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 5B XRF WET MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 50.80 14.70 2.10 7.54 8.79 11.10 2.21 0.33 1.42 0.17 0.19 0.60 0.08 100.02 0.653 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Values for iron partitioning (Fe+++/Fe++) INITIAL REPORTS Sample was analyzed more than once. Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 29 1 63.0 65.0 423.50 424.14 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 5B ELECTRON MICROPROBE SLIGHTLY ALTERED IGNEOUS BASALT GLASS 51.80 15.02 9.07 8.57 11.11 2.41 0.32 1.06 0.19 99.54 0.660 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Sample was analyzed more than once. Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTSAPHYRIC BASALT 82 558 29 1 99.0 101.0 423.50 424.50 Weaver,B. 82 Appendix VI 7B XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 49.58 14.63 9.40 7.78 10.97 2.39 0.47 1.37 0.13 0.19 3.64 100.55 0.65 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 29 1 120.0 125.0 423.50 424.73 Bougault,H. 82 Appendix VI 7D XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 51.23 14.49 9.94 7.54 11.21 2.01 0.42 1.40 0.14 0.19 1.80 100.37 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Shipboard analysis. AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 29 2 6.0 8.0 423.50 425.07 Puchelt,H. 82 Appendix VI 2 XRF WET MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 50.02 14.77 2.17 7.53 8.62 11.65 2.30 0.38 1.38 0.16 0.18 0.89 0.59 0.1020 100.64 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. INITIAL REPORTS INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 29 2 110.0 113.0 423.50 426.12 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 16A XRF WET MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 49.80 14.50 2.72 6.92 8.63 11.16 2.17 0.36 1.40 0.17 0.18 0.79 0.21 99.03 0.651 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Values for iron partitioning (Fe+++/Fe++) AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 29 3 110.0 112.0 423.50 427.61 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 11 XRF WET MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 50.40 14.80 2.72 6.87 8.51 11.26 2.23 0.36 1.44 0.16 0.18 0.86 0.18 100.01 0.649 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Values for iron partitioning (Fe+++/Fe++) AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 29 4 71.0 76.0 423.50 428.74 Bougault,H. 82 Appendix VI 6 XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 50.01 14.58 10.19 7.94 11.33 1.95 0.38 1.39 0.15 0.21 1.70 99.83 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Shipboard analysis. AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 29 4 83.0 85.0 423.50 428.84 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 6 XRF WET MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 48.20 14.30 5.50 4.52 7.64 11.82 2.12 0.65 1.35 0.14 0.18 1.81 0.86 99.06 0.620 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Values for iron partitioning (Fe+++/Fe++) AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 30 1 60.0 64.0 432.50 433.12 Bougault,H. 82 Appendix VI 8A XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 50.24 14.32 10.46 8.65 11.29 1.85 0.26 1.39 0.18 0.18 0.12 98.94 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Shipboard analysis. AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 30 1 95.0 97.0 432.50 433.46 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 9C XRF WET MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 48.80 14.80 3.69 6.05 8.10 11.24 2.27 0.43 1.44 0.16 0.18 1.16 0.45 98.73 0.636 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Values for iron partitioning (Fe+++/Fe++) AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 30 1 115.0 118.0 432.50 433.67 Drake,N. 82 Appendix VI 9E XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 50.32 15.16 10.46 9.41 8.17 11.58 2.30 0.46 1.45 0.15 0.21 100.27 0.63 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 30 3 12.0 14.0 432.50 435.63 Weaver,B. 82 Appendix VI 2 XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS GLASS/CALCITE BRECCIA 49.21 14.65 9.94 7.90 10.94 2.35 0.49 1.38 0.14 0.19 3.14 100.33 0.64 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTSAPHYRIC PILLOW BASALT GLASS 82 558 30 3 94.0 96.0 432.50 436.45 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 10B XRF WET MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 49.90 14.80 4.77 4.43 7.95 11.11 2.36 0.44 1.44 0.15 0.19 1.16 0.07 98.73 0.648 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Values for iron partitioning (Fe+++/Fe++) AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 30 3 99.0 103.0 432.50 436.51 Bougault,H. 82 Appendix VI 10B XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 49.46 14.60 10.18 8.17 11.41 2.08 0.33 1.41 0.15 0.19 1.63 99.61 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Shipboard analysis. AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 30 4 2.0 4.0 432.50 437.03 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 1 XRF WET SLIGHTLY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 50.40 14.50 4.03 5.69 8.83 11.28 2.28 0.31 1.42 0.16 0.18 0.63 0.39 100.10 0.657 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Values for iron partitioning (Fe+++/Fe++) AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 30 4 7.0 9.0 432.50 437.08 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 2 ELECTRON MICROPROBE SLIGHTLY ALTERED IGNEOUS BASALT GLASS 51.20 14.84 8.99 8.99 11.11 2.51 0.31 1.39 0.14 99.08 0.672 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTSAPHYRIC BASALT 82 558 30 4 41.0 43.0 432.50 437.42 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 4B XRF WET SLIGHTLY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 49.40 14.50 5.15 4.45 8.54 10.98 2.31 0.36 1.42 0.15 0.19 1.11 0.07 98.64 0.655 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Values for iron partitioning (Fe+++/Fe++) AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 30 4 55.0 59.0 432.50 437.57 Bougault,H. 82 Appendix VI 4C XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 50.83 14.56 9.92 7.67 11.33 1.99 0.23 1.40 0.14 0.20 1.44 99.71 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Shipboard analysis. AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 31 1 62.0 64.0 441.50 442.13 Bougault,H. 82 Appendix VI 5C XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 50.35 14.40 10.29 8.20 11.21 2.08 0.29 1.37 0.15 0.19 1.40 99.93 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Shipboard analysis. AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 31 1 79.0 82.0 441.50 442.31 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 50 XRF WET MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 48.90 14.20 4.85 4.78 8.27 11.36 2.17 0.45 1.34 0.14 0.18 1.81 0.61 99.09 0.647 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Values for iron partitioning (Fe+++/Fe++) AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 31 1 86.0 89.0 441.50 442.38 Weaver,B. 82 Appendix VI 5D XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 50.10 14.75 9.33 7.78 11.11 2.36 0.29 1.38 0.14 0.19 3.02 100.45 0.65 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 31 1 118.0 120.0 441.50 442.69 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 6 XRF WET MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 50.20 14.50 2.28 7.31 8.73 11.06 2.18 0.33 1.41 0.17 0.18 0.68 0.14 99.18 0.654 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Values for iron partitioning (Fe+++/Fe++) INITIAL REPORTS Sample was analyzed more than once. Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 31 1 118.0 120.0 441.50 442.69 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 6 ELECTRON MICROPROBE SLIGHTLY ALTERED IGNEOUS BASALT GLASS 51.70 14.91 9.12 8.67 11.18 2.57 0.32 1.42 0.17 100.07 0.661 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Sample was analyzed more than once. Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTSAPHYRIC BASALT 82 558 31 2 128.0 130.0 441.50 444.29 Bougault,H. 82 Appendix VI 9 XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 50.61 14.45 10.08 8.41 11.29 2.04 0.28 1.39 0.15 0.19 1.29 100.18 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Shipboard analysis. AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 32 1 41.0 44.0 450.50 450.93 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 4 XRF WET SLIGHTLY ALTERED IGNEOUS APYRIC BASALT 50.80 14.70 2.08 7.51 8.87 11.07 2.29 0.31 1.43 0.17 0.19 0.63 0.08 100.09 0.657 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Values for iron partitioning (Fe+++/Fe++) INITIAL REPORTS Sample was analyzed more than once. Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 32 1 41.0 44.0 450.50 450.93 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 4 ELECTRON MICROPROBE MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS BASALT GLASS 51.90 14.93 9.04 8.66 11.07 2.60 0.31 1.37 0.14 99.98 0.663 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Sample was analyzed more than once. Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTSAPHYRIC BASALT 82 558 32 1 106.0 110.0 450.50 451.58 Bougault,H. 82 Appendix VI 8A XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 49.52 14.52 10.12 8.35 11.55 2.17 0.34 1.40 0.15 0.19 1.60 99.91 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Shipboard analysis. AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 32 1 115.0 117.0 450.50 451.66 Weaver,B. 82 Appendix VI 8B XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 48.41 14.78 9.74 7.85 11.30 2.35 0.39 1.38 0.14 0.20 3.60 100.14 0.64 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 32 1 123.0 125.0 450.50 451.74 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 8B XRF WET MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 48.60 14.80 4.77 4.91 7.79 11.69 2.27 0.39 1.42 0.14 0.20 1.65 0.65 99.32 0.631 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Values for iron partitioning (Fe+++/Fe++) AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 32 2 57.0 59.0 450.50 452.58 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 7 XRF WET FRESH IGNEOUS BASALT 49.80 14.70 2.22 6.78 9.13 11.40 2.08 0.32 1.30 0.16 0.17 0.68 0.17 98.88 0.678 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Values for iron partitioning (Fe+++/Fe++) AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 32 2 130.0 132.0 450.50 453.31 Drake,N. 82 Appendix VI 16A XRF FRESH IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 50.33 15.40 9.36 8.42 8.67 11.89 2.24 0.40 1.35 0.14 0.19 99.97 0.67 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 32 2 145.0 147.0 450.50 453.46 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 16C XRF WET FRESH IGNEOUS BASALT 49.00 14.90 5.43 4.05 8.39 11.45 2.24 0.48 1.33 0.14 0.17 0.99 0.11 98.65 0.655 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Values for iron partitioning (Fe+++/Fe++) AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 32 3 35.0 37.0 450.50 453.86 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 4B XRF WET MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 50.00 15.00 5.16 4.34 8.86 11.49 2.27 0.40 1.32 0.14 0.17 1.01 0.22 100.40 0.666 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Values for iron partitioning (Fe+++/Fe++) AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 32 3 38.0 40.0 450.50 453.89 Weaver,B. 82 Appendix VI 4B XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 48.36 14.82 9.52 8.73 11.33 2.32 0.32 1.26 0.14 0.18 3.56 100.54 0.67 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 32 3 63.0 67.0 450.50 454.15 Bougault,H. 82 Appendix VI 4C XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 49.24 14.64 9.48 8.30 11.48 2.17 0.26 1.30 0.13 0.18 1.69 98.87 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Shipboard analysis. AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 32 4 73.0 75.0 450.50 455.74 Drake,N. 82 Appendix VI 8 XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 50.42 14.86 9.83 8.85 8.97 11.63 2.13 0.31 1.30 0.17 0.17 99.80 0.67 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 32 4 77.0 79.0 450.50 455.78 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 8 XRF WET MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 50.30 14.80 2.16 6.88 9.25 11.40 2.10 0.28 1.31 0.16 0.16 0.58 0.09 99.48 0.680 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Values for iron partitioning (Fe+++/Fe++) AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 32 4 111.0 113.0 450.50 456.12 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 11B XRF WET SLIGHTLY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 49.60 15.00 5.46 3.64 8.52 11.64 2.29 0.33 1.34 0.15 0.16 1.13 0.21 99.44 0.668 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Values for iron partitioning (Fe+++/Fe++) AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 32 5 66.0 70.0 450.50 457.18 Bougault,H. 82 Appendix VI 2B XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 48.83 15.40 10.20 7.67 12.09 2.27 0.29 1.34 0.15 0.19 1.80 100.23 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Shipboard analysis. AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 32 5 88.0 90.0 450.50 457.39 Weaver,B. 82 Appendix VI 3B XRF SLIGHTLY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 49.08 14.86 9.46 8.56 11.24 2.26 0.41 1.27 0.14 0.17 2.87 100.32 0.67 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 32 5 101.0 103.0 450.50 457.52 Drake,N. 82 Appendix VI 1C XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 49.94 15.30 9.91 8.92 8.78 11.70 2.35 0.41 1.30 0.14 0.19 100.00 0.66 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 33 1 33.0 34.0 459.50 459.84 Dmitriev,L. 82 Appendix VI 5 ELECTRON MICROPROBE IGNEOUS GLASSY RIND 50.94 15.55 8.61 8.06 11.95 2.45 0.32 1.39 99.27 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Results are averages for multiple analyses of the specimen. Sample was analyzed more than once. INITIAL REPORTSAPHYRIC BASALT 82 558 33 1 33.0 34.0 459.50 459.84 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 5 ELECTRON MICROPROBE MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS BASALT GLASS 51.70 15.37 8.64 8.55 11.68 2.44 0.29 1.28 0.10 100.08 0.670 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Sample was analyzed more than once. Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTSAPHYRIC BASALT 82 558 33 1 77.0 80.0 459.50 460.29 Bougault,H. 82 Appendix VI 9A XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 49.27 14.65 9.93 8.36 11.62 2.25 0.24 1.29 0.14 0.16 1.56 99.47 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Shipboard analysis. AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 33 2 71.0 73.0 459.50 461.72 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 7B XRF WET MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 48.80 15.30 5.55 3.70 7.84 11.67 2.20 0.41 1.30 0.13 0.16 1.94 0.15 99.10 0.646 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Values for iron partitioning (Fe+++/Fe++) AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 33 2 144.0 147.0 459.50 462.46 Drake,N. 82 Appendix VI 14 XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 50.38 14.85 9.83 8.85 9.01 11.55 1.84 0.30 1.31 0.17 0.18 99.40 0.67 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 33 3 7.0 9.0 459.50 462.58 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 2 XRF WET SLIGHTLY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 50.40 14.70 1.52 7.38 9.02 11.35 2.11 0.28 1.28 0.16 0.16 0.60 0.10 99.04 0.676 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Values for iron partitioning (Fe+++/Fe++) AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 33 3 61.0 64.0 459.50 463.13 Drake,N. 82 Appendix VI 6 XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 50.29 14.92 9.86 8.87 9.05 11.51 1.88 0.30 1.30 0.16 0.18 99.45 0.67 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 33 3 89.0 91.0 459.50 463.40 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 9A XRF WET SLIGHTLY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 49.40 15.10 5.60 3.48 8.59 11.92 2.23 0.34 1.33 0.14 0.16 1.06 0.33 99.64 0.671 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Values for iron partitioning (Fe+++/Fe++) AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 33 3 135.0 138.0 459.50 463.87 Weaver,B. 82 Appendix VI 9D XRF SLIGHTLY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 48.47 14.69 9.64 8.99 11.23 2.23 0.36 1.26 0.15 0.17 3.07 100.26 0.68 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 33 3 139.0 141.0 459.50 463.90 Drake,N. 82 Appendix VI 9D XRF FRESH IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 49.93 15.34 9.72 8.75 8.70 11.74 2.36 0.38 1.31 0.15 0.18 99.81 0.66 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 33 3 144.0 147.0 459.50 463.96 Bougault,H. 82 Appendix VI 9D XRF FRESH IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 49.95 14.90 9.72 8.81 11.72 2.14 0.28 1.28 0.14 0.17 1.48 100.59 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Shipboard analysis. AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 34 1 30.0 32.0 468.50 468.81 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 3A XRF WET SLIGHTLY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 49.80 15.00 2.67 6.08 8.91 11.23 2.03 0.25 1.26 0.14 0.16 1.52 0.06 99.08 0.680 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Values for iron partitioning (Fe+++/Fe++) AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 34 1 34.0 38.0 468.50 468.86 Bougault,H. 82 Appendix VI 3B XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 50.04 14.45 9.81 8.67 11.59 1.79 0.21 1.28 0.14 0.17 1.14 99.29 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Shipboard analysis. AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 34 1 63.0 65.0 468.50 469.14 Weaver,B. 82 Appendix VI 3F XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 48.39 15.12 9.40 7.68 11.61 2.36 0.36 1.26 0.13 0.17 3.88 100.36 0.65 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 34 1 113.0 115.0 468.50 469.64 Puchelt,H. 82 Appendix VI 6B XRF WET MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 49.18 14.88 5.59 3.89 8.40 12.20 2.48 0.47 1.25 0.27 0.16 1.11 0.50 -0.010 100.38 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. INITIAL REPORTS INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 35 1 46.0 47.0 477.50 477.97 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 5B ELECTRON MICROPROBE SLIGHTLY ALTERED IGNEOUS BASALT GLASS 51.50 14.86 8.83 9.36 11.40 2.33 0.23 1.18 0.16 99.84 0.685 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTSAPHYRIC BASALT 82 558 35 1 120.0 122.0 477.50 478.71 Weaver,B. 82 Appendix VI 11A XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 49.13 14.56 9.65 9.16 11.31 2.17 0.33 1.18 0.15 0.14 2.40 100.18 0.68 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 35 1 128.0 131.0 477.50 478.80 Bougault,H. 82 Appendix VI 11C XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 49.71 14.22 10.18 8.96 11.53 1.92 0.33 1.18 0.16 0.16 1.05 99.40 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Shipboard analysis. AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 35 2 2.0 4.0 477.50 479.03 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 1 XRF WET MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 50.70 14.80 2.89 6.73 9.42 11.49 2.04 0.25 1.24 0.17 0.14 0.44 0.09 100.44 0.671 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Values for iron partitioning (Fe+++/Fe++) AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 35 2 11.0 13.0 477.50 479.12 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 2A XRF WET MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 49.90 14.60 2.61 6.82 9.27 11.43 2.02 0.26 1.22 0.17 0.14 0.55 0.14 99.15 0.672 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Values for iron partitioning (Fe+++/Fe++) AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 35 2 64.0 65.0 477.50 479.65 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 3 ELECTRON MICROPROBE SLIGHTLY ALTERED IGNEOUS BASALT GLASS 51.30 14.84 8.82 9.46 11.52 2.32 0.23 1.17 0.15 99.78 0.687 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTSAPHYRIC BASALT 82 558 35 2 84.0 85.0 477.50 479.85 Dmitriev,L. 82 Appendix VI 5A ELECTRON MICROPROBE IGNEOUS GLASSY RIND 51.82 15.09 9.27 8.79 11.78 2.14 0.31 1.28 100.48 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Results are averages for multiple analyses of the specimen. INITIAL REPORTSAPHYRIC BASALT 82 558 35 2 97.0 102.0 477.50 480.00 Bougault,H. 82 Appendix VI 6A XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 49.50 14.58 10.10 9.17 11.78 1.70 0.25 1.20 0.15 0.15 1.16 99.74 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Shipboard analysis. AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 35 2 112.0 114.0 477.50 480.13 Weaver,B. 82 Appendix VI 6B XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 48.50 14.88 10.02 8.30 11.71 2.26 0.35 1.20 0.16 0.16 2.98 100.52 0.65 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 35 3 89.0 91.0 477.50 481.40 Weaver,B. 82 Appendix VI 7B XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS INTERPILLOW BRECCIA 48.45 14.82 10.03 8.79 11.62 2.14 0.32 1.20 0.15 0.15 2.74 100.41 0.66 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTSBRECCIA OF FRESH CLASTS IN CALCITE MATRIX 82 558 35 3 100.0 103.0 477.50 481.52 Bougault,H. 82 Appendix VI 8B XRF FRESH IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 49.76 14.24 9.88 9.32 11.50 1.89 0.30 1.17 0.15 0.13 0.98 99.32 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Shipboard analysis. AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 35 3 107.0 109.0 477.50 481.58 Drake,N. 82 Appendix VI 8B XRF FRESH IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 49.43 15.03 10.14 9.12 8.92 12.13 2.52 0.35 1.22 0.17 0.16 100.06 0.66 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 35 3 110.0 113.0 477.50 481.62 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 8B XRF WET FRESH IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 49.50 14.80 3.39 5.63 9.05 11.56 2.09 0.35 1.19 0.15 0.14 1.76 0.27 99.84 0.678 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Values for iron partitioning (Fe+++/Fe++) AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 35 4 102.0 104.0 477.50 483.03 Weaver,B. 82 Appendix VI 10 XRF FRESH IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 48.99 14.77 9.80 8.92 11.17 2.28 0.35 1.22 0.15 0.17 2.62 100.44 0.67 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 35 4 106.0 108.0 477.50 483.07 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 10 XRF WET FRESH IGNEOUS HYALOCLASTIC BRECCIA 49.60 14.90 4.35 5.35 8.91 11.67 2.11 0.36 1.22 0.16 0.14 1.53 0.13 100.45 0.661 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Values for iron partitioning (Fe+++/Fe++) AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 36 1 62.0 65.0 486.50 487.14 Bougault,H. 82 Appendix VI 5 XRF IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 49.64 14.60 10.30 8.25 12.02 1.67 0.28 1.23 0.16 0.16 0.61 98.92 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Shipboard analysis. AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 36 1 74.0 78.0 486.50 487.26 Drake,N. 82 Appendix VI 6B XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 49.22 15.54 10.43 9.39 7.82 12.26 2.28 0.41 1.31 0.18 0.20 99.63 0.62 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTSCLAST IN BASALTIC BRECCIA 82 558 36 1 82.0 84.0 486.50 487.33 Weaver,B. 82 Appendix VI 6C XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS HYALOCLASTITE BRECCIA 48.65 14.73 9.82 8.40 11.40 2.19 0.38 1.22 0.15 0.17 2.98 100.09 0.66 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTSCLASTS OF MOSTLY PALAGONITIZED GLASS AND BASALT 82 558 36 2 100.0 102.0 486.50 489.01 Weaver,B. 82 Appendix VI 5D XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 49.04 14.92 9.66 8.48 11.23 2.30 0.39 1.23 0.15 0.17 2.94 100.51 0.66 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 36 2 107.0 110.0 486.50 489.09 Bougault,H. 82 Appendix VI 5E XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 49.75 14.85 9.93 8.31 12.04 1.82 0.33 1.25 0.16 0.17 1.39 100.00 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Shipboard analysis. AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 36 3 17.0 19.0 486.50 489.68 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 1B XRF WET SLIGHTLY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 48.60 15.50 7.19 2.90 7.25 12.16 2.30 0.38 1.32 0.16 0.18 1.11 0.44 99.49 0.610 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Values for iron partitioning (Fe+++/Fe++) AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 36 3 31.0 33.0 486.50 489.82 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 3A ELECTRON MICROPROBE MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS BASALT GLASS 52.00 15.26 8.84 8.78 11.22 2.48 0.27 1.23 0.13 100.18 0.671 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTSAPHYRIC BASALT 82 558 36 3 44.0 46.0 486.50 489.95 Puchelt,H. 82 Appendix VI 4 XRF WET MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 50.27 15.00 4.08 5.30 8.67 11.61 2.51 0.43 1.23 0.15 0.15 1.05 0.05 0.0160 100.50 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. INITIAL REPORTS INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 37 1 75.0 76.0 495.50 496.26 Dmitriev,L. 82 Appendix VI 7 ELECTRON MICROPROBE IGNEOUS GLASSY RIND 50.60 15.38 10.23 7.76 11.41 2.57 0.32 1.63 99.90 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Results are averages for multiple analyses of the specimen. INITIAL REPORTSOL SPARSELY PHYRIC BASALT 82 558 37 1 89.0 92.0 495.50 496.41 Drake,N. 82 Appendix VI 10 XRF FRESH IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 49.35 16.15 9.90 8.90 8.33 12.04 2.16 0.29 0.98 0.14 0.14 99.48 0.65 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 37 1 137.0 141.0 495.50 496.89 Bougault,H. 82 Appendix VI 19A XRF FRESH IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 48.75 15.22 10.03 10.10 11.85 1.49 0.21 0.93 0.15 0.09 0.87 99.69 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Shipboard analysis. AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 37 1 143.0 148.0 495.50 496.96 Weaver,B. 82 Appendix VI 19B XRF FRESH IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 48.34 15.26 9.66 10.02 11.33 2.01 0.29 0.93 0.15 0.11 2.23 100.33 0.70 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 38 1 34.0 36.0 504.50 504.85 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 7 XRF WET MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS BASALT BRECCIA 50.10 15.50 2.50 6.76 10.29 11.53 1.97 0.18 0.98 0.16 0.11 0.37 0.10 100.55 0.698 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Values for iron partitioning (Fe+++/Fe++) AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 38 1 93.0 95.0 504.50 505.44 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 13 XRF WET MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS BASALT BRECCIA 48.10 15.40 5.67 3.76 9.87 11.54 1.96 0.25 0.96 0.16 0.11 0.89 0.16 98.78 0.693 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Values for iron partitioning (Fe+++/Fe++) AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 38 1 97.0 99.0 504.50 505.48 Drake,N. 82 Appendix VI 13 XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 49.12 15.70 9.87 8.88 10.80 11.71 2.09 0.22 0.95 0.17 0.13 100.76 0.71 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 38 1 104.0 108.0 504.50 505.56 Weaver,B. 82 Appendix VI 14A XRF SLIGHTLY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 47.34 15.82 9.76 8.59 11.47 2.07 0.29 0.95 0.15 0.13 3.82 100.39 0.66 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 38 1 126.0 130.0 504.50 505.78 Bougault,H. 82 Appendix VI 16 XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 48.23 15.14 9.90 9.89 11.87 2.04 0.15 0.95 0.16 0.11 1.21 99.65 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Shipboard analysis. AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 38 2 61.0 63.0 504.50 506.62 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 4A XRF WET SLIGHTLY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 49.20 14.90 4.10 5.27 8.54 11.46 2.18 0.32 1.25 0.14 0.16 1.57 0.05 99.12 0.658 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Values for iron partitioning (Fe+++/Fe++) AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 38 2 84.0 88.0 504.50 506.86 Bougault,H. 82 Appendix VI 5B XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 48.89 15.71 10.35 8.01 12.18 2.30 0.20 0.98 0.16 0.13 1.93 100.84 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Shipboard analysis. AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 38 2 116.0 118.0 504.50 507.17 Drake,N. 82 Appendix VI 9 XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 49.45 16.15 10.10 9.09 8.33 12.21 2.12 0.23 0.99 0.16 0.13 99.87 0.65 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 39 1 20.0 22.0 509.00 509.21 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 2C XRF WET SLIGHTLY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 49.40 16.10 4.47 4.34 8.47 11.84 2.22 0.23 1.01 0.16 0.11 1.12 0.10 99.55 0.672 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Values for iron partitioning (Fe+++/Fe++) AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 39 1 25.0 26.0 509.00 509.26 Dmitriev,L. 82 Appendix VI 3 ELECTRON MICROPROBE IGNEOUS GLASSY RIND 50.71 15.19 10.49 7.35 10.99 2.56 0.31 1.63 99.23 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Results are averages for multiple analyses of the specimen. INITIAL REPORTSAPHYRIC BASALT 82 558 39 1 55.0 57.0 509.00 509.56 Weaver,B. 82 Appendix VI 5C XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 48.19 15.85 9.32 8.44 11.67 2.14 0.24 0.96 0.16 0.12 3.19 100.28 0.67 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 39 1 83.0 87.0 509.00 509.85 Bougault,H. 82 Appendix VI 5G XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 48.87 15.76 9.84 8.30 12.10 2.75 0.18 0.98 0.17 0.13 1.55 100.63 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Shipboard analysis. AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 39 1 111.0 113.0 509.00 510.12 Drake,N. 82 Appendix VI 8A XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 48.89 16.61 10.48 9.43 7.54 12.92 2.32 0.30 1.02 0.17 0.14 100.38 0.62 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 39 2 11.0 13.0 509.00 510.62 Drake,N. 82 Appendix VI 1 XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 49.61 15.60 9.87 8.88 9.89 11.71 2.17 0.29 0.96 0.18 0.13 100.40 0.69 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 39 2 35.0 38.0 509.00 510.87 Bougault,H. 82 Appendix VI 3A XRF SLIGHTLY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 49.24 15.11 10.10 9.99 11.74 2.06 0.22 0.93 0.17 0.12 1.06 100.74 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Shipboard analysis. AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 39 2 69.0 71.0 509.00 511.20 Weaver,B. 82 Appendix VI 3C XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 48.21 15.59 9.44 9.30 11.38 2.09 0.23 0.94 0.17 0.12 2.70 100.17 0.69 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 39 2 112.0 113.0 509.00 511.63 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 5 ELECTRON MICROPROBE MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS BASALT GLASS 51.20 15.63 8.52 10.16 11.59 2.12 0.15 0.98 0.15 100.45 0.710 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTSAPHYRIC BASALT 82 558 39 4 98.0 100.0 509.00 514.49 Weaver,B. 82 Appendix VI 4C XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 47.96 15.57 9.66 8.47 11.90 2.14 0.25 0.94 0.15 0.12 3.15 100.31 0.66 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 39 4 122.0 125.0 509.00 514.74 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 5C XRF WET SLIGHTLY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 49.40 15.50 4.11 5.10 10.09 11.56 1.99 0.27 0.98 0.15 0.11 0.69 0.09 100.01 0.699 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Values for iron partitioning (Fe+++/Fe++) AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 39 4 131.0 135.0 509.00 514.83 Bougault,H. 82 Appendix VI 6 XRF MODERATELY ALTERED IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT 48.53 14.80 10.02 9.86 11.69 1.87 0.20 0.93 0.15 0.11 0.89 99.05 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Shipboard analysis. AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 40 1 92.0 94.0 518.00 518.93 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 8A XRF WET EXTENSIVELY ALTERED IGNEOUS BASALT BRECCIA 47.30 16.40 5.24 4.37 6.92 12.96 2.02 0.24 1.00 0.15 0.12 1.67 0.67 99.01 0.606 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Values for iron partitioning (Fe+++/Fe++) AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 40 2 7.0 9.0 518.00 519.58 Schmincke,H. Author's ms. 1A XRF WET EXTENSIVELY ALTERED IGNEOUS BASALT BRECCIA 46.90 15.90 6.13 2.91 6.86 13.16 2.11 0.76 1.45 0.14 0.28 0.88 0.94 98.40 0.622 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Values for iron partitioning (Fe+++/Fe++) AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT Magnesium number is atomic ration Mg/(Mg+Fe++).Analyst either measured or calculated Fe++. AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 41 2 143.0 146.0 527.00 529.95 Bougault,H. 82 Appendix VI 6F XRF ALMOST TOTALLY ALTERED IGNEOUS BASALT CLAST 48.02 15.59 10.58 10.40 11.40 1.71 0.10 0.91 0.16 0.07 1.42 100.36 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Shipboard analysis. AUTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT AURTHOR'S MANUSCRIPT 82 558 41 3 111.0 116.0 527.00 531.14 Bonatti,E. 82 Appendix VI 7E XRF IGNEOUS SERPENTINIZED PERIDOTITE 37.72 0.77 6.67 37.39 2.01 0.12 0.00 0.02 0.07 16.07 100.84 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS INITIAL REPORTS 82 558 42 1 57.0 59.0 536.00 536.58 Bonatti,E. 82 Appendix VI 2 XRF IGNEOUS SERPENTINIZED PERIDOTITE 38.12 0.72 7.29 39.53 0.08 0.15 0.00 0.02 0.11 13.03 99.05 Analyses in table are on a volatile-free basis. Total water not directly determined. H2O not partitioned. Essential oxides quoted to .01%. Fe oxide partitions not specified or analysed. INITIAL REPORTS INITIAL REPORTS