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Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 900/1500 Age: CENOZOIC Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 0.90 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 1 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1.50 Age: PLIOCENE Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.60 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 57 0 43 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAYEY NANNO OOZE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 300/ 530 Age: CENOZOIC Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1.80 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 1 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 2.03 Age: PLIOCENE Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.23 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 32 0 68 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SILTY NANNO FORAM BEARING CLAY Screen Lith : FORAMINIFERA RICH NANNOFOSSIL RICH MARLY CALCAREOUS OOZE Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 530/1450 Age: CENOZOIC Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 2.03 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 1 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 2.95 Age: PLIOCENE Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.92 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAYEY NANNO OOZE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1450/1500 Age: CENOZOIC Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 2.95 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 1 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 3.00 Age: PLIOCENE Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.05 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SILTY NANNO FORAM BEARING CLAY Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 170 Age: CENOZOIC Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 3.00 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 1 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 3.17 Age: PLIOCENE Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.17 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SILTY NANNO FORAM BEARING CLAY Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 170/1290 Age: CENOZOIC Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 3.17 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 1 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 4.29 Age: PLIOCENE Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.12 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAYEY NANNO OOZE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1290/1500 Age: CENOZOIC Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 4.29 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 1 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 4.50 Age: PLIOCENE Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.21 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SILTY NANNO FORAM BEARING CLAY Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 200 Age: CENOZOIC Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 4.50 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 1 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 4.70 Age: PLIOCENE Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.20 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SILTY NANNO FORAM BEARING CLAY Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 200/1500 Age: CENOZOIC Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 4.70 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 1 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 6.00 Age: PLIOCENE Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.30 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAYEY NANNO OOZE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: CENOZOIC Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 6.00 Age: PLEISTOCENE Core: 1 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 7.50 Age: PLIOCENE Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAYEY NANNO OOZE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 790/1000 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 103.79 Age: PLIOCENE Core: 2 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 104.00 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.21 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAYEY NANNO OOZE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1000/1500 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 104.00 Age: PLIOCENE Core: 2 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 104.50 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 81 0 19 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO OOZE Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 300 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 104.50 Age: PLIOCENE Core: 2 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 104.80 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.30 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO OOZE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 300/ 780 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 104.80 Age: PLIOCENE Core: 2 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 105.28 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.48 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 0 61 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SILTY NANNO MARL Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 780/ 860 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 105.28 Age: PLIOCENE Core: 2 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 105.36 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.08 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : FORAM BEARING CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAYEY SAND Screen Lith : MARLYCALCAREOUS OOZE. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 860/1500 Age: NEOGENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 105.36 Age: PLIOCENE Core: 2 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 106.00 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.64 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 42 0 59 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SILTY NANNO MARL Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH FORAMINIFERA RICH MARLY CALCAREOUS OOZE Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 80/ 800 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 207.58 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Core: 3 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 208.30 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.72 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 45 0 55 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO MARL Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH NANNOFOSSIL RICH MARLY CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 800/1055 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 208.30 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Core: 3 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 208.56 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.25 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 22 26 52 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-RAD BEARING CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1055/1140 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 208.56 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Core: 3 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 208.64 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.08 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1140/1450 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 208.64 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Core: 3 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 208.95 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.31 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-RAD BEARING CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 150 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 209.00 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Core: 3 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 209.15 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.15 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 150/ 220 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 209.15 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Core: 3 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 209.22 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.07 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SILT AND FINE SAND Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 220/1290 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 209.22 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Core: 3 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 210.29 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.07 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 14 86 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1290/1350 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 210.29 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Core: 3 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 210.35 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.06 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : FORAMINIFERAL SAND Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1350/1500 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 210.35 Age: MIDDLE MIOCENE Core: 3 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 210.50 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.15 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1110/1310 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 218.11 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Core: 4 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 218.31 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.20 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 19 23 58 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-RAD BEARING CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1310/1405 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 218.31 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Core: 4 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 218.40 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.09 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 12 35 53 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : RAD BEARING CLAY Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH RADIOLARIA RICH SILICEOUS MUD Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1405/1500 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 218.41 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Core: 4 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 218.50 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.09 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 25 40 53 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-RAD BEARING CLAY Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH RADIOLARIA RICH SILICEOUS MUD Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 210 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 218.50 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Core: 4 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 218.71 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.21 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 53 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : NANNO MARL Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 210/1050 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 218.71 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Core: 4 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 219.55 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.84 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 53 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-RAD BEARING CLAY Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1050/1440 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 219.55 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Core: 4 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 219.94 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.39 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 37 12 51 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO MARL Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1440/1500 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 219.94 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Core: 4 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 220.00 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.06 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 51 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-RAD BEARING CLAY Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 70/ 320 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 220.07 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Core: 4 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 220.32 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.25 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 51 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-RAD BEARING CLAY Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 320/ 400 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 220.32 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Core: 4 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 220.40 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.08 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 51 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : RAD-BEARING CLAY Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 400/1005 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 220.40 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Core: 4 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 221.01 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.61 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 51 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-RAD BEARING CLAY Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1005/1250 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 221.01 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Core: 4 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 221.25 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.25 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 51 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : RAD-BEARING CLAY Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1250/1445 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 221.25 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Core: 4 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 221.45 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.20 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 51 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-RAD BEARING CLAY Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1445/1500 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 221.45 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Core: 4 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 221.50 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.05 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 51 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : RAD-BEARING CLAY Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 110 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 221.50 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Core: 4 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 221.61 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.11 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 51 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : RAD-BEARING CLAY Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 110/ 210 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 221.61 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Core: 4 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 221.71 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.10 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 51 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-RAD BEARING CLAY Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 210/ 540 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 221.71 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Core: 4 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 222.04 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.33 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 51 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : NANNO MARL Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 540/1400 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 222.04 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Core: 4 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 222.90 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.86 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 18 22 60 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-RAD BEARING CLAY Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1400/1500 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 222.90 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Core: 4 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 223.00 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.10 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : RAD-BEARING CLAY Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 840/1430 Age: OLIGOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 322.34 Age: OLIGOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 322.93 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.59 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 20 6 74 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1430/1500 Age: OLIGOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 322.93 Age: OLIGOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 323.00 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.07 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 70 Age: OLIGOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 323.00 Age: OLIGOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 323.07 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.07 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 70/ 440 Age: OLIGOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 323.07 Age: OLIGOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 323.44 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.37 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 440/ 540 Age: OLIGOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 323.44 Age: OLIGOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 323.54 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.10 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 540/ 770 Age: OLIGOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 323.54 Age: OLIGOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 323.77 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.23 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 12 6 82 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 770/1180 Age: OLIGOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 323.77 Age: OLIGOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 324.18 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.41 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 82 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : CALCACEOUS SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CARBONATE RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1180/1500 Age: OLIGOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 324.18 Age: OLIGOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 324.50 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.32 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 82 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CARBONATE RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 250 Age: OLIGOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 324.50 Age: OLIGOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 324.75 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.25 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 82 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CARBONATE RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 250/ 450 Age: OLIGOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 324.75 Age: OLIGOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 324.95 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.20 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 82 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CARBONATE RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 450/ 540 Age: OLIGOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 324.95 Age: OLIGOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 325.04 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.09 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 82 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CARBONATE RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 540/ 690 Age: OLIGOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 325.04 Age: OLIGOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 325.19 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.15 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 82 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CARBONATE RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 690/ 750 Age: OLIGOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 325.19 Age: OLIGOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 325.25 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.06 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 82 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CARBONATE RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 750/1040 Age: OLIGOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 325.25 Age: OLIGOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 325.54 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.29 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 82 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CARBONATE RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1040/1100 Age: OLIGOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 325.54 Age: OLIGOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 325.60 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.06 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 82 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CARBONATE RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1100/1350 Age: OLIGOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 325.60 Age: OLIGOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 325.85 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.25 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 82 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CARBONATE RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 100 Age: OLIGOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 326.00 Age: OLIGOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 326.10 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.10 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 82 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CARBONATE RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 100/ 240 Age: OLIGOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 326.10 Age: OLIGOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 326.24 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.14 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 37 0 63 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SANDY NANNO MARL Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 240/ 600 Age: OLIGOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 326.24 Age: OLIGOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 326.60 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.36 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 4 56 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO MARL Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 600/ 900 Age: OLIGOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 326.60 Age: OLIGOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 326.90 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.30 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 56 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CARBONATE RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 900/1100 Age: OLIGOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 326.90 Age: OLIGOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 327.10 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.20 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 56 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SANDY NANNO MARL Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1100/1450 Age: OLIGOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 327.10 Age: OLIGOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 327.45 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.35 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 56 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : MUD Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1450/1500 Age: OLIGOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 327.45 Age: OLIGOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 327.50 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.05 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 56 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SANDY NANNO MARL Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 120 Age: OLIGOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 327.50 Age: OLIGOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 327.62 Age: Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.12 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 56 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CARBONATE RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 120/ 550 Age: OLIGOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 327.62 Age: OLIGOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 328.05 Age: Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.43 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 56 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : MUD Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 550/ 650 Age: OLIGOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 328.05 Age: OLIGOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 328.15 Age: Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.10 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 56 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CARBONATE RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 650/ 720 Age: OLIGOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 328.15 Age: OLIGOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 328.22 Age: Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.07 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 56 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : MUD Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 720/1220 Age: OLIGOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 328.22 Age: OLIGOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 328.72 Age: Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 56 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CARBONATE RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1220/1310 Age: OLIGOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 328.72 Age: OLIGOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 328.81 Age: Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.09 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 56 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : MUD Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1310/1450 Age: OLIGOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 328.81 Age: OLIGOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 328.95 Age: Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.14 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 56 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CARBONATE RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 50 Age: OLIGOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 329.00 Age: OLIGOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 329.05 Age: Sect: 6 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.05 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 56 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : MUD Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 50/ 180 Age: OLIGOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 329.05 Age: OLIGOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 329.18 Age: Sect: 6 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.13 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 56 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CARBONATE RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 180/ 410 Age: OLIGOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 329.18 Age: OLIGOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 329.41 Age: Sect: 6 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.23 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 56 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : MUD Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 410/ 910 Age: OLIGOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 329.41 Age: OLIGOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 329.91 Age: Sect: 6 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 56 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CARBONATE RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 910/1010 Age: OLIGOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 329.91 Age: OLIGOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 330.01 Age: Sect: 6 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.10 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 56 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : MUD Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1010/1160 Age: OLIGOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 330.01 Age: OLIGOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 330.16 Age: Sect: 6 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.15 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 56 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CARBONATE RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1160/1220 Age: OLIGOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 330.16 Age: OLIGOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 330.22 Age: Sect: 6 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.06 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 56 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : MUD Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1220/1290 Age: OLIGOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 330.22 Age: OLIGOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 330.29 Age: Sect: 6 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.07 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 56 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CARBONATE RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1290/1350 Age: OLIGOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 330.29 Age: OLIGOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 330.35 Age: Sect: 6 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.06 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 56 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : MUD Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1350/1500 Age: OLIGOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 330.35 Age: OLIGOCENE Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 330.50 Age: Sect: 6 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.15 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 56 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CARBONATE RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 540/ 910 Age: LOWER TERTIARY Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 426.54 Age: OLIGOCENE Core: 6 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 426.91 Age: UPPER EOCENE Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.37 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 26 6 68 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS NANNO-BEARING SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 910/1500 Age: LOWER TERTIARY Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 426.91 Age: OLIGOCENE Core: 6 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 427.50 Age: UPPER EOCENE Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.59 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 320/1440 Age: LOWER TERTIARY Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 427.82 Age: OLIGOCENE Core: 6 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 428.94 Age: UPPER EOCENE Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.12 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 7 0 93 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL MINERAL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1170/1500 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 446.17 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Core: 7 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 446.50 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.33 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL MINERAL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1300 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 446.50 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Core: 7 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 447.80 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.30 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 12 0 88 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL MINERAL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1300/1360 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 447.80 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Core: 7 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 447.86 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.06 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CONGLOMERATE Screen Lith : DETRITAL MINERAL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1360/1450 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 447.86 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Core: 7 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 447.95 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.09 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL MINERAL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1450/1500 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 447.95 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Core: 7 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 448.00 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.05 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : POLYMICTIC SANDSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL MINERAL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1110/1340 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 465.11 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 465.34 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.23 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 8 4 88 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL MINERAL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1340/1400 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 465.34 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 465.40 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.06 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : PORCELLANITE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1400/1500 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 465.40 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 465.50 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.10 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 465.50 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 467.00 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 21 0 79 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 560/ 700 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 483.56 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Core: 9 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 483.70 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.14 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : PORCELLANITE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 700/1450 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 483.70 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Core: 9 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 484.45 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.75 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 8 0 92 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH PELAGIC CLAY Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1450/1500 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 484.45 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Core: 9 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 484.50 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.05 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : PORCELLANITE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1250/1310 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 503.25 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Core: 10 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 503.31 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.06 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : PORCELLANITE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1310/1500 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 503.31 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Core: 10 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 503.50 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.19 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 503.50 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Core: 10 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 505.00 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 20 0 80 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : QUARTZ RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 0/ 0 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 521.10 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Core: 11 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 521.10 Age: Sect: CC Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.00 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 900/1500 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 540.90 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Core: 12 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 541.50 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.60 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1200/1500 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 550.70 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Core: 13 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 551.00 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.30 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 260 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 551.00 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Core: 13 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 551.26 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.26 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 21 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 260/ 340 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 551.26 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Core: 13 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 551.34 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.08 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SAND Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 340/ 930 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 551.34 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Core: 13 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 551.93 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.59 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 20 3 78 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 930/1040 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 551.93 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Core: 13 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 552.04 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.11 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 81 0 19 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : MICROCRYSTALLINE LIMESTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH INDURATED CARBONATE CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1040/1500 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 552.04 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Core: 13 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 552.50 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.46 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 19 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 240/1500 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 568.74 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Core: 14 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 570.00 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.26 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 21 6 73 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1150 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 570.00 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Core: 14 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 571.15 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.15 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1150/1240 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 571.15 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Core: 14 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 571.24 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.09 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 20 16 64 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SILICEOUS-CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1240/1500 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 571.24 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Core: 14 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 571.50 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.26 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 571.50 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Core: 14 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 573.00 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 350/ 800 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 573.35 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Core: 14 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 573.80 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.45 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 800/1500 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 573.80 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Core: 14 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 574.50 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.70 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 20 6 74 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS CLAYEY SILT TO SANDSTONE Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 400/ 500 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 587.90 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Core: 15 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 588.00 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.10 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CHERT Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 500/1500 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 588.00 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Core: 15 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 589.00 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.00 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 90 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 589.00 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Core: 15 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 589.09 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.09 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 90/ 210 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 589.09 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Core: 15 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 589.21 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.12 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS CLAYEY SILTSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 270/1340 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 589.27 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Core: 15 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 590.34 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.07 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 24 0 76 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH PELAGIC CLAY Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1340/1500 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 590.34 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Core: 15 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 590.50 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.16 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS CLAYEY SILTSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1360 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 590.50 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Core: 15 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 591.86 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.36 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 51 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1360/1500 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 591.86 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Core: 15 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 592.00 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.14 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 860/1500 Age: LOWER EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 607.36 Age: LOWER EOCENE Core: 16 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 608.00 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.64 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 17 7 76 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 90 Age: LOWER EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 608.00 Age: LOWER EOCENE Core: 16 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 608.09 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.09 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 90/ 790 Age: LOWER EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 608.09 Age: LOWER EOCENE Core: 16 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 608.79 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.70 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CHERT Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 790/1260 Age: LOWER EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 608.79 Age: LOWER EOCENE Core: 16 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 609.26 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.47 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 23 8 69 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS CLAYEY SILTSTONE Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1260/1500 Age: LOWER EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 609.26 Age: LOWER EOCENE Core: 16 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 609.50 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.24 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 69 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CARBONATE RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 390 Age: LOWER EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 609.50 Age: LOWER EOCENE Core: 16 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 609.89 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.39 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 69 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CARBONATE RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 390/ 500 Age: LOWER EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 609.89 Age: LOWER EOCENE Core: 16 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 610.00 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.11 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 35 50 69 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : CHERT Screen Lith : CHERT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 500/ 610 Age: LOWER EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 610.00 Age: LOWER EOCENE Core: 16 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 610.11 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.11 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 69 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CARBONATE RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 610/ 680 Age: LOWER EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 610.11 Age: LOWER EOCENE Core: 16 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 610.18 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.07 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 35 50 69 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : CHERT Screen Lith : CHERT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 680/1500 Age: LOWER EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 610.18 Age: LOWER EOCENE Core: 16 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 611.00 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.82 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 69 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CARBONATE RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: LOWER EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 611.00 Age: LOWER EOCENE Core: 16 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 612.50 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 69 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CARBONATE RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: LOWER EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 616.00 Age: LOWER EOCENE Core: 17 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 617.50 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 34 12 54 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CALCAREOUS CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH NANNOFOSSIL RICH MARLY CARBONATE CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1350 Age: LOWER EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 617.50 Age: LOWER EOCENE Core: 17 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 618.85 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.35 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 37 0 63 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CALCAREOUS CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH MARLY CARBONATE CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1350/1440 Age: LOWER EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 618.85 Age: LOWER EOCENE Core: 17 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 618.94 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.09 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 63 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : VERY FINE CLAYEY SAND Screen Lith : SAND Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1440/1500 Age: LOWER EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 618.94 Age: LOWER EOCENE Core: 17 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 619.00 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.06 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 63 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CALCAREOUS CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH MARLY CARBONATE CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 320/1500 Age: LOWER EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 635.32 Age: LOWER EOCENE Core: 18 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 636.50 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.18 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 63 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1240 Age: LOWER EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 636.50 Age: LOWER EOCENE Core: 18 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 637.74 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.24 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 18 0 82 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1240/1340 Age: LOWER EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 637.74 Age: LOWER EOCENE Core: 18 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 637.84 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.10 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 35 50 82 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : CHERT Screen Lith : CHERT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1340/1500 Age: LOWER EOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 637.84 Age: LOWER EOCENE Core: 18 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 638.00 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.16 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 82 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 300/ 500 Age: UPPER PALEOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 654.30 Age: UPPER PALEOCENE Core: 19 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 654.50 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.20 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 82 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : NANNO MARL Screen Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 500/1500 Age: UPPER PALEOCENE Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 654.50 Age: UPPER PALEOCENE Core: 19 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 655.50 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.00 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 82 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAY Screen Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 570/1500 Age: CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 673.57 Age: LOWER CENOMANIAN Core: 20 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 674.50 Age: UPPER ALBIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.93 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 35 0 65 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH NANNOFOSSIL RICH MARLY CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 990 Age: CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 674.50 Age: LOWER CENOMANIAN Core: 20 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 675.49 Age: UPPER ALBIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.99 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 16 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 990/1240 Age: CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 675.49 Age: LOWER CENOMANIAN Core: 20 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 675.74 Age: UPPER ALBIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.25 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 75 0 25 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : MICROCRYSTALLINE ARGILLACEOUS LIMESTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH INDURATED CARBONATE CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1240/1500 Age: CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 675.74 Age: LOWER CENOMANIAN Core: 20 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 676.00 Age: UPPER ALBIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.26 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 10 10 25 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH NANNOFOSSIL RICH PELAGIC CLAY Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1350 Age: CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 676.00 Age: LOWER CENOMANIAN Core: 20 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 677.35 Age: UPPER ALBIAN Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.35 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 10 10 25 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH NANNOFOSSIL RICH PELAGIC CLAY Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 790/1500 Age: CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 683.29 Age: LOWER CENOMANIAN Core: 21 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 684.00 Age: UPPER ALBIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.71 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 29 0 71 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH PELAGIC CLAY Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 684.00 Age: LOWER CENOMANIAN Core: 21 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 685.50 Age: UPPER ALBIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 14 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 540/1500 Age: CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 692.54 Age: LOWER CENOMANIAN Core: 22 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 693.50 Age: UPPER ALBIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.96 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SHALE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1310 Age: CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 693.50 Age: LOWER CENOMANIAN Core: 22 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 694.81 Age: UPPER ALBIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.31 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 18 0 82 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SHALE Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 695.00 Age: LOWER CENOMANIAN Core: 22 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 696.50 Age: UPPER ALBIAN Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 17 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SHALE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 696.50 Age: LOWER CENOMANIAN Core: 22 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 698.00 Age: UPPER ALBIAN Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SHALE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 690/1500 Age: CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 702.19 Age: LOWER CENOMANIAN Core: 23 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 703.00 Age: UPPER ALBIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.81 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING SHALE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 703.00 Age: LOWER CENOMANIAN Core: 23 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 704.50 Age: UPPER ALBIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 18 0 82 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING SHALE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 704.50 Age: LOWER CENOMANIAN Core: 23 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 706.00 Age: UPPER ALBIAN Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 14 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING SHALE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 580 Age: CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 706.00 Age: LOWER CENOMANIAN Core: 23 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 706.58 Age: UPPER ALBIAN Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.58 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SHALE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 580/ 800 Age: CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 706.58 Age: LOWER CENOMANIAN Core: 23 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 706.80 Age: UPPER ALBIAN Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.22 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 29 0 71 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING SHALE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 800/1040 Age: CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 706.80 Age: LOWER CENOMANIAN Core: 23 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 707.04 Age: UPPER ALBIAN Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.24 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 71 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SHALE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1040/1100 Age: CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 707.04 Age: LOWER CENOMANIAN Core: 23 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 707.10 Age: UPPER ALBIAN Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.06 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 46 0 54 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS NANNO-BEARING SHALE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH NANNOFOSSIL RICH MARLY CARBONATE CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1100/1500 Age: CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 707.10 Age: LOWER CENOMANIAN Core: 23 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 707.50 Age: UPPER ALBIAN Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.40 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 12 0 88 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SHALE Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 970/1500 Age: CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 711.97 Age: LOWER CENOMANIAN Core: 24 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 712.50 Age: UPPER ALBIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.53 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 22 0 78 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING SHALE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 712.50 Age: LOWER CENOMANIAN Core: 24 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 714.00 Age: UPPER ALBIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 29 0 71 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING SHALE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH PELAGIC CLAY Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 714.00 Age: LOWER CENOMANIAN Core: 24 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 715.50 Age: UPPER ALBIAN Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 22 0 78 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING SHALE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 715.50 Age: LOWER CENOMANIAN Core: 24 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 717.00 Age: UPPER ALBIAN Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING SHALE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 840/1450 Age: CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 721.34 Age: LOWER CENOMANIAN Core: 25 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 721.95 Age: UPPER ALBIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.61 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SHALE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 722.00 Age: LOWER CENOMANIAN Core: 25 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 723.50 Age: UPPER ALBIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 10 0 90 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SHALE Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 380/1500 Age: CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 730.38 Age: LOWER CENOMANIAN Core: 26 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 731.50 Age: UPPER ALBIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.12 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SHALE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 731.50 Age: LOWER CENOMANIAN Core: 26 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 733.00 Age: UPPER ALBIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 12 0 88 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SHALE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 733.00 Age: LOWER CENOMANIAN Core: 26 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 734.50 Age: UPPER ALBIAN Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 22 0 78 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SHALE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CARBONATE RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 734.50 Age: LOWER CENOMANIAN Core: 26 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 736.00 Age: UPPER ALBIAN Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 12 0 88 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SHALE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 310/ 450 Age: ALBIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 749.31 Age: ALBIAN Core: 27 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 749.45 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.14 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 450/ 660 Age: ALBIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 749.45 Age: ALBIAN Core: 27 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 749.66 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.21 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : ORGANIC RICH CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 660/1190 Age: ALBIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 749.66 Age: ALBIAN Core: 27 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 750.19 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.53 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 4 4 92 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1190/1250 Age: ALBIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 750.19 Age: ALBIAN Core: 27 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 750.25 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.06 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : ORGANIC RICH CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1250/1500 Age: ALBIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 750.25 Age: ALBIAN Core: 27 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 750.50 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.25 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 240 Age: ALBIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 750.50 Age: ALBIAN Core: 27 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 750.74 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.24 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 240/ 450 Age: ALBIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 750.74 Age: ALBIAN Core: 27 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 750.95 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.21 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : ORGANIC RICH CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 450/1300 Age: ALBIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 750.95 Age: ALBIAN Core: 27 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 751.80 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.85 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 150 Age: ALBIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 752.00 Age: ALBIAN Core: 27 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 752.15 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.15 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 150/ 330 Age: ALBIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 752.15 Age: ALBIAN Core: 27 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 752.33 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.18 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : ORGANIC RICH CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 330/ 980 Age: ALBIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 752.33 Age: ALBIAN Core: 27 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 752.98 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.65 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 980/1060 Age: ALBIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 752.98 Age: ALBIAN Core: 27 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 753.06 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.08 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 6 0 94 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : ORGANIC RICH CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1060/1130 Age: ALBIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 753.06 Age: ALBIAN Core: 27 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 753.13 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.07 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1130/1310 Age: ALBIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 753.13 Age: ALBIAN Core: 27 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 753.31 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.18 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : ORGANIC RICH CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 440/1020 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 768.44 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 28 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 769.02 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.58 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 6 0 94 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : QUARTZ RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1020/1330 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 769.02 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 28 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 769.33 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.31 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 6 0 94 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CARBONACEOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : QUARTZ RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1330/1500 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 769.33 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 28 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 769.50 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.17 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 94 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 10/ 240 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 769.51 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 28 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 769.74 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.23 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 94 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 240/ 750 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 769.74 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 28 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 770.25 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.51 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 94 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : CARBONACEOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 750/1140 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 770.25 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 28 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 770.64 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.39 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 94 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1140/1260 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 770.64 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 28 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 770.76 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.12 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 94 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : CARBONACEOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1260/1400 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 770.76 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 28 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 770.90 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.14 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 94 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1400/1500 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 770.90 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 28 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 771.00 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.10 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 94 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : CARBONACEOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 500 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 771.00 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 28 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 771.50 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 94 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : CARBONACEOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 500/ 750 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 771.50 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 28 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 771.75 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.25 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 94 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 750/ 890 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 771.75 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 28 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 771.89 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.14 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 94 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : CARBONACEOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 890/1000 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 771.89 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 28 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 772.00 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.11 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 75 0 25 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : ARGILLACEOUS MICROCRYSTALLINE LIMESTONE Screen Lith : CARBONATE CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1000/1500 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 772.00 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 28 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 772.50 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 16 0 84 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CARBONACEOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : QUARTZ RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 190 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 772.50 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 28 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 772.69 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.19 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CARBONACEOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : QUARTZ RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 190/ 860 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 772.69 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 28 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 773.36 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.67 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : QUARTZ RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 860/1060 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 773.36 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 28 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 773.56 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.20 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CARBONACEOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : QUARTZ RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1060/1160 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 773.56 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 28 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 773.66 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.10 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : QUARTZ RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1160/1500 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 773.66 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 28 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 774.00 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.34 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CARBONACEOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : QUARTZ RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 730/1500 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 787.73 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 29 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 788.50 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.77 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 100 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SILTY CHALE Screen Lith : QUARTZ RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 80/ 360 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 806.08 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 30 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 806.36 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.28 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 360/ 950 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 806.36 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 30 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 806.95 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.59 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 29 0 71 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 950/1500 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 806.95 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 30 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 807.50 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.55 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 100 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : QUARTZ RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH PELAGIC CLAY Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 360 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 807.50 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 30 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 807.86 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.36 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 360/1500 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 807.86 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 30 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 809.00 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.14 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 250 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 809.00 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 30 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 809.25 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.25 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 250/ 700 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 809.25 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 30 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 809.70 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.45 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE AND SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 700/1250 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 809.70 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 30 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 810.25 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.55 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1250/1360 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 810.25 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 30 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 810.36 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.11 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 810.50 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 30 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 812.00 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 350 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 825.00 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 31 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 825.35 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.35 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE AND SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 350/ 520 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 825.35 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 31 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 825.52 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.17 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 520/ 650 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 825.52 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 31 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 825.65 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.13 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 650/ 960 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 825.65 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 31 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 825.96 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.31 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 9 0 91 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 960/1200 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 825.96 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 31 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 826.20 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.24 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE AND SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1200/1450 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 826.20 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 31 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 826.45 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.25 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 29 0 71 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1450/1500 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 826.45 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 31 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 826.50 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.05 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1400 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 826.50 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 31 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 827.90 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.40 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 12 0 88 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : QUARTZ RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1400/1500 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 827.90 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 31 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 828.00 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.10 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : QUARTZ RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 250 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 828.00 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 31 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 828.25 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.25 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 2 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE+SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : QUARTZ RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 250/ 420 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 828.25 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 31 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 828.42 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.17 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : QUARTZ RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 420/ 540 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 828.42 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 31 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 828.54 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.12 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : QUARTZ RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 540/ 600 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 828.54 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 31 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 828.60 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.06 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : QUARTZ RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 600/ 650 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 828.60 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 31 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 828.65 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.05 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : QUARTZ RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 650/1500 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 828.65 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 31 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 829.50 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.85 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : QUARTZ RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 650 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 829.50 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 31 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 830.15 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.65 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 16 0 84 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : QUARTZ RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 650/ 740 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 830.15 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 31 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 830.24 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.09 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 740/ 930 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 830.24 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 31 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 830.43 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.19 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 930/1000 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 830.43 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 31 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 830.50 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.07 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1000/1500 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 830.50 Age: LOWER ALBIAN Core: 31 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 831.00 Age: UPPER APTIAN Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 750/1170 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 835.25 Age: LOWER APTIAN Core: 32 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 835.67 Age: BARREMIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.42 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 8 0 92 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SILTY CHALE Screen Lith : QUARTZ RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH PELAGIC CLAY Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1170/1500 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 835.67 Age: LOWER APTIAN Core: 32 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 836.00 Age: BARREMIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.33 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING SHALE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1010 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 836.00 Age: LOWER APTIAN Core: 32 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 837.01 Age: BARREMIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.01 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 18 0 82 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING SHALE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1010/1500 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 837.01 Age: LOWER APTIAN Core: 32 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 837.50 Age: BARREMIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.49 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SILTY SHALE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1350 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 837.50 Age: LOWER APTIAN Core: 32 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 838.85 Age: BARREMIAN Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.35 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 18 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SILTY SHALE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 120 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 839.00 Age: LOWER APTIAN Core: 32 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 839.12 Age: BARREMIAN Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.12 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SILTY SHALE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 120/ 680 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 839.12 Age: LOWER APTIAN Core: 32 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 839.68 Age: BARREMIAN Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.56 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 100 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : QUARTZ RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 680/1500 Age: LOWER CRETACEOUS Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 839.68 Age: LOWER APTIAN Core: 32 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 840.50 Age: BARREMIAN Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.82 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 6 0 94 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SILTY SHALE Screen Lith : QUARTZ RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 0/ 0 Age: BARREMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 853.60 Age: BARREMIAN Core: 33 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 853.60 Age: Sect: CC Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.00 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 94 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLAYSTONE Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 390/ 780 Age: BARREMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 872.89 Age: BARREMIAN Core: 34 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 873.28 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.39 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 94 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SANDSTONE Screen Lith : SANDSTONE Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 780/1500 Age: BARREMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 873.28 Age: BARREMIAN Core: 34 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 874.00 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.72 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 94 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING SHALE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 440 Age: BARREMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 874.00 Age: BARREMIAN Core: 34 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 874.44 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.44 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 94 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING SHALE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 440/ 500 Age: BARREMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 874.44 Age: BARREMIAN Core: 34 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 874.50 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.06 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 94 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTSTONE TO VERY SILTY CALCAREOUS SHALE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 500/ 560 Age: BARREMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 874.50 Age: BARREMIAN Core: 34 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 874.56 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.06 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 94 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING SHALE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 560/ 690 Age: BARREMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 874.56 Age: BARREMIAN Core: 34 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 874.69 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.13 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 45 0 55 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTSTONE TO VERY SILTY CALCAREOUS SHALE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CARBONATE RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 690/1500 Age: BARREMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 874.69 Age: BARREMIAN Core: 34 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 875.50 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.81 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 23 0 77 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING SHALE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: BARREMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 875.50 Age: BARREMIAN Core: 34 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 877.00 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 77 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING SHALE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1090 Age: BARREMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 877.00 Age: BARREMIAN Core: 34 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 878.09 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.09 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 77 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING SHALE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1090/1150 Age: BARREMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 878.09 Age: BARREMIAN Core: 34 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 878.15 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.06 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 61 0 39 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SANDSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CARBONATE CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1150/1300 Age: BARREMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 878.15 Age: BARREMIAN Core: 34 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 878.30 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.15 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING SHALE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: BARREMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 878.50 Age: BARREMIAN Core: 34 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 880.00 Age: Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING SHALE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 460/1500 Age: BARREMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 882.46 Age: BARREMIAN Core: 35 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 883.50 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.04 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 120/1500 Age: BARREMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 883.62 Age: BARREMIAN Core: 35 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 885.00 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.38 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 36 0 64 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 650 Age: BARREMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 885.00 Age: BARREMIAN Core: 35 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 885.65 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.65 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 64 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : NANNO MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 650/ 890 Age: BARREMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 885.65 Age: BARREMIAN Core: 35 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 885.89 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.24 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 29 0 71 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING SHALE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 890/1500 Age: BARREMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 885.89 Age: BARREMIAN Core: 35 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 886.50 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.61 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 71 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : NANNO MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1000 Age: BARREMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 886.50 Age: BARREMIAN Core: 35 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 887.50 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.00 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 42 0 58 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1000/1110 Age: BARREMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 887.50 Age: BARREMIAN Core: 35 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 887.61 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.11 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO BEARING SHALE Screen Lith : MARLY CHALK. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1110/1230 Age: BARREMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 887.61 Age: BARREMIAN Core: 35 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 887.73 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.12 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO MARLSTONE Screen Lith : MARLY CHALK. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1230/1330 Age: BARREMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 887.73 Age: BARREMIAN Core: 35 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 887.83 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.10 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SANDSTONE Screen Lith : MARLY CHALK. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1330/1500 Age: BARREMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 887.83 Age: BARREMIAN Core: 35 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 888.00 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.17 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO MARLSTONE Screen Lith : MARLY CHALK. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1100 Age: BARREMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 888.00 Age: BARREMIAN Core: 35 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 889.10 Age: Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.10 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 37 0 63 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH MARLY CARBONATE CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1100/1220 Age: Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 889.10 Age: Core: 35 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 889.22 Age: Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.12 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SHALE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1220/1500 Age: Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 889.22 Age: Core: 35 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 889.50 Age: Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.28 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CALCAREOUS SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 0/ 0 Age: UPPER HAUTERIVIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 901.10 Age: UPPER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 36 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 901.10 Age: Sect: CC Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.00 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 61 0 39 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : QUARTZ SILTY LIMESTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 0/ 0 Age: UPPER HAUTERIVIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 920.10 Age: UPPER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 37 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 920.10 Age: Sect: CC Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.00 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 39 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : ANDY SILTSTONE AND NANNO MARLSTONE AND CALCAREOUS CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLAYSTONE Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 900/1500 Age: UPPER HAUTERIVIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 939.90 Age: UPPER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 38 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 940.50 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.60 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 39 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SILTY MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1350 Age: Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 940.50 Age: Core: 38 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 941.85 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.35 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 39 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SILTY MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 650 Age: Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 942.00 Age: Core: 38 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 942.65 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.65 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 19 0 81 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SILTY MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 650/ 760 Age: Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 942.65 Age: Core: 38 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 942.76 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.11 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 36 0 64 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SILTY NANNO MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 760/1500 Age: Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 942.76 Age: Core: 38 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 943.50 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.74 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SILTY MARLSTONE Screen Lith : MARLY CHALK. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1450 Age: Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 943.50 Age: Core: 38 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 944.95 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.45 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 37 0 63 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SILTY MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH MARLY CARBONATE CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 945.00 Age: Core: 38 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 946.50 Age: Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 63 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SILTY MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1350 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 948.50 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 39 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 949.85 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.35 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 29 0 71 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO MARLSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1350/1500 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 949.85 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 39 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 950.00 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.15 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAY Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 950.00 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 39 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 951.50 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 29 0 71 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 260 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 951.50 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 39 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 951.76 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.26 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 260/ 320 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 951.76 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 39 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 951.82 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.06 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 12 0 88 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : ORGANIC RICH SHALE Screen Lith : PLANT DEBRIS RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 320/ 640 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 951.82 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 39 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 952.14 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.32 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 640/ 700 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 952.14 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 39 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 952.20 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.06 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SANDSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 700/1300 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 952.20 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 39 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 952.80 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.60 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 953.00 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 39 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 954.50 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 12 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 967.50 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 40 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 969.00 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO MARLSTONE AND SILTY MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 969.00 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 40 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 970.50 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 100 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO MARLSTONE AND SILTY MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 970.50 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 40 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 972.00 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO MARLSTONE AND SILTY MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 740 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 972.00 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 40 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 972.74 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.74 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO MARLSTONE AND SILTY MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 740/ 900 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 972.74 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 40 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 972.90 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.16 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : ORGANIC RICH SHALE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 900/1500 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 972.90 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 40 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 973.50 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.60 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO MARLSTONE AND SILTY MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 986.50 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 41 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 988.00 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 100 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 988.00 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 41 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 989.50 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 20 0 80 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CARBONATE RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 989.50 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 41 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 991.00 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1300 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 991.00 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 41 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 992.30 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.30 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 23 0 77 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO MARLSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 992.50 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 41 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 994.00 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO MARLSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1400/1500 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1006.90 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 42 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1007.00 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.10 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING MARLSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 640 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1007.00 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 42 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1007.64 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.64 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING MARLSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 640/ 700 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1007.64 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 42 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1007.70 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.06 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 700/1200 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1007.70 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 42 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1008.20 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 29 0 71 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING MARLSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1200/1260 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1008.20 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 42 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1008.26 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.06 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1260/1500 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1008.26 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 42 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1008.50 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.24 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1008.50 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 42 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1010.00 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 13 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 380 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1010.00 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 42 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1010.38 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.38 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 12 0 88 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 380/ 450 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1010.38 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 42 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1010.45 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.07 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 450/ 910 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1010.45 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 42 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1010.91 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.46 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 29 0 71 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING MARLSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 910/ 990 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1010.91 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 42 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1010.99 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.08 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 12 0 88 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : QUARTZ RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 990/1500 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1010.99 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 42 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1011.50 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.51 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING MARLSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 940/1500 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1025.44 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 43 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1026.00 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.56 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 29 0 71 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 770 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1026.00 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 43 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1026.77 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.77 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 29 0 71 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 770/ 860 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1026.77 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 43 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1026.86 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.09 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 12 0 88 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CARBONATE RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 860/1500 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1026.86 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 43 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1027.50 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.64 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 34 0 66 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH MARLY CARBONATE CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1370 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1027.50 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 43 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1028.87 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.37 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 6 0 94 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : QUARTZ RICH PLANT DEBRIS RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1370/1450 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1028.87 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 43 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1028.95 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.08 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1450/1500 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1028.95 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 43 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1029.00 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.05 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 100 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1029.00 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 43 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1029.10 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.10 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 100/1500 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1029.10 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 43 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1030.50 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.40 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 100/1500 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1043.60 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 44 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1045.00 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.40 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 16 0 84 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SILTY NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : QUARTZ RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1440 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1045.00 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 44 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1046.44 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.44 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : QUARTZ RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1046.50 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 44 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1048.00 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 8 0 92 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : QUARTZ RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 650/ 750 Age: Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1063.15 Age: Core: 45 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1063.25 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.10 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : REOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE AND ARGILLACEOUS CALCAREOUS SILTSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 750/1500 Age: Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1063.25 Age: Core: 45 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1064.00 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.75 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 350 Age: Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1064.00 Age: Core: 45 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1064.35 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.35 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 12 0 88 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 350/ 410 Age: Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1064.35 Age: Core: 45 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1064.41 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.06 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : ARGILLACEOUS CALCAREOUS SILTSTONE TO SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 410/1010 Age: Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1064.41 Age: Core: 45 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1065.01 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.60 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1010/1170 Age: Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1065.01 Age: Core: 45 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1065.17 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.16 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : ARGILLACEOUS SANDSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1170/1500 Age: Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1065.17 Age: Core: 45 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1065.50 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.33 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1010 Age: Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1065.50 Age: Core: 45 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1066.51 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.01 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1010/1090 Age: Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1066.51 Age: Core: 45 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1066.59 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.08 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SANDSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1090/1310 Age: Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1066.59 Age: Core: 45 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1066.81 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.22 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 29 0 71 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH PELAGIC CLAY Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1310/1360 Age: Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1066.81 Age: Core: 45 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1066.86 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.05 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 650 Age: Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1067.00 Age: Core: 45 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1067.65 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.65 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 12 0 88 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 650/ 840 Age: Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1067.65 Age: Core: 45 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1067.84 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.19 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS ARGILLACEOUS SILTSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 840/1500 Age: Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1067.84 Age: Core: 45 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1068.50 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.66 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1250/1310 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1082.75 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 46 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1082.81 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.06 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1310/1400 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1082.81 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 46 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1082.90 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.09 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 18 0 82 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS NANNO-BEARING ARGILLACEOUS SILTSTONE Screen Lith : QUARTZ RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1400/1500 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1082.90 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 46 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1083.00 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.10 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 100 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1083.00 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 46 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1083.10 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.10 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 100/ 700 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1083.10 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 46 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1083.70 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.60 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 700/1250 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1083.70 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 46 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1084.25 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.55 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 29 0 71 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1250/1330 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1084.25 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 46 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1084.33 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.08 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1330/1500 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1084.33 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 46 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1084.50 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.17 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1084.50 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 46 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1086.00 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 29 0 71 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 930 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1086.00 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 46 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1086.93 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.93 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 930/1040 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1086.93 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 46 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1087.04 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.11 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SILTSTONE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1040/1500 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1087.04 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 46 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1087.50 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.46 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 12 0 88 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1087.50 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 46 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1089.00 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 29 0 71 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 620/ 990 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1101.12 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 47 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1101.49 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.37 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE TO SILTSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 990/1440 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1101.49 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 47 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1101.94 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.45 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1440/1500 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1101.94 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 47 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1102.00 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.06 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE TO SILTSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 200 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1102.00 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 47 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1102.20 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.20 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 12 0 88 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH PELAGIC CLAY Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 200/ 300 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1102.20 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 47 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1102.30 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.10 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 300/ 390 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1102.30 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 47 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1102.39 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.09 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE TO SILTSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 390/ 500 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1102.39 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 47 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1102.50 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.11 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 500/ 620 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1102.50 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 47 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1102.62 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.12 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 620/ 700 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1102.62 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 47 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1102.70 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.08 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 700/ 790 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1102.70 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 47 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1102.79 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.09 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE TO SILTSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 790/ 900 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1102.79 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 47 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1102.90 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.11 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 900/1100 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1102.90 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 47 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1103.10 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.20 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE TO SILTSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1100/1450 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1103.10 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 47 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1103.45 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.35 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 110 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1103.50 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 47 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1103.61 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.11 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE AND SILTSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 110/ 330 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1103.61 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 47 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1103.83 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.22 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : DETRITAL SEDIMENT. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 330/ 480 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1103.83 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 47 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1103.98 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.15 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 29 0 71 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE AND SILTSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENTSTONE Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 480/ 630 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1103.98 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 47 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1104.13 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.15 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 71 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 630/ 760 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1104.13 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 47 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1104.26 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.13 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 71 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE AND SILTSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENTSTONE Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 760/1030 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1104.26 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 47 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1104.53 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.27 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 71 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1030/1500 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1104.53 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 47 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1105.00 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.47 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 71 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS SILTY CLAYSTONE AND SILTSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENTSTONE Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 265 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1119.50 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 48 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1119.77 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.27 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 71 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SILTY NANNO MARL Screen Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 265/ 460 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1119.77 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 48 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1119.96 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.20 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 71 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : NANNO MARL Screen Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 460/ 520 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1119.96 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 48 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1120.02 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.06 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SILTY NANNO MARL Screen Lith : MARLY CHALK. Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 520/ 840 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1120.02 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 48 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1120.34 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.32 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 0 60 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO MARL Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 840/ 900 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1120.34 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 48 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1120.40 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.06 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 60 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SILTY NANNO MARL Screen Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 900/1500 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1120.40 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 48 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1121.00 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.60 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 60 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : NANNO MARL Screen Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 450 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1121.00 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 48 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1121.45 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.45 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 60 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : NANNO MARL Screen Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 450/ 740 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1121.45 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 48 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1121.74 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.29 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 60 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SILTY NANNO MARL Screen Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 740/1030 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1121.74 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 48 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1122.03 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.29 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 60 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : NANNO MARL Screen Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1030/1100 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1122.03 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 48 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1122.10 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.07 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 60 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SILTY NANNO MARL Screen Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1100/1180 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1122.10 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 48 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1122.18 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.08 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 60 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : NANNO MARL Screen Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1180/1400 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1122.18 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 48 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1122.40 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.22 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 60 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SILTY NANNO MARL Screen Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1400/1500 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1122.40 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 48 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1122.50 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.10 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 40 25 60 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : NANNO MARL Screen Lith : MARLY NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 210/ 490 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1138.71 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 49 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1138.99 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.28 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 60 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAYSTONE Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 490/ 610 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1138.99 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 49 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1139.11 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.12 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 60 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS ARGILLITIC SILTSTONE Screen Lith : SILTSTONE Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 610/1310 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1139.11 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 49 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1139.81 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.70 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 29 0 71 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1310/1420 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1139.81 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 49 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1139.92 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.11 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS ARGILLITIC SILTSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1420/1500 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1139.92 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 49 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1140.00 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.08 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 140 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1140.00 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 49 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1140.14 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.14 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 140/ 250 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1140.14 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 49 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1140.25 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.11 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS ARGILLITIC SILTSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 250/1500 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1140.25 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 49 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1141.50 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.25 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 29 0 71 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 280/1500 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1157.78 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 50 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1159.00 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.22 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 29 0 71 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 50 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1159.00 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 50 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1159.05 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.05 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 50/ 130 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1159.05 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 50 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1159.13 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.08 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS ARGILLITIC SILTSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 130/ 340 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1159.13 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 50 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1159.34 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.21 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 340/ 500 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1159.34 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 50 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1159.50 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.16 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS ARGILLITIC SILTSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 500/1400 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1159.50 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 50 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1160.40 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.90 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 29 0 71 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1400/1500 Age: NEOCOMIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1160.40 Age: LOWER HAUTERIVIAN Core: 50 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1160.50 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.10 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS ARGILLITIC SILTSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1050/1360 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1168.05 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Core: 51 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1168.36 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.31 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 460 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1168.50 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Core: 51 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1168.96 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.46 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 29 0 71 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLAY MINERAL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 460/ 610 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1168.96 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Core: 51 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1169.11 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.15 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 71 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS ARGILLITIC SILTSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 610/1200 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1169.11 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Core: 51 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1169.70 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.59 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 71 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1200/1255 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1169.70 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Core: 51 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1169.76 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.05 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 71 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS ARGILLITIC SILTSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1255/1340 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1169.76 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Core: 51 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1169.84 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.09 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 71 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-BEARING CLAYSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT Leg : 41 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1340/1500 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Hole: 370 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 1169.84 Age: UPPER VALANGINIAN Core: 51 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 1170.00 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.16 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 71 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : CALCAREOUS ARGILLITIC SILTSTONE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH NANNOFOSSIL RICH CLASTIC SEDIMENT |
Cite as: Deep Sea Drilling Project (1989): Archive of Core and Site/Hole Data and Photographs from the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP). National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA. doi:10.7289/V54M92G2 [access date]
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