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Leg : 14 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 80/1500 Age: UPPER PLIOCENE Hole: 140 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 89.08 Age: UPPER PLIOCENE Core: 1 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 90.50 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.42 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 81 0 19 1.62/ 65 150 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-FORAM CHALK OOZE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH FORAMINIFERA RICH NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 14 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER PLIOCENE Hole: 140 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 90.50 Age: UPPER PLIOCENE Core: 1 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 92.00 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 61 0 0 1.58/ 67 158 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-FORAM CHALK OOZE Screen Lith : CHALK. Leg : 14 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER PLIOCENE Hole: 140 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 92.00 Age: UPPER PLIOCENE Core: 1 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 93.50 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 1.63/ 64 159 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-FORAM CHALK OOZE Screen Lith : CHALK. Leg : 14 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER PLIOCENE Hole: 140 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 93.50 Age: UPPER PLIOCENE Core: 1 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 95.00 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 90 0 0 1.58/ 67 159 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : NANNO-FORAM CHALK OOZE Screen Lith : CHALK. Leg : 14 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER PLIOCENE Hole: 140 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 95.00 Age: UPPER PLIOCENE Core: 1 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 96.50 Age: Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 86 0 14 1.62/ 64 159 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-FORAM CHALK OOZE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH NANNOFOSSIL CHALK Leg : 14 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: UPPER PLIOCENE Hole: 140 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 96.50 Age: UPPER PLIOCENE Core: 1 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 98.00 Age: Sect: 6 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 50 35 14 1.64/ 63 144 Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : NANNO-FORAM CHALK OOZE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH NANNOFOSSIL OOZE Leg : 14 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Hole: 140 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 201.27 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Core: 2 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 202.77 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 14 1.45/ 75 133 Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : MUD Leg : 14 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Hole: 140 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 202.77 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Core: 2 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 204.27 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 8 40 53 1.30/ 83 157 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : DIATOM MUD-OOZE Screen Lith : NANNOFOSSIL RICH DIATOM MUD Leg : 14 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Hole: 140 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 204.27 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Core: 2 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 205.77 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 8 0 0 1.45/ 74 158 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : DIATOM MUD-OOZE Screen Lith : SILICEOUS MUD. Leg : 14 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Hole: 140 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 205.77 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Core: 2 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 207.27 Age: Sect: 4 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 6 45 49 1.49/ 72 157 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : DIATOM MUD OOZE Screen Lith : DIATOM MUD Leg : 14 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Hole: 140 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 207.27 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Core: 2 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 208.77 Age: Sect: 5 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 1.39/ 78 157 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : DIATOM MUD OOZE Screen Lith : SILICEOUS MUD. Leg : 14 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Hole: 140 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 208.77 Age: LOWER MIOCENE Core: 2 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 210.27 Age: Sect: 6 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 8 50 42 1.43/ 76 148 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : DIATOM MUD OOZE Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH RADIOLARIA RICH DIATOM MUD Leg : 14 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Hole: 140 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 311.00 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Core: 3 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 312.50 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 42 1.47/ 73 155 Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : MUD Leg : 14 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Hole: 140 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 312.50 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Core: 3 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 314.00 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 42 1.62/ 65 150 Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : MUD Leg : 14 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1400 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Hole: 140 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 314.00 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Core: 3 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 315.40 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.40 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 42 1.58/ 67 139 Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : MUD Leg : 14 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 650 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Hole: 140 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 368.00 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Core: 4 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 368.65 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.65 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 42 / Processing Hist: Data incomplete; interpretation allowed manual encoding. Shipboard Lith : SLIGHTLY SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : MUD Leg : 14 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 800/1500 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Hole: 140 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 371.80 Age: MIDDLE EOCENE Core: 4 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 372.50 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.70 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 5 95 1.51/ 71 66 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SLIGHTLY SILTY CLAY Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH CLAY Leg : 14 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 0/ 0 Age: Hole: 140 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 427.10 Age: Core: 5 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 427.10 Age: Sect: CC Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.00 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 100 / Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : QUARTZ RICH SANDSTONE Leg : 14 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1220 Age: Hole: 140 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 510.00 Age: Core: 6 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 511.22 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.22 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 14 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/1500 Age: Hole: 140 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 511.50 Age: Core: 6 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 513.00 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.50 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 15 0 0 1.32/ 82 113 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 14 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1400/1500 Age: NO AGE GIVEN Hole: 140 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 586.40 Age: PALEOCENE Core: 7 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 586.50 Age: UPPER CRETACEOUS Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.10 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 / Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SHALE Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 14 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 330/ 480 Age: MAESTRICHTIAN Hole: 140 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 645.33 Age: MAESTRICHTIAN Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 645.48 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.15 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 1.56/ 68 8 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 14 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 480/ 850 Age: MAESTRICHTIAN Hole: 140 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 645.48 Age: MAESTRICHTIAN Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 645.85 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.37 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 1.71/ 59 39 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 14 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 850/ 960 Age: MAESTRICHTIAN Hole: 140 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 645.85 Age: MAESTRICHTIAN Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 645.96 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.11 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 100 1.73/ 58 12 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : FINE SILTY SAND Screen Lith : FELDSPAR RICH QUARTZ RICH SAND Leg : 14 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 960/1470 Age: MAESTRICHTIAN Hole: 140 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 645.96 Age: MAESTRICHTIAN Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 646.47 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.51 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 1.78/ 55 54 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 14 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1470/1500 Age: MAESTRICHTIAN Hole: 140 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 646.47 Age: MAESTRICHTIAN Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 646.50 Age: Sect: 1 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.03 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 100 1.19/ 90 1 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SILT Screen Lith : FELDSPAR RICH QUARTZ RICH SANDSTONE Leg : 14 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 110 Age: MAESTRICHTIAN Hole: 140 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 646.50 Age: MAESTRICHTIAN Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 646.61 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.11 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 1.65/ 63 10 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 14 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 110/ 290 Age: MAESTRICHTIAN Hole: 140 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 646.61 Age: MAESTRICHTIAN Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 646.79 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.18 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 100 1.62/ 65 16 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : SANDY SILT Screen Lith : FELDSPAR RICH QUARTZ RICH MUD Leg : 14 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 290/ 660 Age: MAESTRICHTIAN Hole: 140 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 646.79 Age: MAESTRICHTIAN Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 647.16 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.37 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 1.81/ 53 40 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 14 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 660/ 700 Age: MAESTRICHTIAN Hole: 140 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 647.16 Age: MAESTRICHTIAN Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 647.20 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.04 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 1.84/ 51 4 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SILTY SAND Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 14 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 700/ 950 Age: MAESTRICHTIAN Hole: 140 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 647.20 Age: MAESTRICHTIAN Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 647.45 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.25 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 100 1.81/ 53 27 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY Screen Lith : CLAY MINERAL RICH MUDSTONE Leg : 14 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 950/1000 Age: MAESTRICHTIAN Hole: 140 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 647.45 Age: MAESTRICHTIAN Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 647.50 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.05 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 1.83/ 52 5 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SILTY SAND AS AT 11-29CM Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 14 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 1000/1300 Age: MAESTRICHTIAN Hole: 140 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 647.50 Age: MAESTRICHTIAN Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 647.80 Age: Sect: 2 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.30 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 100 1.79/ 55 32 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY AS AT 0-11 CM Screen Lith : FELDSPAR RICH QUARTZ RICH SILT Leg : 14 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 00/ 130 Age: MAESTRICHTIAN Hole: 140 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 648.00 Age: MAESTRICHTIAN Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 648.13 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 0.13 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 0 0 0 1.73/ 58 11 Processing Hist: Shipboard Lith : SLIGHTLY CLAYEY SILT Screen Lith : CLASTIC SEDIMENT. Leg : 14 Top/Bottom Interval(mm) : 130/1500 Age: MAESTRICHTIAN Hole: 140 Depth Top of Layer(m) : 648.13 Age: MAESTRICHTIAN Core: 8 Depth Bottom of Layer(m): 649.50 Age: Sect: 3 Thickness of Layer(m) : 1.37 Average Percent G.R.A.P.E. Avg # G.R.A.P.E. Calcareous Siliceous Detrital Density/Porosity meas Avg'd ========== ========= ======== ================ ============ 1 0 99 1.74/ 57 146 Processing Hist: Classification was successful. Shipboard Lith : CLAY AND SILTY SAND Screen Lith : QUARTZ RICH SANDSTONE |
Cite as: Deep Sea Drilling Project (1989): Archive of Core and Site/Hole Data and Photographs from the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP). National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA. doi:10.7289/V54M92G2 [access date]
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