leg site hole core section top interval depth(cm) bottom interval depth (cm) coredepth(m) sample depth(m) total number of observed fossils investigators name publication date (month/year) dsdp initial report volume number fossil group group abundance chemical overgrowth chemical dissolution mechanical preservations age page number reference fossil code fossil fossil abundance fossil preservation record join code 29 283 2 CC 0.0 0.0 10.00 16.10 1 HASKELL,T.R.;WILSON,G.J. 29 POLLEN AND SPORES NO AGE GIVEN 734 PTRIT0020 Triorites harrisii PRESENT 1 29 283 4 CC 0.0 0.0 57.50 57.60 1 HASKELL,T.R.;WILSON,G.J. 29 POLLEN AND SPORES NO AGE GIVEN 734 PNOTH0080 Nothofagidites matauraensis PRESENT 1 29 283 9 3 90.0 90.0 219.00 222.90 1 HASKELL,T.R.;WILSON,G.J. 29 POLLEN AND SPORES NO AGE GIVEN 740 PPROT0065 Proteacidites incurvatus PRESENT 1 29 283 9 5 90.0 90.0 219.00 225.90 3 HASKELL,T.R.;WILSON,G.J. 29 POLLEN AND SPORES NO AGE GIVEN 738 PCICA0020 Cicatricosisporites australiensis PRESENT 1 29 283 9 5 90.0 90.0 219.00 225.90 3 HASKELL,T.R.;WILSON,G.J. 29 POLLEN AND SPORES NO AGE GIVEN 738 PDENS0010 Densosporites velatus PRESENT 1 29 283 9 5 90.0 90.0 219.00 225.90 3 HASKELL,T.R.;WILSON,G.J. 29 POLLEN AND SPORES NO AGE GIVEN 738 PPROT0080 Proteacidites pachypolus PRESENT 1 29 283 13 5 64.0 64.0 371.00 377.64 1 HASKELL,T.R.;WILSON,G.J. 29 POLLEN AND SPORES NO AGE GIVEN 734 PPROT0010 Proteacidites sp. PRESENT 1