Leg : 25 Depth to Top of Core(m): 320.00 Piece:
Hole: 239 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1140/1220
Core: 20 Sample Depth: 321.18
Sect: 1 Analyst Name: Erlank, A.J.
Analytical Method(s):
X-Ray fluorescence X-Ray fluorescence X-Ray fluorescence
Alteration Rock type Rock name
SiO2 : 50.01 Al2O3: 15.20 Fe2O3(tot):
FeO(tot): Fe2O3: 3.81 FeO : 5.57
MgO : 6.70 CaO : 10.51 Na2O : 2.66
K2O : 0.368 TiO2 : 1.37 MnO : 0.143
P2O5 : 0.128 LOI : 1.092 H2O+ : 1.81
H2O- : CO2 : SO3 :
S : 0.022 Total: 99.393 Magnesium#:
Comments: LOI = LOSS AT 1050 C
Analysis NOT normalized to 100 1n source.
Analyses are NOT on a volatile-free basis.
Only total water given in source. H2O+ is total water.
H2O not partitioned.
Essential oxides quoted to .01
Laboratory analysis.
Data source is Initial Reports.
ship and at one or more shore laboratories or by different techniques.