A New Product for Visualizing Energetic Particle Data from NOAA`s POES Satellites

Sample Movies for October - November 2003

Particle Type Cylindrical Orthographic Cylindrical Zip
MEPED E1, > 30 keV, Zenith (0°) play movie play movie

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MEPED E3, > 300 keV, Zenith (0°) play movie play movie

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MEPED E1, > 30 keV, Horizon (90°) play movie play movie

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MEPED E3, > 300 keV, Horizon (90°) play movie play movie

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MEPED P2, 80 - 240 keV, Zenith (0°) play movie play movie

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MEPED P4, 800 - 2500 keV, Zenith (0°) play movie play movie

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MEPED P6, > 6900 keV, Zenith (0°) play movie play movie

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MEPED P2, 80 - 240 keV, Horizon (90°) play movie play movie

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MEPED P4, 800 - 2500 keV, Horizon (90°) play movie play movie

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MEPED P6, > 6900, Horizon (90°) play movie play movie

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GOES satellites also give their view of this solar storm, follow this link then scroll down to The Great Halloween Solar Storm of 2003.