Leg : 38 Depth to Top of Core(m): 522.00 Sample Depth(m): 527.45
Hole: 348 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 930/ 960
Core: 32 Section/Piece: 4/9
Analyst: Ridley, W.
Methods: Electron microprobe
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : Cr: Co: Ni: Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 1.6
Sr: 98. Y : 41. Zr: 72. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 38 Depth to Top of Core(m): 522.00 Sample Depth(m): 527.45
Hole: 348 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 930/ 960
Core: 32 Section/Piece: 4/9
Analyst: Schilling, J.-G.WG
Methods: Inst neutron activ
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: 50.
V : Cr: 159. Co: 53. Ni: Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb:
Sr: Y : Zr: Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: 3.3 Ce: 10.6 Pr: Nd: Sm: 3.5 Eu: 1.4
Gd: Tb: 1.1 Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: 0.86
Yb: 4.1 Lu: 0.58 Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 38 Depth to Top of Core(m): 522.00 Sample Depth(m): 527.49
Hole: 348 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 970/1000
Core: 32 Section/Piece: 4/2
Analyst: Eckhardt, F.-J.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: 60.
V : 441. Cr: 191. Co: 57. Ni: 104. Cu: 163. Zn: 120.
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb:
Sr: 75. Y : 38. Zr: 74. Nb: 3. Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: Ce: 16. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 38 Depth to Top of Core(m): 531.50 Sample Depth(m): 532.08
Hole: 348 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 560/ 590
Core: 33 Section/Piece: 1/1
Analyst: Eckhardt, F.-J.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: 53.
V : 406. Cr: 184. Co: 56. Ni: 100. Cu: 181. Zn: 110.
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb:
Sr: 63. Y : 30. Zr: 61. Nb: 7. Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: Ce: 13. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 38 Depth to Top of Core(m): 541.00 Sample Depth(m): 543.48
Hole: 348 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 910/1050
Core: 34 Section/Piece: 2/15
Analyst: Eckhardt, F.-J.
Methods: X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: 49.
V : 395. Cr: 180. Co: 57. Ni: 107. Cu: 128. Zn: 106.
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb:
Sr: 77. Y : 29. Zr: 63. Nb: -3. Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: Ce: 17. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 38 Depth to Top of Core(m): 541.00 Sample Depth(m): 543.59
Hole: 348 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1070/1110
Core: 34 Section/Piece: 2/14
Analyst: Ridley, W.
Methods: Electron microprobe
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc:
V : Cr: Co: Ni: Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 1.3
Sr: 88. Y : 34. Zr: 64. Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu:
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :
Leg : 38 Depth to Top of Core(m): 541.00 Sample Depth(m): 543.59
Hole: 348 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1070/1110
Core: 34 Section/Piece: 2/14
Analyst: Schilling, J.-G.WG
Methods: Inst neutron activ
Alteration Rock Type Rock Name
Element concentrations (ppm):
Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: 51.
V : Cr: 166. Co: 54. Ni: Cu: Zn:
Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb:
Sr: Y : Zr: Nb: Mo: Pd:
Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba:
La: 2.8 Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: 3.0 Eu: 1.2
Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm:
Yb: 4.5 Lu: 0.55 Hf: Ta: W : Ir:
Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th:
U :