Leg : 15 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1120/ 0 Analyst : Lowrie, W.
Hole: 152 Top of Core Depth(m) : 471.00 Piece No.:
Core: 23 Sample Midpoint(m) : 472.12 Lithology: Igneous
Sect: 1 Measurement was made : ONSHORE Source : Initial Reports
NRM Inclination Declination Mean Quality of Initial Koenig
Inten/exp NRM/Stable NRM/Stable Demag Orientation Sus/exp ratio
========= =========== =========== ===== =============== ======== ======
2.38/-3 17.2/ 223.4/ 102 3.54/-3 0.67
Therm Curie Saturation Coercive Remanent
Curve Temp Intensity Remanence Force Force Grain Size
===== ===== ========= ========= ======== ======== ==========
Leg : 15 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 670/ 0 Analyst : Lowrie, W.
Hole: 152 Top of Core Depth(m) : 474.00 Piece No.:
Core: 24 Sample Midpoint(m) : 474.67 Lithology: Igneous
Sect: 1 Measurement was made : ONSHORE Source : Initial Reports
NRM Inclination Declination Mean Quality of Initial Koenig
Inten/exp NRM/Stable NRM/Stable Demag Orientation Sus/exp ratio
========= =========== =========== ===== =============== ======== ======
1.68/-3 -7.1/ 108.4/ 127 3.33/-3 0.50
Therm Curie Saturation Coercive Remanent
Curve Temp Intensity Remanence Force Force Grain Size
===== ===== ========= ========= ======== ======== ==========
Leg : 15 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 750/ 0 Analyst : Lowrie, W.
Hole: 152 Top of Core Depth(m) : 474.00 Piece No.:
Core: 24 Sample Midpoint(m) : 476.25 Lithology: Igneous
Sect: 2 Measurement was made : ONSHORE Source : Initial Reports
NRM Inclination Declination Mean Quality of Initial Koenig
Inten/exp NRM/Stable NRM/Stable Demag Orientation Sus/exp ratio
========= =========== =========== ===== =============== ======== ======
8.32/-3 -21.5/ 145.7/ 196 3.46/-3 2.41
Therm Curie Saturation Coercive Remanent
Curve Temp Intensity Remanence Force Force Grain Size
===== ===== ========= ========= ======== ======== ==========