leg site hole core section top interval depth (cm) bottom interval depth (cm) top of core depth(m) top of layer depth (m) bottom of layer depth (m) describer lithology color structures deformations due to drilling unusual occurrences minerals paleontology other observations hardness or induration z-coding 31 300 1 CC 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.10 0.10 SILTY CLAY 5GY4/1-DARK GREEN GRAY,-BLACK GRANI TIC PEBBLE,PUMICE FRAGMENT,BLACK MANGANESE CRUSTS NUMEROUS PEBBLES UP TO 2 CM ACROSS SOFT 00000000 31 300 2 CC 0.0 0.0 107.50 107.60 107.60 CLAY AND SAND 5GY4/1-DARK GREEN GRAY NO OTHER ENTRIES FOR THIS SITE SOFT 33214000