This is the aareadme.1st file in directory: /software This directory contains three subdirectories: freeform: This contains FreeForm data and formatting tools. You may find these handy. geovu: This contains GeoVu browse and visualization software for PCs, Macintoshes, and selected UNIX workstations. This software is accompanied by customization files for this CD-ROM. html: This contains part of the "plastic Website" contained on this CD-ROM. For more information on FreeForm and GeoVu, see the respective documentation directories in the freeform and geovu subdirectories. In addition, you may want more current versions of these and other tools available from NOAA's National Geophysical Data Center. (") NGDC's World Wide Website, and, more specifically, (http://www.ngdc.noaa .gov/seg") NGDC's website for its Solid Earth Geophysics Division contains a Website (currently called "Data Tools") that provides information, a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section, and access to NGDC's anonymous File Transfer Protocol (FTP) site for accessing current versions of these tools. As of the publication of this CD-ROM, the correct location of detailed information on Freeform and GeoVu was ( /dataswat/dataswat.html) here. However, Websites change frequently. If the previous link is inactive when you read this, please feel free to sleuth our website for the current location. The two previous locations (for NGDC's Home Page, or for its Solid Earth Geophysics Division) should lead you to a site on Data Tools, or something similar.