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Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 20/ 600 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 0.02 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 1 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 0.60 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.58 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 68 7 25 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO OOZE Screen Lith : TERRIGENOUS DETRITUS RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 600/ 750 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 0.60 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 1 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 0.75 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.15 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 43 2 55 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : MARLY CALC OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CARBONATE RICH MARLY CALCAREOUS OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 750/1140 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 0.75 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 1 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1.14 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.39 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SANDY OOZE Screen Lith : MARLY CALCAREOUS OOZE. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1140/1320 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1.14 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 1 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1.32 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.18 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : MARLY CALC OOZE Screen Lith : MARLY CALCAREOUS OOZE. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1320/1500 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1.32 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 1 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1.50 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.18 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 55 3 42 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : MARLY OOZE Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 190 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1.50 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 1 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1.69 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.19 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 32 6 62 1.47/ 73 19 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CALC CLAY-MARLY OOZE Screen Lith : TERRIGENOUS DETRITUS RICH MARLY CARBONATE OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 190/ 700 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1.69 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 1 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 2.20 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.51 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 1.47/ 74 54 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SMOOTH CLAY Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 700/1020 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 2.20 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 1 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 2.52 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.32 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 67 6 27 1.55/ 68 34 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SILICA-RICH NANNO OOZE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1020/1500 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 2.52 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 1 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 3.00 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.48 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 1.56/ 68 51 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SANDY CLAY Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS OOZE. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 620 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 3.00 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 1 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 3.62 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.62 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 87 4 9 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 620/1500 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 3.62 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 1 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 4.50 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.88 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SILICA-RICH NANNO OOZE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 720 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 4.50 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 1 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 5.22 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.72 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 54 4 42 1.46/ 74 67 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : MOIST OOZE Screen Lith : TERRIGENOUS DETRITUS RICH MARLY CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 720/1050 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 5.22 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 1 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 5.55 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.33 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 1.46/ 74 35 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : MOIST OOZE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1050/1400 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 5.55 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 1 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 5.90 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.35 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 1.46/ 74 38 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : MOIST CLAY Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 290 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 6.00 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 1 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 6.29 Age: Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.29 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 1.39/ 78 7 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : MOIST OOZE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 290/ 730 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 6.29 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 1 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 6.73 Age: Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.44 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 78 2 21 1.49/ 72 47 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : MARLY OOZE Screen Lith : TERRIGENOUS DETRITUS RICH CARBONATE RICH NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 730/1270 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 6.73 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 1 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 7.27 Age: Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.54 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 4 96 1.58/ 67 58 Processing Hist: Classification failed; no smear slide data exists. Shipboard Lith : SLIGHTLY SANDY CLAY Screen Lith : SLIGHTLY SANDY CLAY Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 0/ 0 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 7.42 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 1 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 7.42 Age: Sect: CC Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.00 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Classification failed; no smear slide data exists. Shipboard Lith : SILICA-RICH NANNO OOZE Screen Lith : SILICA-RICH NANNO OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 60 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 7.50 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 2 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 7.56 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.06 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 25 0 75 1.43/ 76 6 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SANDY CLAY Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH SANDY MUD Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 60/ 170 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 7.56 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 2 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 7.67 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.11 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 85 0 15 1.46/ 74 12 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SMOOTH CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 170/1500 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 7.67 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 2 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 9.00 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.33 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 1.41/ 77 141 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : MOIST CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 270 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 9.00 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 2 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 9.27 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.27 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 97 3 0 1.54/ 69 28 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SANDY OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 270/1500 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 9.27 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 2 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 10.50 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.23 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 73 3 24 1.52/ 70 131 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 230 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 10.50 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 2 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 10.73 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.23 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 1.57/ 67 24 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SLIGHTLY SANDY OOZE Screen Lith : CHALK. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 230/ 390 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 10.73 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 2 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 10.89 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.16 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 86 2 12 1.55/ 69 17 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : MOIST OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 390/ 550 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 10.89 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 2 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 11.05 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.16 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 42 0 58 1.56/ 68 17 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SANDY CLAY Screen Lith : TERRIGENOUS DETRITUS RICH MARLY CARBONATE CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 550/ 900 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 11.05 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 2 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 11.40 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.35 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 1.57/ 68 37 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 900/1500 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 11.40 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 2 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 12.00 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.60 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 1.65/ 63 64 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SANDY FORAM CLAY Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 680 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 12.00 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 2 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 12.68 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.68 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 92 6 3 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : MOIST OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 130 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 12.87 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 2 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 13.00 Age: Sect: CC Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.13 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : MOIST OOZE Screen Lith : CHALK. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 150/1410 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 17.15 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 3 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 18.41 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.26 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 93 4 3 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SANDY CLAY Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH NANNOFOSSIL RICH CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1240 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 18.50 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 3 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 19.74 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.24 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 95 3 2 1.62/ 64 132 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SANDY FORAM CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1240/1500 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 19.74 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 3 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 20.00 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.26 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 1.65/ 63 27 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : FORAM CLAY Screen Lith : CHALK. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 50/1500 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 20.05 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 3 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 21.50 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.45 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 89 3 8 1.59/ 66 154 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : MOIST OOZE Screen Lith : FORAMINIFERA RICH NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 420 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 21.50 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 3 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 21.92 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.42 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 85 3 12 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SANDY FORAM CLAY AND FIRM CLAY Screen Lith : FORAMINIFERA RICH NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 110 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 22.04 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 3 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 22.15 Age: Sect: CC Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.11 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : CHALK. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1050 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 26.50 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 4 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 27.55 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.05 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 90 5 5 1.55/ 69 112 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1050/1430 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 27.55 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 4 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 27.93 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.38 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 50 35 5 1.48/ 73 40 Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SANDY MOIST OOZE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 530 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 28.00 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 4 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 28.53 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.53 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 12 3 85 1.56/ 68 56 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SANDY OOZE AND SANDY CLAY MIXED TOGETHER Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 530/1500 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 28.53 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 4 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 29.50 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.97 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 50 35 85 1.59/ 66 103 Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SANDY OOZE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1300 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 29.50 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 4 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 30.80 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.30 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 75 3 22 1.58/ 67 138 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SLIGHTLY SANDY MOIST OOZE Screen Lith : FORAMINIFERA RICH NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1300/1450 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 30.80 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 4 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 30.95 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.15 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 1.57/ 67 16 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SANDY SMOOTH MOIST CLAY Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 31.00 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 4 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 32.50 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 54 3 43 1.57/ 67 159 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SLIGHTLY SANDY OOZE Screen Lith : FORAMINIFERA RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 130 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 32.50 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 4 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 32.63 Age: Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.13 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 50 35 43 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SANDY OOZE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 150 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 32.80 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 4 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 32.95 Age: Sect: CC Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.15 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 50 35 43 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SANDY OOZE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 36.00 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 37.50 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 62 2 37 1.51/ 71 156 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH FORAMINIFERA RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 37.50 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 39.00 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 84 4 12 1.55/ 69 159 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 39.00 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 40.50 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 86 0 14 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : FORAMINIFERA RICH NANNOFOSSIL RICH CALCAREOUS OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 40.50 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 42.00 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 89 6 5 1.55/ 69 159 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 42.00 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 43.50 Age: Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 51 0 49 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : FORAMINIFERA RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1370 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 43.50 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 44.87 Age: Sect: 6 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.37 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 50 1 50 1.57/ 67 135 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : FORAMINIFEROUS NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 180 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 45.10 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 45.28 Age: Sect: CC Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.18 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SANDY FORAMINIFEROUS OOZE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 45.50 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 6 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 47.00 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 81 1 18 1.55/ 69 159 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 47.00 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 6 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 48.50 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 81 5 14 1.55/ 69 158 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1040 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 48.50 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 6 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 49.54 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.04 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 72 1 27 1.52/ 71 60 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : FORAMINIFERA RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 150 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 49.64 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 6 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 49.79 Age: Sect: CC Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.15 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : BASALT Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS OOZE. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 160/ 200 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 49.70 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 6 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 49.74 Age: Sect: CC Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.04 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS OOZE. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 55.00 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 7 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 56.50 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 77 2 21 1.57/ 67 158 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 450 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 56.50 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 7 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 56.95 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.45 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 62 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS OOZE. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 100 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 57.08 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 7 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 57.18 Age: Sect: CC Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.10 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS OOZE. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 64.50 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 66.00 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 77 0 23 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : FORAM-RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : FORAMINIFERA RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 66.00 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 67.50 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 89 5 6 1.60/ 66 159 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : FORAM-RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 67.50 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 69.00 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 77 0 23 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : FORAM-RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 520 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 69.00 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 69.52 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.52 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 1.65/ 63 55 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : FORAM-RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS OOZE. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 520/1500 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 69.52 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 70.50 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.98 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 77 6 17 1.62/ 65 104 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : FORAM-RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : TERRIGENOUS DETRITUS RICH NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 70.50 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 72.00 Age: Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 87 2 11 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : FORAM-RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 72.00 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 73.50 Age: Sect: 6 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 81 0 19 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 240 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 73.50 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 73.74 Age: Sect: 7 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.24 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 88 1 11 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 170 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 73.86 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 74.03 Age: Sect: CC Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.17 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 83.50 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 10 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 85.00 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 77 2 21 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 85.00 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 10 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 86.50 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 84 0 16 1.67/ 61 159 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1400 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 86.50 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 10 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 87.90 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.40 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 85 0 15 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 88.00 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 10 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 89.50 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 62 0 38 1.69/ 60 159 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : TERRIGENOUS DETRITUS RICH CALCAREOUS OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 89.50 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 10 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 91.00 Age: Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 68 0 32 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 91.00 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 10 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 92.50 Age: Sect: 6 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 72 0 0 1.63/ 64 159 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS OOZE. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 260 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 92.50 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 10 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 92.76 Age: Sect: 7 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.26 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 90 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS OOZE. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 200 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 92.94 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 10 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 93.14 Age: Sect: CC Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.20 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS OOZE. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: PLEISTOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 93.00 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 11 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 94.50 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 87 23 0 1.59/ 66 157 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : RADIOLARIA RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: CENOZOIC Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 94.50 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 11 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 96.00 Age: PLIOCENE Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 84 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS OOZE. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: CENOZOIC Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 96.00 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 11 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 97.50 Age: PLIOCENE Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 87 0 13 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: CENOZOIC Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 97.50 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 11 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 99.00 Age: PLIOCENE Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 89 0 0 1.64/ 63 159 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: CENOZOIC Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 99.00 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 11 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 100.50 Age: PLIOCENE Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 86 4 10 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: CENOZOIC Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 100.50 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 11 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 102.00 Age: PLIOCENE Sect: 6 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 88 0 0 1.70/ 60 159 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 410 Age: CENOZOIC Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 102.00 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 11 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 102.41 Age: PLIOCENE Sect: 7 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.41 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 92 1 8 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 170 Age: Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 102.53 Age: Core: 11 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 102.70 Age: Sect: CC Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.17 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 96 0 4 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: PLIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 112.00 Age: PLIOCENE Core: 13 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 113.50 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 88 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 640 Age: PLIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 113.50 Age: PLIOCENE Core: 13 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 114.14 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.64 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 84 2 14 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 100 Age: PLIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 114.35 Age: PLIOCENE Core: 13 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 114.45 Age: Sect: CC Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.10 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: PLIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 121.50 Age: PLIOCENE Core: 14 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 123.00 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 82 0 18 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: PLIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 123.00 Age: PLIOCENE Core: 14 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 124.50 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 81 0 0 1.67/ 61 159 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: PLIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 124.50 Age: PLIOCENE Core: 14 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 126.00 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 71 0 29 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: PLIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 126.00 Age: PLIOCENE Core: 14 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 127.50 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 67 2 31 1.75/ 57 159 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: PLIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 127.50 Age: PLIOCENE Core: 14 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 129.00 Age: Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 94 1 5 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: PLIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 129.00 Age: PLIOCENE Core: 14 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 130.50 Age: Sect: 6 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 93 10 0 1.73/ 58 159 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 450 Age: PLIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 130.50 Age: PLIOCENE Core: 14 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 130.95 Age: Sect: 7 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.45 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 80 0 20 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 210 Age: PLIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 131.07 Age: PLIOCENE Core: 14 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 131.28 Age: Sect: CC Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.21 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 97 0 3 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: PLIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 131.00 Age: PLIOCENE Core: 15 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 132.50 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 87 1 12 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: PLIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 132.50 Age: PLIOCENE Core: 15 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 134.00 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 89 0 0 1.63/ 64 159 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: PLIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 134.00 Age: PLIOCENE Core: 15 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 135.50 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 90 0 10 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: PLIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 135.50 Age: PLIOCENE Core: 15 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 137.00 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 91 0 0 1.71/ 59 159 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS OOZE. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: PLIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 137.00 Age: PLIOCENE Core: 15 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 138.50 Age: Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 93 0 7 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : FORAMINIFERA RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1200 Age: PLIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 138.50 Age: PLIOCENE Core: 15 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 139.70 Age: Sect: 6 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.20 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 89 0 0 1.68/ 61 96 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS OOZE. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 200 Age: PLIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 139.86 Age: PLIOCENE Core: 15 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 140.06 Age: Sect: CC Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.20 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS OOZE. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: PLIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 140.50 Age: PLIOCENE Core: 16 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 142.00 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 90 1 9 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: PLIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 142.00 Age: PLIOCENE Core: 16 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 143.50 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 90 0 0 1.68/ 61 159 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: PLIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 143.50 Age: PLIOCENE Core: 16 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 145.00 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 89 2 9 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: PLIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 145.00 Age: PLIOCENE Core: 16 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 146.50 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 90 0 0 1.70/ 60 159 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1450 Age: PLIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 146.50 Age: PLIOCENE Core: 16 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 147.95 Age: Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.45 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 90 0 10 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: PLIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 148.00 Age: PLIOCENE Core: 16 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 149.50 Age: Sect: 6 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 89 0 0 1.67/ 62 154 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 120 Age: PLIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 149.60 Age: PLIOCENE Core: 16 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 149.72 Age: Sect: CC Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.12 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 159.50 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Core: 18 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 161.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 94 2 4 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 161.00 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Core: 18 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 162.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 94 0 0 1.70/ 60 159 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 162.50 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Core: 18 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 164.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 95 2 3 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 164.00 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Core: 18 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 165.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 95 0 0 1.73/ 58 159 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1280 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 165.50 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Core: 18 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 166.78 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.28 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 95 2 3 1.71/ 59 120 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 200 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 166.91 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Core: 18 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 167.11 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Sect: CC Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.20 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS OOZE. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 690 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 169.00 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Core: 19 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 169.69 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.69 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS OOZE. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 700/1500 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 169.70 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Core: 19 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 170.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.80 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 95 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS OOZE. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 170.50 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Core: 19 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 172.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 95 2 3 1.77/ 55 159 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 172.00 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Core: 19 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 173.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 94 0 6 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 173.50 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Core: 19 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 175.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 91 0 0 1.77/ 56 159 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 175.00 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Core: 19 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 176.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 95 0 6 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 176.50 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Core: 19 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 178.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Sect: 6 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 96 0 0 1.75/ 57 159 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS OOZE. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 220 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 178.00 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Core: 19 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 178.22 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Sect: 7 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.22 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS OOZE. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 120 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 178.32 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Core: 19 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 178.44 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Sect: CC Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.12 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS OOZE. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 178.50 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Core: 20 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 180.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 95 0 5 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 180.00 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Core: 20 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 181.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 96 0 0 1.79/ 54 159 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 370 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 181.50 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Core: 20 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 181.87 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.37 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 95 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 188.00 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Core: 21 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 189.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 95 0 5 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 189.50 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Core: 21 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 191.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 95 0 0 1.77/ 55 159 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS OOZE. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 300 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 191.00 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Core: 21 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 191.30 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.30 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS OOZE. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 310/1500 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 191.31 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Core: 21 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 192.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.19 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 93 2 5 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 192.50 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Core: 21 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 194.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 94 0 0 1.75/ 56 159 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 194.00 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Core: 21 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 195.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 95 0 5 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 195.50 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Core: 21 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 197.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Sect: 6 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 96 0 0 1.75/ 57 158 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS OOZE. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 300 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 197.00 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Core: 21 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 197.30 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Sect: 7 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.30 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 96 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS OOZE. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 150 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 197.58 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Core: 21 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 197.73 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Sect: CC Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.15 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS OOZE. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 197.50 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Core: 22 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 199.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 95 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS OOZE. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 199.00 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Core: 22 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 200.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 94 0 6 1.81/ 53 159 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 200.50 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Core: 22 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 202.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 94 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 202.00 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Core: 22 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 203.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 94 0 6 1.80/ 54 159 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 203.50 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Core: 22 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 205.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 93 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS OOZE. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 205.00 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Core: 22 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 206.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Sect: 6 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 95 2 3 1.78/ 55 150 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 320 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 206.50 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Core: 22 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 206.82 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Sect: 7 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.32 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 94 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS OOZE. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 200 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 207.01 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Core: 22 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 207.21 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Sect: CC Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.20 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS OOZE. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 207.00 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Core: 23 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 208.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 94 0 6 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 208.50 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Core: 23 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 210.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 94 0 0 1.60/ 66 157 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 210.00 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Core: 23 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 211.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 94 2 5 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 211.50 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Core: 23 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 213.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 95 0 0 1.79/ 54 159 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 213.00 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Core: 23 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 214.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 95 0 5 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 850 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 214.50 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Core: 23 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 215.35 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Sect: 6 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.85 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 95 0 0 1.80/ 54 22 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS OOZE. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 200 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 215.47 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Core: 23 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 215.67 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Sect: CC Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.20 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS OOZE. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 216.50 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Core: 24 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 218.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 95 0 5 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 218.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 24 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 219.50 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 94 0 0 1.67/ 62 155 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : CHALK. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 219.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 24 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 221.00 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 95 0 5 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : TERRIGENOUS DETRITUS RICH NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 221.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 24 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 222.50 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 95 0 0 1.78/ 55 159 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CHALK Screen Lith : TERRIGENOUS DETRITUS RICH NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 222.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 24 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 224.00 Age: Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 96 0 4 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CHALK Screen Lith : TERRIGENOUS DETRITUS RICH NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 224.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 24 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 225.50 Age: Sect: 6 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 95 0 0 1.80/ 53 159 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CHALK Screen Lith : CHALK. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 300 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 225.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 24 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 225.80 Age: Sect: 7 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.30 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 94 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CHALK Screen Lith : CHALK. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 200 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 226.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 24 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 226.20 Age: Sect: CC Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.20 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CHALK Screen Lith : CHALK. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 226.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 25 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 227.50 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 94 0 6 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CHALK Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 227.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 25 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 229.00 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 93 0 0 1.79/ 54 158 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS OOZE. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 229.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 25 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 230.50 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 94 0 6 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 230.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 25 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 232.00 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 94 0 0 1.79/ 54 158 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 232.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 25 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 233.50 Age: Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 95 0 5 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 233.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 25 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 235.00 Age: Sect: 6 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 94 0 0 1.81/ 53 158 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 430 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 235.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 25 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 235.43 Age: Sect: 7 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.43 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 94 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 150 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 235.55 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 25 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 235.70 Age: Sect: CC Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.15 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 235.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 26 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 237.00 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 93 0 7 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 237.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 26 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 238.50 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 93 0 0 1.75/ 57 159 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 980 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 238.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 26 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 239.48 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.98 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 93 2 5 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 200 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 239.59 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 26 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 239.79 Age: Sect: CC Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.20 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS OOZE. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 245.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 27 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 246.50 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 93 0 7 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 246.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 27 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 248.00 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 92 0 8 1.71/ 59 159 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 248.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 27 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 249.50 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 93 0 7 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 250 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 249.60 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 27 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 249.85 Age: Sect: CC Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.25 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 254.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 28 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 256.00 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 90 0 10 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 256.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 28 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 257.50 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 91 0 0 1.78/ 55 158 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS OOZE. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1400 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 257.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 28 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 258.90 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.40 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 91 0 9 1.81/ 53 139 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : PYRITE RICH NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 760 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 259.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 28 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 259.76 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.76 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 92 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS OOZE. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 120 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 259.86 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 28 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 259.98 Age: Sect: CC Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.12 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS OOZE. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 264.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 29 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 265.50 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 93 0 7 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 265.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 29 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 267.00 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 92 0 8 1.77/ 55 159 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : FORAMINIFERA RICH NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 267.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 29 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 268.50 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 91 0 9 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 268.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 29 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 270.00 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 91 0 0 1.80/ 54 159 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 540 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 270.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 29 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 270.54 Age: Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.54 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 93 0 8 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 200 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 270.65 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 29 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 270.85 Age: Sect: CC Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.20 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS OOZE. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 273.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 30 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 275.00 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 93 0 7 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 275.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 30 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 276.50 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 93 0 0 1.83/ 52 159 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS OOZE. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 276.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 30 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 278.00 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 92 0 8 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 278.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 30 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 279.50 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 93 0 0 1.79/ 54 159 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS OOZE. Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 279.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 30 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 281.00 Age: Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 92 2 6 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1000 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 281.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 30 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 282.00 Age: Sect: 6 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.00 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 94 0 0 1.78/ 55 106 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1000/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 282.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 30 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 282.50 Age: Sect: 6 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 1.76/ 56 53 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 300 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 282.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 30 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 282.80 Age: Sect: 7 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.30 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 93 0 7 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 283.04 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 30 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 283.09 Age: Sect: CC Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.05 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 120/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 283.12 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 31 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 284.50 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.38 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 93 0 7 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 284.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 31 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 286.00 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 93 0 7 1.75/ 57 159 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 286.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 31 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 287.50 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 92 0 8 1.73/ 58 159 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 800 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 287.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 31 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 288.30 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.80 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 92 0 8 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 200 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 288.55 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 31 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 288.75 Age: Sect: CC Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.20 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 200/ 500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 292.70 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 32 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 293.00 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.30 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 510/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 293.01 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 32 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 294.00 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.99 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 93 1 6 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 294.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 32 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 295.50 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 93 1 7 1.78/ 55 149 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 295.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 32 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 297.00 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 92 0 8 1.75/ 57 159 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 200 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 297.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 32 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 297.20 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.20 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 200 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 297.36 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 32 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 297.56 Age: Sect: CC Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.20 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 302.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 33 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 303.50 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 92 0 8 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 600 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 303.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 33 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 304.10 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.60 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 99 6 0 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 200 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 305.10 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 33 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 305.30 Age: Sect: CC Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.20 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 311.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 34 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 313.00 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 91 0 9 1.62/ 65 157 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 920 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 313.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 34 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 313.92 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.92 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 94 0 6 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CHALK Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 180 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 314.02 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 34 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 314.20 Age: Sect: CC Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.18 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 97 0 3 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CHALK Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 321.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 35 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 322.50 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 94 0 6 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 322.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 35 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 324.00 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 94 0 6 1.78/ 55 159 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 324.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 35 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 325.50 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 95 0 5 1.81/ 53 158 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 400 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 325.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 35 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 325.90 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.40 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Classification failed; no smear slide data exists. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 200 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 326.03 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 35 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 326.23 Age: Sect: CC Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.20 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Classification failed; no smear slide data exists. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 250/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 330.75 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 36 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 332.00 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.25 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 91 0 0 / Processing Hist: Classification failed; no smear slide data exists. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 150/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 332.15 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 36 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 333.50 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.35 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 91 0 0 1.57/ 68 143 Processing Hist: Classification failed; no smear slide data exists. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1050 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 333.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 36 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 334.55 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.05 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 89 0 0 / Processing Hist: Classification failed; no smear slide data exists. Shipboard Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 49 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 200 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 410 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 334.65 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 36 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 334.85 Age: Sect: CC Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.20 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Classification failed; no smear slide data exists. Shipboard Lith : SAND Screen Lith : SAND |
Cite as: Deep Sea Drilling Project (1989): Archive of Core and Site/Hole Data and Photographs from the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP). National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA. doi:10.7289/V54M92G2 [access date]
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