Leg : 49 Depth to Top of Core(m): 110.00 Sample Depth(m): 111.88
Hole: 413 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 350/ 400
Core: 1 Section/Piece: 2/5
Analyst: Bougault, H.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : 265. Cr: 536. Co: 45. Ni: 194. Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 7.1
Sr: 241. Y : 25.8 Zr: 108. Nb: 26.8 Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 49 Depth to Top of Core(m): 110.00 Sample Depth(m): 111.88
Hole: 413 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 350/ 400
Core: 1 Section/Piece: 2/5
Analyst: Joron, J.L.
Methods: Inst neutron activ
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: 37.5
V : Cr: Co: 46.6 Ni: 199. Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 5.1
Sr: Y : Zr: 130. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: 0.06 Cs: 0.13 Ba: 94.
La: 14.5 Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: 1.32
Gd: Tb: 0.64 Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: 2.61 Ta: 1.56 W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: 1.52
U : 0.16
Leg : 49 Depth to Top of Core(m): 110.00 Sample Depth(m): 112.65
Hole: 413 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1140/1160
Core: 1 Section/Piece: 2/13
Analyst: Tarney, J.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : Cr: 708. Co: Ni: 277. Cu: Zn: 67.
Ga: 14. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 6.
Sr: 234. Y : 22. Zr: 102. Nb: 25. Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 124.
La: 15. Ce: 31. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: 3. Bi: Th: 3.
U :
Leg : 49 Depth to Top of Core(m): 110.00 Sample Depth(m): 112.76
Hole: 413 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1240/1290
Core: 1 Section/Piece: 2/14
Analyst: Bougault, H.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : Cr: Co: Ni: Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 7.3
Sr: 238. Y : 27.1 Zr: 114. Nb: 32.3 Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 49 Depth to Top of Core(m): 110.00 Sample Depth(m): 112.76
Hole: 413 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1240/1290
Core: 1 Section/Piece: 2/14
Analyst: Joron, J.L.
Methods: Inst neutron activ
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: 33.2
V : Cr: Co: 50.4 Ni: 248. Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 5.5
Sr: Y : Zr: 132. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: 0.06 Cs: 0.15 Ba: 116.
La: 16. Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: 1.41
Gd: Tb: 0.53 Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: 2.84 Ta: 1.80 W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: 1.76
U : 0.24
Leg : 49 Depth to Top of Core(m): 110.00 Sample Depth(m): 112.76
Hole: 413 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1240/1290
Core: 1 Section/Piece: 2/14
Analyst: Wood, D.
Methods: Inst neutron activ
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : Cr: Co: Ni: Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb:
Sr: Y : Zr: Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: Ce: 27.8 Pr: Nd: 14.8 Sm: 3.41 Eu: 1.24
Gd: 4. Tb: 0.62 Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: 0.3
Yb: 2.03 Lu: 0.33 Hf: 2.37 Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: 1.52
U :
Leg : 49 Depth to Top of Core(m): 115.00 Sample Depth(m): 115.42
Hole: 413 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 410/ 430
Core: 2 Section/Piece: 1/5
Analyst: Tarney, J.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : Cr: 610. Co: Ni: 248. Cu: Zn: 69.
Ga: 16. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 5.
Sr: 246. Y : 23. Zr: 112. Nb: 25. Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 147.
La: 16. Ce: 35. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: 4. Bi: Th: 1.
U :
Leg : 49 Depth to Top of Core(m): 115.00 Sample Depth(m): 115.44
Hole: 413 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 420/ 460
Core: 2 Section/Piece: 1/5
Analyst: Bougault, H.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : 268. Cr: 631. Co: 50. Ni: 264. Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 6.5
Sr: 234. Y : 25.1 Zr: 107. Nb: 27.7 Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 49 Depth to Top of Core(m): 115.00 Sample Depth(m): 115.44
Hole: 413 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 420/ 460
Core: 2 Section/Piece: 1/5
Analyst: Joron, J.L.
Methods: Inst neutron activ
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: 35.2
V : Cr: Co: 51.5 Ni: 273. Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb:
Sr: Y : Zr: 107. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: 0.05 Cs: 0.16 Ba: 105.
La: 14.4 Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: 1.26
Gd: Tb: 0.55 Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: 2.61 Ta: 1.59 W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: 1.51
U : 0.24
Leg : 49 Depth to Top of Core(m): 115.00 Sample Depth(m): 115.48
Hole: 413 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 460/ 500
Core: 2 Section/Piece: 1/5
Analyst: Templeman, J.H.
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : Cr: 257. Co: Ni: Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb:
Sr: Y : Zr: Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 49 Depth to Top of Core(m): 124.50 Sample Depth(m): 124.96
Hole: 413 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 440/ 480
Core: 3 Section/Piece: 1/5
Analyst: Bougault, H.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : 260. Cr: 594. Co: 45. Ni: 231. Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 14.
Sr: 228. Y : 24.1 Zr: 104. Nb: 28.1 Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 49 Depth to Top of Core(m): 124.50 Sample Depth(m): 124.96
Hole: 413 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 440/ 480
Core: 3 Section/Piece: 1/5
Analyst: Joron, J.L.
Methods: Inst neutron activ
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: 36.6
V : Cr: Co: 50. Ni: 245. Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 13.4
Sr: Y : Zr: 116. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: 0.031 Cs: 0.14 Ba: 154.
La: 14.6 Ce: 27. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: 1.27
Gd: Tb: 0.58 Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: 2.7 Ta: 1.61 W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: 1.53
U : 0.37
Leg : 49 Depth to Top of Core(m): 124.50 Sample Depth(m): 124.96
Hole: 413 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 440/ 480
Core: 3 Section/Piece: 1/5
Analyst: Wood, D.
Methods: Inst neutron activ
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : Cr: Co: Ni: Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb:
Sr: Y : Zr: Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: Ce: 30.7 Pr: Nd: 16.5 Sm: 4.09 Eu: 1.34
Gd: 4.4 Tb: 0.68 Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: 0.4
Yb: 2.16 Lu: 0.40 Hf: 2.68 Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: 1.82
U :
Leg : 49 Depth to Top of Core(m): 134.00 Sample Depth(m): 134.07
Hole: 413 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 60/ 80
Core: 4 Section/Piece: 1/1
Analyst: Tarney, J.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : Cr: 553. Co: Ni: 301. Cu: Zn: 64.
Ga: 15. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: -1.
Sr: 74. Y : 20. Zr: 34. Nb: 4. Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 15.
La: 3. Ce: 3. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: 4. Bi: Th: -1.
U :
Leg : 49 Depth to Top of Core(m): 143.50 Sample Depth(m): 143.60
Hole: 413 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 90/ 110
Core: 5 Section/Piece: 1/2
Analyst: Tarney, J.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : Cr: 580. Co: Ni: 354. Cu: Zn: 64.
Ga: 16. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: -1.
Sr: 75. Y : 19. Zr: 33. Nb: 5. Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 12.
La: 4. Ce: 5. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: 5. Bi: Th: 2.
U :
Leg : 49 Depth to Top of Core(m): 143.50 Sample Depth(m): 143.71
Hole: 413 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 200/ 220
Core: 5 Section/Piece: 1/3
Analyst: Wood, D.
Methods: Inst neutron activ
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : Cr: Co: Ni: Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb:
Sr: Y : Zr: Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: Ce: 4.5 Pr: Nd: 4.5 Sm: 1.69 Eu: 0.67
Gd: 2.6 Tb: 0.48 Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: 0.3
Yb: 2.32 Lu: 0.35 Hf: 0.95 Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: 0.22
U :