leg site hole core section top interval depth(cm) top of core depth(cm) top of section(m) sample midpoint depth(m) describer rock name piece numbers texture data structure data alteration data other information data vesicle data phenocryst data groundmass mineral data replacement mineral data comments unknown code 82 557 H1 CC 17.0 0.00 2.02 2.08 CURTIS, D. M. BASALT CLAST (17-23) BASALT CLAST WITH SOFT-CAUSED SEDIMENT DEFORMATION OF LIMESTONE AND CHERTIFICATION OF UNDERLYING SEDIMENT LAYERS FRESH COLOR-BANDED BELOW CLAST, SHARP CONTACT, VOLCANIC BOMB(?) comments : SOME VESICLES 82 557 H1 CC 0.0 0.00 1.95 2.20 CURTIS, D. M. SEDIMENT (0-17CM), (23-35CM) 82 557 1 1 0.0 460.50 460.50 461.97 NEUSER, R. APHYRIC BASALT PCES 1 (1-8), 2 (11-17), 3 (19-27), 4 (30-41), 5 (44-59), 6 (62-68), 7 (70-74), 8 (76-83), 9 (85-88), 10 (91-100), 11 (101-107), 12 (110-115), 13 (117-139), 14 (142-147) APHYRIC, MEDIUM-GRAINED FRESH APPEARS VERY FRESH EXCEPT FOR SOME CLAY-FILLED VESICLES DARK GREY(7.5YR,N3/0) 1-10.5 CLAY ROUND comments : VESICLES ARE MOSTLY ROUND, THEIR SIZE RANGES IN THE UPPER THIRD PCES(1-5) BETWEEN 1-3MM AND IN PCE(5) OCCUR SOME VERY LARGE SEGREGATION VESICLES (>1.5CM), FROM PCE(6-END) THE SIZE OF VESICLES DECREASES TO A MAXIMUM OF 1.5MM, PCE(8) SHOWS A GROUP OF LARGE VESICLES ALIGNED ON A PLANE CLAY