Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 83.70 Sample Depth(m): 88.30
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 0/ 0
Core: 10 Section/Piece: CC/1
Analyst: Bougault, H.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: 8.25
V : 49. Cr: 2805. Co: 111. Ni: 2160. Cu: 12. Zn: 45.
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb:
Sr: 6. Y : Zr: 3. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: .189 Cs: -.027 Ba:
La: -.84 Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: -.057
Gd: Tb: -.014 Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: -.14 Ta: -.008 W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: .05
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 83.70 Sample Depth(m): 88.30
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 0/ 0
Core: 10 Section/Piece: CC/1
Analyst: Bougault, H.
Methods: Inst neutron activ
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : Cr: Co: 99.6 Ni: 1716. Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb:
Sr: Y : Zr: -27. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 83.70 Sample Depth(m): 88.30
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 0/ 0
Core: 10 Section/Piece: CC/2
Analyst: Bougault, H.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: 1.92
V : 3.6 Cr: 323. Co: 39. Ni: 554. Cu: 50. Zn: 17.
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb:
Sr: 99. Y : Zr: 8. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: -.015 Ba:
La: .11 Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: .15
Gd: Tb: .008 Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: -.067 Ta: -.004 W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: .015
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 83.70 Sample Depth(m): 88.30
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 0/ 0
Core: 10 Section/Piece: CC/2
Analyst: Bougault, H.
Methods: Inst neutron activ
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : Cr: Co: 41.6 Ni: 563. Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb:
Sr: Y : Zr: -14. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 83.70 Sample Depth(m): 88.30
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 0/ 0
Core: 10 Section/Piece: CC/3
Analyst: Bougault, H.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : 34. Cr: 1071. Co: 104. Ni: 1128. Cu: 91. Zn: 39.
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb:
Sr: 4. Y : Zr: 4. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 93.23 Sample Depth(m): 93.66
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 420/ 440
Core: 11 Section/Piece: 1/2
Analyst: Rhodes, M.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: 36.6
V : Cr: 290. Co: Ni: 120. Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 1.2
Sr: 115. Y : 35. Zr: 105. Nb: 2.4 Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: 2.91 Ce: 9.6 Pr: Nd: Sm: 3.38 Eu: 1.33
Gd: Tb: 0.92 Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: 3.3 Lu: 0.50 Hf: 3.0 Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 93.23 Sample Depth(m): 93.86
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 600/ 650
Core: 11 Section/Piece: 1/4
Analyst: Propach, G.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : Cr: Co: Ni: Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 10.
Sr: 130. Y : Zr: 122. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 93.23 Sample Depth(m): 94.29
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1050/1070
Core: 11 Section/Piece: 1/9
Analyst: Bougault, H.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: 38.4
V : 301. Cr: 279. Co: 48. Ni: 161. Cu: 69. Zn: 92.
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 3.3
Sr: 127. Y : Zr: 121. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: .50 Cs: .099 Ba:
La: 3.25 Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: 1.5
Gd: Tb: .87 Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: 2.84 Ta: .200 W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: .137
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 93.23 Sample Depth(m): 94.29
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1050/1070
Core: 11 Section/Piece: 1/9
Analyst: Bougault, H.
Methods: Inst neutron activ
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : Cr: Co: 49.3 Ni: 160. Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb:
Sr: Y : Zr: 112. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 93.23 Sample Depth(m): 94.60
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1360/1380
Core: 11 Section/Piece: 1/13
Analyst: Rhodes, M.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : Cr: Co: Ni: Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 0.9
Sr: 112. Y : 35. Zr: 105. Nb: 1.9 Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 93.23 Sample Depth(m): 95.36
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 620/ 640
Core: 11 Section/Piece: 2/12C
Analyst: Bougault, H.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: 36.6
V : 263.7 Cr: 271. Co: 48. Ni: 173. Cu: 68. Zn: 81.
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: -1.4
Sr: 119. Y : Zr: 112. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: .02 Cs: .024 Ba:
La: 3.2 Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: 1.33
Gd: Tb: .82 Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: 2.71 Ta: .183 W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: .132
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 93.23 Sample Depth(m): 95.36
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 620/ 640
Core: 11 Section/Piece: 2/12C
Analyst: Graham, A.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: 7. Be: -2. B : 5.0 F : Cl: Sc:
V : 300.0 Cr: 270. Co: 40.0 Ni: 145.0 Cu: 27.0 Zn: 95.0
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: -5.0
Sr: 110.0 Y : 39.0 Zr: 105.0 Nb: -5. Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: -50.0
La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 93.23 Sample Depth(m): 95.36
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 620/ 640
Core: 11 Section/Piece: 2/12C
Analyst: Bougault, H.
Methods: Inst neutron activ
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : Cr: Co: 40.4 Ni: 190. Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb:
Sr: Y : Zr: 126. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 93.23 Sample Depth(m): 95.76
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1000/1050
Core: 11 Section/Piece: 2/12I
Analyst: Rhodes, M.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: 36.0
V : Cr: 290. Co: Ni: 190. Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 1.7
Sr: 116. Y : 34. Zr: 102. Nb: 1.9 Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: 2.79 Ce: 9.7 Pr: Nd: Sm: 3.41 Eu: 1.27
Gd: Tb: 0.92 Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: 3.2 Lu: 0.47 Hf: 2.7 Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 93.23 Sample Depth(m): 95.76
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1000/1060
Core: 11 Section/Piece: 2/12J
Analyst: Propach, G.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : Cr: Co: Ni: Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 5.
Sr: 118. Y : Zr: 122. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 102.75 Sample Depth(m): 105.35
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1090/1110
Core: 12 Section/Piece: 2/1A
Analyst: Bougault, H.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: 37.3
V : 266. Cr: 269. Co: 47. Ni: 172. Cu: 68. Zn: 85.
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: -0.9
Sr: 120. Y : Zr: 119. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: .016 Cs: .037 Ba:
La: 2.12 Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: 1.42
Gd: Tb: .83 Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: 2.73 Ta: .194 W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: .137
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 102.75 Sample Depth(m): 105.35
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1090/1110
Core: 12 Section/Piece: 2/1A
Analyst: Graham, A.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: 7.0 Be: -2.0 B : 7.0 F : Cl: Sc:
V : 290.0 Cr: 270.0 Co: 45.0 Ni: 140.0 Cu: 17.0 Zn: 105.0
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: -5.0
Sr: 105.0 Y : 37.0 Zr: 115.0 Nb: 6.0 Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: -50.0
La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 102.75 Sample Depth(m): 105.35
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1090/1110
Core: 12 Section/Piece: 2/1A
Analyst: Bougault, H.
Methods: Inst neutron activ
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : Cr: Co: 49.6 Ni: 189. Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb:
Sr: Y : Zr: 120. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 121.76 Sample Depth(m): 122.89
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1120/1140
Core: 14 Section/Piece: 1/5
Analyst: Bougault, H.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: 40.8
V : 323. Cr: 274. Co: 49. Ni: Cu: 65. Zn: 101.
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 4.1
Sr: Y : Zr: Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: .98 Cs: .027 Ba:
La: 3.6 Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: 1.49
Gd: Tb: .93 Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: 3.18 Ta: .207 W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: .141
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 121.76 Sample Depth(m): 122.89
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1120/1140
Core: 14 Section/Piece: 1/5
Analyst: Bougault, H.
Methods: Inst neutron activ
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : Cr: Co: 48.8 Ni: 183. Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb:
Sr: Y : Zr: 137. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 121.76 Sample Depth(m): 123.08
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1310/1320
Core: 14 Section/Piece: 1/9
Analyst: Bougault, H.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: 37.3
V : 269. Cr: 269. Co: 49. Ni: 177. Cu: 70. Zn: 87.
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 2.4
Sr: 120. Y : Zr: 114. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: .017 Cs: .08 Ba:
La: 3.1 Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: 1.36
Gd: Tb: .84 Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: 2.86 Ta: .193 W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: .134
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 121.76 Sample Depth(m): 123.08
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1310/1320
Core: 14 Section/Piece: 1/9
Analyst: Graham, A.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: 7.0 Be: -2.0 B : 2.0 F : Cl: Sc:
V : 280.0 Cr: 250.0 Co: 32.0 Ni: 155.0 Cu: 55.0 Zn: 90.0
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: -5.0
Sr: 100.0 Y : 38.0 Zr: 115.0 Nb: 7.0 Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: -50.0
La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 121.76 Sample Depth(m): 123.08
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1310/1320
Core: 14 Section/Piece: 1/9
Analyst: Bougault, H.
Methods: Inst neutron activ
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : Cr: Co: 49.9 Ni: 186. Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb:
Sr: Y : Zr: 136. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 131.27 Sample Depth(m): 131.99
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 710/ 730
Core: 15 Section/Piece: 1/5
Analyst: Bougault, H.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: 38.
V : 274. Cr: 279. Co: 51. Ni: Cu: 64. Zn: 84.
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: -1.1
Sr: Y : Zr: Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: .018 Cs: .05 Ba:
La: 4.1 Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: 1.4
Gd: Tb: .83 Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: 2.83 Ta: .192 W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: .138
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 131.27 Sample Depth(m): 131.99
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 710/ 730
Core: 15 Section/Piece: 1/5
Analyst: Bougault, H.
Methods: Inst neutron activ
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : Cr: Co: 49.9 Ni: 181. Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb:
Sr: Y : Zr: 108. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 131.27 Sample Depth(m): 132.02
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 740/ 760
Core: 15 Section/Piece: 1/5
Analyst: Graham, A.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: 7.0 Be: 0.0 B : 7.0 F : Cl: Sc:
V : 260.0 Cr: 270.0 Co: 35.0 Ni: 125.0 Cu: 13.0 Zn: 95.0
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: -5.0
Sr: 105.0 Y : 37.0 Zr: 105.0 Nb: 12.0 Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: -50.0
La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 131.27 Sample Depth(m): 132.20
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 910/ 950
Core: 15 Section/Piece: 1/7F
Analyst: Propach, G.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : Cr: Co: Ni: Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 3.
Sr: 122. Y : Zr: 91. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 131.27 Sample Depth(m): 132.40
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1120/1150
Core: 15 Section/Piece: 1/7D
Analyst: Bougault, H.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : Cr: 271. Co: Ni: 167. Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb:
Sr: 124. Y : Zr: 115. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 131.27 Sample Depth(m): 133.47
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 680/ 720
Core: 15 Section/Piece: 2/9
Analyst: Rhodes, M.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : Cr: Co: Ni: Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 1.1
Sr: 116. Y : 35. Zr: 106. Nb: 1.7 Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 131.27 Sample Depth(m): 134.09
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1300/1330
Core: 15 Section/Piece: 2/26
Analyst: Bougault, H.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: 37.9
V : 266. Cr: 265. Co: 48. Ni: 182. Cu: 68. Zn: 89.
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 1.9
Sr: 118. Y : Zr: 116. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: .015 Cs: .020 Ba:
La: 3.4 Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: 1.45
Gd: Tb: .85 Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: 2.88 Ta: .187 W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: .130
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 131.27 Sample Depth(m): 134.09
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1300/1330
Core: 15 Section/Piece: 2/26
Analyst: Bougault, H.
Methods: Inst neutron activ
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : Cr: Co: 50.4 Ni: 186. Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb:
Sr: Y : Zr: 112. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 140.57 Sample Depth(m): 142.72
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 630/ 660
Core: 16 Section/Piece: 2/10
Analyst: Rhodes, M.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : Cr: Co: Ni: Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 1.1
Sr: 115. Y : 37. Zr: 106. Nb: 1.8 Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 140.57 Sample Depth(m): 143.12
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1040/1050
Core: 16 Section/Piece: 2/20
Analyst: Bougault, H.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: 36.9
V : 270. Cr: 267. Co: 49. Ni: 176. Cu: 69. Zn: 87.
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: -1.8
Sr: 118. Y : Zr: 120. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: .033 Cs: .036 Ba:
La: 3.3 Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: 1.4
Gd: Tb: .83 Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: 2.83 Ta: .19 W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: .13
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 140.57 Sample Depth(m): 143.12
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1040/1050
Core: 16 Section/Piece: 2/20
Analyst: Bougault, H.
Methods: Inst neutron activ
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : Cr: Co: 48.9 Ni: 183. Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb:
Sr: Y : Zr: 108. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 140.57 Sample Depth(m): 143.63
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 30/ 80
Core: 16 Section/Piece: 3/1
Analyst: Rhodes, M.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : Cr: Co: Ni: Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 1.1
Sr: 118. Y : 36. Zr: 108. Nb: 2.1 Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 150.08 Sample Depth(m): 150.66
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 560/ 590
Core: 17 Section/Piece: 1/7
Analyst: Graham, A.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: 20.0 Be: -2.0 B : 7.0 F : Cl: Sc:
V : 190.0 Cr: 140.0 Co: 39.0 Ni: 165.0 Cu: 11.0 Zn: 34.0
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: -5.0
Sr: 280.0 Y : 11.0 Zr: -5.0 Nb: -5.0 Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: -50.0
La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 150.08 Sample Depth(m): 150.71
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 560/ 690
Core: 17 Section/Piece: 1/7
Analyst: Bougault, H.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: 35.2
V : 153. Cr: 165. Co: 40. Ni: 155. Cu: 0.0 Zn: 19.
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 3.8
Sr: 324. Y : Zr: 16. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: .017 Cs: .34 Ba:
La: .44 Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: .41
Gd: Tb: .193 Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: .19 Ta: -.057 W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: -.019
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 150.08 Sample Depth(m): 150.71
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 560/ 690
Core: 17 Section/Piece: 1/7
Analyst: Propach, G.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : Cr: Co: Ni: Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 7.
Sr: 313. Y : Zr: 88. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 150.08 Sample Depth(m): 150.71
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 560/ 690
Core: 17 Section/Piece: 1/7
Analyst: Bougault, H.
Methods: Inst neutron activ
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : Cr: Co: 43. Ni: 170. Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb:
Sr: Y : Zr: -27. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 159.62 Sample Depth(m): 160.01
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 370/ 410
Core: 18 Section/Piece: 1/1
Analyst: Bougault, H.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: 31.3
V : 217. Cr: 361. Co: 38. Ni: 139. Cu: 68.0 Zn: 53.0
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 2.1
Sr: 112. Y : Zr: 67. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: .038 Ba:
La: 2.04 Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: .95
Gd: Tb: .52 Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: 1.65 Ta: .103 W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: .079
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 159.62 Sample Depth(m): 160.01
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 370/ 410
Core: 18 Section/Piece: 1/1
Analyst: Bougault, H.
Methods: Inst neutron activ
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : Cr: Co: 41.3 Ni: 152. Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb:
Sr: Y : Zr: 63. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 159.62 Sample Depth(m): 160.28
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 610/ 700
Core: 18 Section/Piece: 1/2C
Analyst: Bougault, H.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: 6.58
V : 29. Cr: 2677. Co: 127. Ni: 2370. Cu: 11. Zn: 44.
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: -1.8
Sr: 6. Y : Zr: 4. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: .018 Cs: -.02 Ba:
La: .12 Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: -.05
Gd: Tb: .011 Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: -.13 Ta: -.007 W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: -.027
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 159.62 Sample Depth(m): 160.28
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 610/ 700
Core: 18 Section/Piece: 1/2C
Analyst: Graham, A.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: -1.0 Be: -2.0 B : 50.0 F : Cl: Sc:
V : 36.0 Cr: 2180.0 Co: 70.0 Ni: 2187.0 Cu: 28.0 Zn: 60.0
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: -5.0
Sr: -5.0 Y : -5.0 Zr: 9.0 Nb: 6.0 Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: -50.0
La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 159.62 Sample Depth(m): 160.28
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 610/ 700
Core: 18 Section/Piece: 1/2C
Analyst: Propach, G.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : Cr: Co: Ni: Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: -1.
Sr: 3. Y : Zr: 42. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 159.62 Sample Depth(m): 160.28
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 610/ 700
Core: 18 Section/Piece: 1/2C
Analyst: Bougault, H.
Methods: Inst neutron activ
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : Cr: Co: 123. Ni: 2543. Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb:
Sr: Y : Zr: -25. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 159.62 Sample Depth(m): 161.48
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 330/ 380
Core: 18 Section/Piece: 2/7
Analyst: Bougault, H.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: 30.
V : 208. Cr: 341. Co: 37. Ni: 130. Cu: 60. Zn: 57.
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 2.3
Sr: 114. Y : Zr: 67. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: .033 Cs: .066 Ba:
La: 1.9 Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: .97
Gd: Tb: .54 Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: 1.66 Ta: .109 W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: .083
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 159.62 Sample Depth(m): 161.48
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 330/ 380
Core: 18 Section/Piece: 2/7
Analyst: Bougault, H.
Methods: Inst neutron activ
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : Cr: Co: 37.9 Ni: 137. Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb:
Sr: Y : Zr: 68. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 159.62 Sample Depth(m): 161.57
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 430/ 460
Core: 18 Section/Piece: 2/9
Analyst: Rhodes, M.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : Cr: Co: Ni: Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 1.5
Sr: 110. Y : 26. Zr: 71. Nb: 1.1 Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 159.62 Sample Depth(m): 161.57
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 430/ 460
Core: 18 Section/Piece: 2/9
Analyst: Rhodes, M.
Methods: Electron microprobe
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : Cr: 274. Co: Ni: Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb:
Sr: Y : Zr: Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 159.62 Sample Depth(m): 162.02
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 850/ 950
Core: 18 Section/Piece: 2/17A
Analyst: Bougault, H.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : 52. Cr: 4788. Co: 116. Ni: 2110. Cu: 33. Zn: 42.
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb:
Sr: 10. Y : Zr: 1. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 169.15 Sample Depth(m): 169.34
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 180/ 200
Core: 19 Section/Piece: 1/2
Analyst: Bougault, H.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: 38.
V : 200. Cr: 293. Co: 41. Ni: 141. Cu: 61. Zn: 79.
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: -1.5
Sr: 130. Y : Zr: 127. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: .026 Cs: .040 Ba:
La: 3.8 Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: 1.42
Gd: Tb: .84 Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: 3. Ta: .201 W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: .154
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 169.15 Sample Depth(m): 169.34
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 180/ 200
Core: 19 Section/Piece: 1/2
Analyst: Bougault, H.
Methods: Inst neutron activ
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : Cr: Co: 44. Ni: 137. Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb:
Sr: Y : Zr: 131. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 169.15 Sample Depth(m): 169.75
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 570/ 620
Core: 19 Section/Piece: 1/7
Analyst: Rhodes, M.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: 29.8
V : Cr: 252. Co: Ni: 110. Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 1.2
Sr: 158. Y : 26. Zr: 85. Nb: 2.0 Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: 2.71 Ce: 9.3 Pr: Nd: Sm: 3.09 Eu: 1.06
Gd: Tb: 0.76 Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: 2.8 Lu: 0.42 Hf: 2.3 Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 169.15 Sample Depth(m): 170.52
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1350/1380
Core: 19 Section/Piece: 1/16
Analyst: Propach, G.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : Cr: Co: Ni: Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 1.
Sr: 151. Y : Zr: 146. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 178.65 Sample Depth(m): 178.99
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 320/ 360
Core: 20 Section/Piece: 1/5
Analyst: Bougault, H.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: 30.6
V : 219. Cr: 222. Co: 34. Ni: 186. Cu: 55. Zn: 58.
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 8.1
Sr: 162. Y : Zr: 94. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: .101 Cs: .40 Ba:
La: 2.77 Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: 1.18
Gd: Tb: .64 Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: 2.21 Ta: .149 W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: .113
U :
Leg : 45 Depth to Top of Core(m): 178.65 Sample Depth(m): 178.99
Hole: 395 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 320/ 360
Core: 20 Section/Piece: 1/5
Analyst: Bougault, H.
Methods: Inst neutron activ
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : Cr: Co: 35. Ni: 90. Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb:
Sr: Y : Zr: 98. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :