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Leg : 66 Depth Top/Bottom of Layer(m) : 0.00/ 0.52 Hole: 489 Depth to Top of Core(m) : 0.00 Core: 1 Depth Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 00/ 520 Sect: 1 Visual Text Description: MUDDY SILT;H SOFT;C OLIVE GRAY ;S ;U Leg : 66 Depth Top/Bottom of Layer(m) : 0.53/ 1.50 Hole: 489 Depth to Top of Core(m) : 0.00 Core: 1 Depth Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 530/1500 Sect: 1 Visual Text Description: GLAUCONITIC MUDDY SILT;H SOFT;C DUSKY YELLOW GREEN;M GLAUCONITE;D GREATLY DISTURBED;U Leg : 66 Depth Top/Bottom of Layer(m) : 1.50/ 3.00 Hole: 489 Depth to Top of Core(m) : 0.00 Core: 1 Depth Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 00/1500 Sect: 2 Visual Text Description: GLAUCONITIC MUDDY SILT;H SOFT;C DUSKY YELLOW GREEN;M GLAUCONITE;P PLANT DEBRIS;D GREATLY DISTURBED;U Leg : 66 Depth Top/Bottom of Layer(m) : 3.00/ 4.10 Hole: 489 Depth to Top of Core(m) : 0.00 Core: 1 Depth Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 00/1100 Sect: 3 Visual Text Description: GLAUCONITIC MUDDY SILT;H SOFT;Z 33213000;C DUSKY YELLOW GREEN;M GLAUCONITE;D GREATLY DISTURBED;U Leg : 66 Depth Top/Bottom of Layer(m) : 4.50/ 5.40 Hole: 489 Depth to Top of Core(m) : 0.00 Core: 1 Depth Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 00/ 900 Sect: 4 Visual Text Description: GLAUCONITIC MUDDY SILT;H SOFT;Z 33213000;C DUSKY YELLOW GREEN;S BEDDING;M GLAUCONITE;D GREATLY DISTURBED;U Leg : 66 Depth Top/Bottom of Layer(m) : 5.60/ 5.65 Hole: 489 Depth to Top of Core(m) : 0.00 Core: 1 Depth Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 00/ 150 Sect: CC Visual Text Description: SILICEOUS SILT;H SOFT;C OLIVE GRAY ;M GLAUCONIT;D GREATLY DISTURBED;U Leg : 66 Depth Top/Bottom of Layer(m) : 6.08/ 7.50 Hole: 489 Depth to Top of Core(m) : 6.00 Core: 2 Depth Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 80/1500 Sect: 1 Visual Text Description: GLAUCONITIC MUDDY SILT;H SOFT;C GRAYISH GREEN;D GREATLY DISTURBED;S MOTTLING;M GLAUCONITE;U Leg : 66 Depth Top/Bottom of Layer(m) : 7.50/ 9.00 Hole: 489 Depth to Top of Core(m) : 6.00 Core: 2 Depth Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 00/1500 Sect: 2 Visual Text Description: GLAUCONITIC MUDDY SILT;H SOFT;C GRAYISH GREEN;D GREATLY DISTURBED;S MOTTLING;M GLAUCONITE;U Leg : 66 Depth Top/Bottom of Layer(m) : 9.00/ 10.50 Hole: 489 Depth to Top of Core(m) : 6.00 Core: 2 Depth Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 00/1500 Sect: 3 Visual Text Description: GLAUCONITIC MUDDY SILT;H SOFT;C GRAYISH GREEN;D GREATLY DISTURBED;S MOTTLING;M GLAUCONITE;U Leg : 66 Depth Top/Bottom of Layer(m) : 10.50/ 12.00 Hole: 489 Depth to Top of Core(m) : 6.00 Core: 2 Depth Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 00/1500 Sect: 4 Visual Text Description: GLAUCONITIC MUDDY SILT;H SOFT;C GRAYISH GREEN;D GREATLY DISTURBED;S MOTTLING;M GLAUCONITE;U Leg : 66 Depth Top/Bottom of Layer(m) : 12.00/ 13.40 Hole: 489 Depth to Top of Core(m) : 6.00 Core: 2 Depth Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 00/1400 Sect: 5 Visual Text Description: GLAUCONITIC MUDDY SILT;H SOFT;C GRAYISH GREEN;D GREATLY DISTURBED;S MOTTLING;M GLAUCONIITE;U Leg : 66 Depth Top/Bottom of Layer(m) : 13.65/ 14.65 Hole: 489 Depth to Top of Core(m) : 6.00 Core: 2 Depth Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 150/1150 Sect: 6 Visual Text Description: GLAUCONITIC MUDDY SILT;H SOFT;C GRAYISH GREEN;D GREATLY DISTURBED;M GLAUCONITE;U Leg : 66 Depth Top/Bottom of Layer(m) : 14.66/ 14.73 Hole: 489 Depth to Top of Core(m) : 6.00 Core: 2 Depth Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1160/1230 Sect: 6 Visual Text Description: VITRIC MUDDY SILT;H SOFT;C GRAYISH GREEN;D GREATLY DISTURBED;S ;U Leg : 66 Depth Top/Bottom of Layer(m) : 14.74/ 14.78 Hole: 489 Depth to Top of Core(m) : 6.00 Core: 2 Depth Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1240/1280 Sect: 6 Visual Text Description: GLAUCONITIC MUDDY SILT;H SOFT;C GRAYISH GREEN;D GREATLY DISTURBED;M GLAUCONITE;U Leg : 66 Depth Top/Bottom of Layer(m) : 14.88/ 14.90 Hole: 489 Depth to Top of Core(m) : 6.00 Core: 2 Depth Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 00/ 120 Sect: CC Visual Text Description: GLAUCONITIC MUDDY SILT;H SOFT;C GRAYISH GREEN;D GREATLY DISTURBED;S MOTTLING;M GLAUCONITE;U Leg : 66 Depth Top/Bottom of Layer(m) : 16.00/ 17.00 Hole: 489 Depth to Top of Core(m) : 15.50 Core: 3 Depth Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 500/1500 Sect: 1 Visual Text Description: MUDDY SILT;H SOFT;C GRAYISH GREEN;S MOTTLING;D GREATLY DISTURBED;U Leg : 66 Depth Top/Bottom of Layer(m) : 18.12/ 18.50 Hole: 489 Depth to Top of Core(m) : 15.50 Core: 3 Depth Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1120/1500 Sect: 2 Visual Text Description: MUDDY SILT;H SOFT;C GRAYISH GREEN;D GREATLY DISTURBED;U Leg : 66 Depth Top/Bottom of Layer(m) : 19.72/ 20.00 Hole: 489 Depth to Top of Core(m) : 15.50 Core: 3 Depth Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1220/1500 Sect: 3 Visual Text Description: MUDDY SILT;H SOFT;C GRAYISH GREEN;D GREATLY DISTURBED;U Leg : 66 Depth Top/Bottom of Layer(m) : 20.22/ 21.40 Hole: 489 Depth to Top of Core(m) : 15.50 Core: 3 Depth Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 220/1400 Sect: 4 Visual Text Description: MUDDY SILT;H SOFT;C GRAYISH GREEN;D GREATLY DISTURBED;U Leg : 66 Depth Top/Bottom of Layer(m) : 21.50/ 23.00 Hole: 489 Depth to Top of Core(m) : 15.50 Core: 3 Depth Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 00/1500 Sect: 5 Visual Text Description: MUDDY SILT;H SOFT;C GRAYISH GREEN;S MOTTLING;D GREATLY DISTURBED;U Leg : 66 Depth Top/Bottom of Layer(m) : 23.00/ 23.35 Hole: 489 Depth to Top of Core(m) : 15.50 Core: 3 Depth Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 00/ 350 Sect: 6 Visual Text Description: MUDDY SILT;H SOFT;C GRAYISH GREEN;D GREATLY DISTURBED;U Leg : 66 Depth Top/Bottom of Layer(m) : 23.48/ 23.61 Hole: 489 Depth to Top of Core(m) : 15.50 Core: 3 Depth Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 00/ 230 Sect: CC Visual Text Description: MUDDY SILT;H SOFT;C GRAYISH GREEN;D GREATLY DISTURBED;U Leg : 66 Depth Top/Bottom of Layer(m) : 23.62/ 23.63 Hole: 489 Depth to Top of Core(m) : 15.50 Core: 3 Depth Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 240/ 250 Sect: CC Visual Text Description: ASH;H SOFT;C GRAYISH GREEN;S ASH LAYERS;D GREATLY DISTURBED;U VOLCANOGENIC DEPOSITS Leg : 66 Depth Top/Bottom of Layer(m) : 23.64/ 23.67 Hole: 489 Depth to Top of Core(m) : 15.50 Core: 3 Depth Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 260/ 290 Sect: CC Visual Text Description: MUDDY SILT;H SOFT;C GRAYISH GREEN;D GREATLY DISTURBED;U Leg : 66 Depth Top/Bottom of Layer(m) : 34.58/ 34.90 Hole: 489 Depth to Top of Core(m) : 34.50 Core: 4 Depth Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 80/ 400 Sect: 1 Visual Text Description: MUDDY SILT;H SOFT;C GRAYISH GREEN;D GREATLY DISTURBED;U Leg : 66 Depth Top/Bottom of Layer(m) : 34.91/ 34.95 Hole: 489 Depth to Top of Core(m) : 34.50 Core: 4 Depth Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 410/ 450 Sect: 1 Visual Text Description: SILICEOUS MUDDY SILT;H SOFT;C GRAYISH GREEN;D GREATLY DISTURBED;U Leg : 66 Depth Top/Bottom of Layer(m) : 34.96/ 35.55 Hole: 489 Depth to Top of Core(m) : 34.50 Core: 4 Depth Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 460/1050 Sect: 1 Visual Text Description: MUDDY SILT;H SOFT;C GRAYISH GREEN;S FRACTURING;M PYRITE;U PEBBLE;D GREATLY DISTURBED Leg : 66 Depth Top/Bottom of Layer(m) : 35.56/ 35.60 Hole: 489 Depth to Top of Core(m) : 34.50 Core: 4 Depth Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1060/1100 Sect: 1 Visual Text Description: SILICEOUS MUDDY SILT;H SOFT;C GRAYISH GREEN;D GREATLY DISTURBED;U Leg : 66 Depth Top/Bottom of Layer(m) : 35.61/ 35.90 Hole: 489 Depth to Top of Core(m) : 34.50 Core: 4 Depth Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1110/1400 Sect: 1 Visual Text Description: MUDDY SILT;H SOFT;C GRAYISH GREEN;D GREATLY DISTURBED;U Leg : 66 Depth Top/Bottom of Layer(m) : 36.20/ 37.46 Hole: 489 Depth to Top of Core(m) : 34.50 Core: 4 Depth Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 200/1460 Sect: 2 Visual Text Description: MUDDY SILT;H SOFT;C GRAYISH GREEN;S FRACTURING;M PYRITE;D GREATLY DISTURBED;U PEBBLES Leg : 66 Depth Top/Bottom of Layer(m) : 37.60/ 37.60 Hole: 489 Depth to Top of Core(m) : 34.50 Core: 4 Depth Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 00/ 100 Sect: CC Visual Text Description: MUDDY SILT;H SOFT;Z 33213000;C GRAYISH GREEN;D GREATLY DISTURBED;U Leg : 66 Depth Top/Bottom of Layer(m) : 44.00/ 44.57 Hole: 489 Depth to Top of Core(m) : 44.00 Core: 5 Depth Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 00/ 570 Sect: 1 Visual Text Description: MUD;H SOFT;C GRAYISH GREEN;S ;U Leg : 66 Depth Top/Bottom of Layer(m) : 44.72/ 44.77 Hole: 489 Depth to Top of Core(m) : 44.00 Core: 5 Depth Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 150/ 200 Sect: CC Visual Text Description: MUD;H SOFT;Z 33213000;C GRAYISH GREEN;S ;U |
Cite as: Deep Sea Drilling Project (1989): Archive of Core and Site/Hole Data and Photographs from the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP). National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA. doi:10.7289/V54M92G2 [access date]
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