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Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 480/ 600 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 137.98 Age: LOWER PLIOCENE Core: 1 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 138.10 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.12 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 50 35 100 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : NANNO MARL Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 600/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 138.10 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 1 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 139.00 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.90 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 48 0 52 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : GYPSUM Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH MARLY CARBONATE LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1150/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 190.65 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 2 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 191.00 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.35 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 0 60 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : GYPSUM Screen Lith : GYPSUM RICH MARLY CARBONATE LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 191.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 2 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 192.50 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 2 99 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : GYPSUM Screen Lith : MARLY LIMESTONE. Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 340 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 192.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 2 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 192.84 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.34 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : GYPSUM Screen Lith : MARLY LIMESTONE. Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 340/ 410 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 192.84 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 2 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 192.91 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.07 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : GYPSUM Screen Lith : MARLY LIMESTONE. Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 410/ 460 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 192.91 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 2 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 192.96 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.05 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 56 0 44 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SANDY GYPSUM BEARING DOLOMITIC SILTSTONE Screen Lith : GYPSUM RICH MARLY DOLOMITE LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 460/ 550 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 192.96 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 2 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 193.05 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.09 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : GYPSUM Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT. Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 550/ 810 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 193.05 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 2 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 193.31 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.26 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SANDY DOLOMITIC MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT. Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 810/ 925 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 193.31 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 2 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 193.43 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.12 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : GYPSUM Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT. Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 925/1210 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 193.43 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 2 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 193.71 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.29 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 80 0 20 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SANDY DOLOMITIC MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH INDURATED NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1210/1330 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 193.71 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 2 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 193.83 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.12 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : DOLOMITIC MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT. Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1330/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 193.83 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 2 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 194.00 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.17 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 56 0 44 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : DOLOMITIC MARLSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH MARLY CARBONATE LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 100 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 194.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 2 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 194.10 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.10 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 36 0 64 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : DOLOMITIC MARLSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH MARLY DOLOMITE LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 100/ 240 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 194.10 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 2 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 194.24 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.14 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : DOLOMITIC MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT. Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 240/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 194.24 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 2 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 195.50 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.26 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : GYPSUM Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT. Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 195.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 2 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 195.55 Age: Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.05 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : GYPSUM Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT. Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 60/ 235 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 195.56 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 2 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 195.73 Age: Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.17 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : LIMESTONE BRECCIA Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT. Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1040/1100 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 246.54 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 4 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 246.60 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.06 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : LIMESTONE BRECCIA Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT. Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1100/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 246.60 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 4 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 247.00 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.40 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 75 0 25 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : PYRITE BEARING DOLOMITIC MARLSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH INDURATED DOLOMITE CHALK Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 247.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 4 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 248.50 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 43 0 57 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : PYRITE BEARING DOLOMITIC MARLSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH MARLY CARBONATE LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 248.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 4 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 250.00 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 78 0 22 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : PYRITE BEARING DOLOMITIC MARL Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH INDURATED DOLOMITE CHALK Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 250.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 4 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 251.50 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 100 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : DOLOMITIC MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT. Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 251.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 4 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 253.00 Age: Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 60 0 40 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO DOLOMITIC MARLSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH DOLOMITE RICH LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 0000/0440 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 360.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 360.44 Age: Sect: 0 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.44 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : DOLOMITIC NANNO MARLSTONE Screen Lith : TRANSITIONAL CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT. Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 360.44 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 361.94 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 55 0 45 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO BEARING DOLOMITIC MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH NANNOFOSSIL RICH MARLY LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 361.94 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 363.44 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 77 0 23 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO BEARING DOLOMITIC MARLSTONE Screen Lith : FORAMINIFERA RICH CARBONATE RICH INDURATED CHALK Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1420 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 363.44 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 364.86 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.42 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 24 0 76 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : DOLOMITIC NANNO MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT. Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 364.94 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 366.44 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 0 60 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 366.44 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 367.94 Age: Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 46 0 54 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH NANNOFOSSIL RICH MARLY LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 367.94 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 369.44 Age: Sect: 6 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 29 0 71 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO MARLSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH MUDSTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 150/ 340 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 461.15 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 6 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 461.34 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.19 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SANDSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC STONE. Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 340/ 400 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 461.34 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 6 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 461.40 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.06 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC STONE. Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 400/ 530 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 461.40 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 6 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 461.53 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.13 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SANDSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC STONE. Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 530/ 870 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 461.53 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 6 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 461.87 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.34 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC STONE. Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 870/1210 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 461.87 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 6 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 462.21 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.34 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 10 0 90 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SILTSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH SILTSTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1210/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 462.21 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 6 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 462.50 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.29 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 57 0 43 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : DOLOMITIC NANNO MARL Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 110 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 462.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 6 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 462.61 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.11 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 43 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : MARLSTONE Screen Lith : MARLY LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 110/ 230 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 462.61 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 6 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 462.73 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.12 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 43 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SANDSTONE Screen Lith : SANDSTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 230/ 300 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 462.73 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 6 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 462.80 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.07 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 43 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : MARLSTONE Screen Lith : MARLY LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 300/ 960 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 462.80 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 6 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 463.46 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.66 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 15 0 85 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SANDSTONE Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH SANDSTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 960/1370 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 463.46 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 6 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 463.87 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.41 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SANDSTONE Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH SANDSTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1370/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 463.87 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 6 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 464.00 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.13 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH SANDSTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 370 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 464.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 6 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 464.37 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.37 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 21 0 0 1.89/ 48 35 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SANDSTONE Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH SANDSTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 370/ 670 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 464.37 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 6 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 464.67 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.30 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 23 0 77 1.76/ 56 29 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SANDSTONE Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH SANDSTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 670/1330 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 464.67 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 6 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 465.33 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.66 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 77 1.86/ 50 65 Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SANDSTONE Screen Lith : SANDSTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1330/1410 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 465.33 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 6 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 465.41 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.08 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 77 1.87/ 49 7 Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : MARLSTONE Screen Lith : MARLY LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1410/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 465.41 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 6 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 465.50 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.09 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 77 1.72/ 58 8 Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SANDSTONE Screen Lith : SANDSTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 700 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 465.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 6 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 466.20 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.70 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 77 1.97/ 43 62 Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SANDSTONE Screen Lith : SANDSTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 700/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 466.20 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 6 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 467.00 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.80 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 77 1.89/ 48 76 Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : MUDSTONE Screen Lith : MUDSTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 110 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 467.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 6 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 467.11 Age: Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.11 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 77 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : DOLOMITE BEARING NANNO MARLSTONE Screen Lith : DOLOMITE RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 110/ 180 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 467.11 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 6 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 467.18 Age: Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.07 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 77 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SANDSTONE Screen Lith : SANDSTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 180/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 467.18 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 6 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 468.50 Age: Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.32 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 57 0 43 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 760 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 468.50 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 6 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 469.26 Age: Sect: 6 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.76 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 26 0 75 1.88/ 49 73 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : DOLOMITE BEARING NANNO MARLSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH MUDSTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 760/1120 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 469.26 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 6 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 469.62 Age: Sect: 6 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.36 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 42 0 59 1.88/ 49 35 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SANDSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH MARLY CARBONATE LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1120/1460 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 469.62 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 6 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 469.96 Age: Sect: 6 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.34 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 1.99/ 42 33 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH MARLY CARBONATE LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 0000/0400 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 565.00 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 7 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 565.40 Age: Sect: 0 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.40 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : MUDSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH MARLY CARBONATE LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 180 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 565.40 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 7 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 565.58 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.18 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : DOLOMITIC MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH MARLY CARBONATE LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 180/ 290 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 565.58 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 7 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 565.69 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.11 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SILTSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH MARLY CARBONATE LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 290/1210 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 565.69 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 7 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 566.61 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.92 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 42 0 59 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH MARLY CARBONATE LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1210/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 566.61 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 7 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 566.90 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.29 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 59 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : MARLSTONE Screen Lith : MARLY LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 566.90 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 7 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 568.40 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 23 0 78 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : DOLOMITE BEARING NANNO MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH MUDSTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 568.40 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 7 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 569.90 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 78 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : DOLOMITE BEARING NANNO MARLSTONE Screen Lith : DOLOMITE RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 130 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 569.90 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 7 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 570.03 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.13 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 78 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : NANNO DOLOMITIC MARLSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH DOLOMITE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 130/ 210 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 570.03 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 7 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 570.11 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.08 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 78 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SILTSTONE Screen Lith : SILTSTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 210/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 570.11 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 7 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 571.40 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.29 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 34 0 67 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO DOLOMITIC MARLSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH MARLY CARBONATE LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 310 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 571.40 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 7 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 571.71 Age: Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.31 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 67 1.78/ 55 29 Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : MUDSTONE Screen Lith : MUDSTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 310/ 410 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 571.71 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 7 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 571.81 Age: Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.10 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 67 1.78/ 55 10 Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SILTSTONE Screen Lith : SILTSTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 410/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 571.81 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 7 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 572.90 Age: Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.09 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 67 1.81/ 53 105 Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : MUDSTONE Screen Lith : MUDSTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 572.90 Age: UPPER MIOCENE Core: 7 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 574.40 Age: Sect: 6 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 20 0 80 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : DOLOMITIC MUDSTONE Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH MUDSTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 0000/0430 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 622.00 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 622.43 Age: Sect: 0 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.43 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 80 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : MARLSTONE Screen Lith : MARLY LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 100 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 622.43 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 622.53 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.10 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 80 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : FORAM-RICH LIMESTONE Screen Lith : FORAMINIFERA LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 100/ 590 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 622.53 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 623.02 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.49 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 80 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : MUDSTONE Screen Lith : MUDSTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 590/ 900 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 623.02 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 623.33 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.31 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 74 0 26 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : LIMESTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH INDURATED CARBONATE CHALK Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 900/1140 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 623.33 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 623.57 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.24 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 2 0 98 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : MUDSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH FELDSPAR RICH MUDSTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1140/1230 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 623.57 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 623.66 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.09 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 98 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : LIMESTONE Screen Lith : LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1230/1500 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 623.66 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 623.93 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.27 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 98 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : LIMESTONE Screen Lith : LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 623.93 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 625.43 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 98 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : FORAM-RICH LIMESTONE Screen Lith : FORAMINIFERA LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 755 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 625.43 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 626.19 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.76 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 98 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : MARLSTONE Screen Lith : MARLY LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 775/1090 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 626.21 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 626.52 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.31 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 98 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : LIMESTONE Screen Lith : LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1090/1310 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 626.52 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 626.74 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.22 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 98 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : MARLSTONE Screen Lith : MARLY LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1310/1500 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 626.74 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 626.93 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.19 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 98 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : LIMESTONE Screen Lith : LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 626.93 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 628.43 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 53 0 48 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : FORAM NANNO MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH NANNOFOSSIL RICH MARLY LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1400 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 628.43 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 629.83 Age: Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.40 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : LIMESTONE Screen Lith : TRANSITIONAL CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT. Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 250 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 629.93 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 630.18 Age: Sect: 6 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.25 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : LIMESTONE Screen Lith : TRANSITIONAL CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT. Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 250/ 310 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 630.18 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 630.24 Age: Sect: 6 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.06 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : MARLSTONE Screen Lith : TRANSITIONAL CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT. Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 310/ 440 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 630.24 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 630.37 Age: Sect: 6 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.13 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 65 0 35 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : LIMESTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH FORAMINIFERA RICH NANNOFOSSIL LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 440/ 610 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 630.37 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 630.54 Age: Sect: 6 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.17 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 35 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : MARLSTONE Screen Lith : MARLY LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 610/ 780 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 630.54 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 630.71 Age: Sect: 6 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.17 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 35 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : LIMESTONE Screen Lith : LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 780/ 885 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 630.71 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 630.82 Age: Sect: 6 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.10 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 35 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : MARLSTONE Screen Lith : MARLY LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 885/ 980 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 630.82 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 630.91 Age: Sect: 6 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.09 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 35 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : LIMESTONE Screen Lith : LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 980/1500 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 630.91 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 631.43 Age: Sect: 6 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.52 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 35 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : MARLSTONE Screen Lith : MARLY LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 60 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 650.50 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Core: 9 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 650.56 Age: Sect: 0 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.06 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 35 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SANDSTONE Screen Lith : SANDSTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 60/ 320 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 650.56 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Core: 9 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 650.82 Age: Sect: 0 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.26 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 35 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : MUDSTONE Screen Lith : MUDSTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 650.94 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Core: 9 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 652.44 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 28 0 73 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : FORAM RICH MARLSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH MUDSTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 652.44 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Core: 9 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 653.94 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 53 0 47 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 653.94 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Core: 9 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 655.44 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 8 0 92 1.87/ 50 142 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : FORAM RICH MARLSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH MUDSTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 655.44 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Core: 9 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 656.94 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 48 0 53 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : FORAM RICH NANNO MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH NANNOFOSSIL RICH MARLY LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 656.94 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Core: 9 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 658.44 Age: Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 69 0 32 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : LIMESTONE Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH NANNOFOSSIL RICH LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 250 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 658.44 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Core: 9 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 658.69 Age: Sect: 6 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.25 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : MARLSTONE Screen Lith : TRANSITIONAL CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT. Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 250/1450 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 658.69 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Core: 9 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 659.89 Age: Sect: 6 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.20 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 53 0 47 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : LIMESTONE Screen Lith : FORAMINIFERA RICH NANNOFOSSIL RICH MARLY LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1040/1440 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 676.54 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Core: 10 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 676.94 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.40 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 61 0 39 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : DOLOMITIC NANNO MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH NANNOFOSSIL RICH LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1440/1500 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 676.94 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Core: 10 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 677.00 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.06 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : LIMESTONE Screen Lith : TRANSITIONAL CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT. Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 677.00 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Core: 10 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 678.50 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 45 0 55 1.85/ 51 122 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : DOLOMITIC NANNO MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 678.50 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Core: 10 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 680.00 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 17 0 83 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : FORAM MARLSTONE Screen Lith : FELDSPAR RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH MUDSTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 740/1500 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 733.74 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Core: 11 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 734.50 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.76 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 83 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : MARLSTONE Screen Lith : MARLY LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 734.50 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Core: 11 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 736.00 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 46 0 54 1.82/ 53 130 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : DOLOMITIC NANNO MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL LIMESTONE Leg : 42 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 910/1500 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Hole: 375 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 820.41 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Core: 13 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 821.00 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.59 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 54 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : FORAM RICH LIMESTONE Screen Lith : MARLY FORAMINIFERA LIMESTONE |
Cite as: Deep Sea Drilling Project (1989): Archive of Core and Site/Hole Data and Photographs from the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP). National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA. doi:10.7289/V54M92G2 [access date]
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